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Curriculum Vitae
Georgios Papadopoulos
Professor, School of Veterinary Sciences
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
1.3.0 (Α)
General Histology-Embryology Practical
Anatomy-Histology I Practise
Anatomy-Histology I Theory
Anatomy-Histology III Praactise
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
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Research Projects
Εκπαίδευση στην Ιστολογία
Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Νευροεπιστημών " Εγκέφαλος: από τα κύτταρα στη συμπεριφορά"
Συνέδριο: "Εγκέφαλος και κοινωνία: Υγεία, εκπαίδευση, τέχνη και τεχνολογία"
Μελέτη της ανατομικής, χημικής και φυσιολογικής οργάνωσης του αντανακλαστικού της καθόδου του γάλακτος στο πρόβατο
Φυλετικός διμορφισμός και ορμονική εξάρτηση των αστροκυττάρων και των νευρικών κυττάρων που περιέχουν πεπτίδια στο μεσοσκελιαίο πυρήνα του εγκεφάλου του επίμυος
Διερεύνηση των ανατομικών και φυσιολογικών σχέσεων μεταξύ μονοαμινεργικών και πεπτιδικών συστημάτων του φλοιού των εγκεφαλικών ημισφαιρίων
Μελέτη της Οργάνωσης του νευρορμονικού Αντανακλαστικού που προκαλεί την Κάθοδο του Γάλατος στους Μαστούς σε Πρόβατα Εγχώριων Φυλών και Πρόβατα Φυλής Φρισλανδίας
Journal Article
Bekiari Chryssa
Giannakopoulou Angeliki
Siskos Nikistratos
Grivas Ioannis
Tsingotjidou Anastasia
Michaloudi-Pavlou Eleni
Papadopoulos Georgios
Neurogenesis in the septal and temporal part of the adult rat dentate gyrus
vol.25 no.4 p.511-523
Journal Article
Giannakopoulou A
Grigoriadis N. C
Polyzoidou E
Touloumi O
Michaloudi H
Papadopoulos G. C
Inflammatory changes induced by transplanted neural precursor cells in a multiple sclerosis model
vol.22 no.2 p.68-72
Giannakopoulou A
Grigoriadis N. C
Polyzoidou E
Lourbopoulos A
Michaloudi H
Papadopoulos G. C
Time-dependent fate of transplanted neural precursor cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice
vol.230 no.1 p.16-26
Journal Article
Papadopoulos Georgios
Maes DGD
Janssens GPJ
Mineral accretion in nursing piglets in relation to sow performance and mineral source
Veterinarni Medicina
Journal Article
Michaloudi H
Batzios C
Chiotelli M
Papadopoulos G. C
Developmental changes of mast cell populations in the cerebral meninges of the rat
Journal of anatomy
vol.211 p.556-566
Journal Article
Michaloudi H
Batzios C
Grivas I
Chiotelli M
Papadopoulos G. C
Developmental changes in the vascular network of the rat visual areas 17, 18 an 18a
Developmental Brain Research
vol.1103 p.1-12
Conference Proceedings Article
Papadopoulos Georgios
Maes D
Verheyen A
Van Weyenberg S
Janssens GPJ
Relationship between milk production and selected parameters in urine of lactating sows
10th Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition
Journal Article
Michaloudi H
Grivas I
Batzios C
Chiotelli M
Papadopoulos G. C
Areal and laminar variations in the vascularity of the visual, auditory and entorhinal cortices of the developing rat brain
Developmental Brain Research
vol.155 p.60-70
Polizopoulou Z. S
Koutinas A. F
Souftas V. D
Kaldrymidou E
Kazakos G. M
Papadopoulos G. C
Diagnostic correlation of CT-MRI and histopathology in 10 dogs with brain neoplasms
Journal of Veterinary Medicine series A
vol.51 p.226-231
Journal Article
Denaxa M
Pavlou O
Tsiotra P
Papadopoulos G. C
Liapaki K
Theodorakis K
Papadaki C
Karagogeos D
Papamatheakis J
The upstream regulatory region of the gene for the human homologue of the adhesion molecule TAG-1 contains elements driving neural specific expression in vivo
Molecular Brain Research
Grivas I
Michaloudi H
Batzios C
Chiotelli M
Papatheodoropoulos C
Kostopoulos G
Papadopoulos G. C
Vascular network of the rat hippocampus is not homogeneous along the septotemporal axis
Brain Res
vol.971 p.245-249
Grivas Ioannis
Michaloudi H
Batzios Christos
Papatheodoropoulos C
Kostopoulos G
Papadopoulos Georgios
Vascular network of the rat hippocampus is not homogeneous along the septotemporal axis
Brain Research
vol.971 no.2 p.245-249
Michaloudi H
Grivas I
Batzios C
Chiotelli M
Papadopoulos G. C
Parallel development of blood vessels and mast cells in the lateral geniculate nuclei
Developmental Brain Research
vol.140 p.269-276
Polizopoulou Z. S
Koutinas A. F
Papadopoulos G. C
Saridomichelakis M. N
Juvenile laryngeal paralysis in three young Siberian husky X Alaskan malamute crossbreeds
Veterinary Record
vol.153 p.624-627
Tsingotjidou A. S
Papadopoulos G. C
Anatomic organization of the ascending branch of the milk-ejection reflex in sheep: primary afferent neurons
Journal of Comparative Neurology
vol.460 no.1 p.66-79
Journal Article
Kaldrymidou-Koutalianou Eleni
Polizopoulou Zoe S
Papaioannou Nikolaos
Koutinas Alexandros
Poutachidis Theofilos
Papadopoulos Georgios
Papillary meningioma in the dog: a clinicopathological study of two cases
Journal of Comparative Pathology
Journal Article
Kaldrymidou-Koutalianou Eleni
Polizopoulou Zoe S
Koutinas Alexandros
Papaioannou Nikolaos
Papadopoulos Georgios
Poutachidis Theofilos
Papillary Meningioma in the Cerebellum of a Cat
Jοurnal of Comparative Pathology
Vol.123 no.2–3 p.222–225
Conference Proceedings Article
Giannakopoulou A
Polyzoidou E
Grigoriadis N. C
Touloumi O
Lourbopoulos A
Papadopoulos G. C
Michaloudi H
Milonas I
Long-term migration and survival of transplanted neural stem cells in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
Multiple Sclerosis
vol.11 p.S137-S137
Updated: 2018-07-05