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Distinction Information
DescriptionCertificate for Best Presentation The paper of Labrina Gioti, with title: “Theories of Action and Theories-in-use of Adult Educators. Motivation, Obstacles and Individual Differences in Teachers’ Training” has been selected as the best presentation from all excellent presentations in 2018 International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL 2018) held in the Palau Heures, University of Barcelona, Spain, December 19-21, 2018.
Distinction TypePersonnel
Distinction LevelInternational
Awarded byThe Conference was organized by the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), in association with the International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET) and the International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT)and the University of Barcelona.
Distinction Date19-12-2018
Distinction StatusApproval
A/AFull NameRankFaculty / School
1Labrina GiotiAssistant ProfessorPrimary Education