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Distinction Information
DescriptionThe course «Travel journalism, communication and social media» Fani Galatsopoulou, Clio Kenterelidou, Department of Journalism & Mass Communications, is one of the three open academic courses (opencourses) of AUTH that were awarded as "Exceptional models of open courses". These 3 are courses that stand out in terms of richness of metadata modules and multimedia material while being presentable and technically perfect in regard to multimedia material. The value of the award above is confirmed by the fact that they were awarded among 3000 more Open Courses of 25 Academic Institutions (16 of which are universities),(in total 17 courses from nine institutions were awarded).
Distinction TypePersonnel
Distinction LevelNational
Awarded byGUnet
Distinction Date30-10-2015
Distinction StatusApproval
A/AFull NameRankFaculty / School
1Clio KenterelidouLaboratory Teaching StaffJournalism and Mass Communications
2Fani GalatsopoulouSpecial Teaching StaffJournalism and Mass Communications