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ΠΔ15Exegesis and Theology of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΠΔ17Reception History of the Old Testament in the New Testament and patristic tradition10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΚΔ37Language and Exegesis Issues of the New Testament.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΚΔ38Aspects of Exegesis and Theology of the Gospels.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΚΔ39Themes of New Testament Hermeneutics.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΚΔ40Aspects of Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles.4WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΘ49Themes in the History of the Ecumenical Movement.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΘ50Themes int the Interpretation of Dogmatic and Symbolic Texts of the Orthodox Church.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΘ47Theology and Modern Technologies.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΘ51Themes in Inter-Orthodox Relations and Inter-Christian Dialogues.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΙΕ40Sources of Church and Byzantine History.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΙΕ41Political Theory of Christianity.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΘ54Divine Eros. The Origins of Mystical Theology.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΙ21Sources of Canon Law.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΠΑ6Christian Pedagogics.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΗΚ01Marriage and Family. Ethical and Social Approach.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΙ22The Synodal Institution.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΛΤ19The Christian Church in the Orthodox Liturgical and Byzantine Arts Tradition.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΠΑ 10Educational Psychology.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΗΚ03Themes in Sociology of Christianity.10SSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΛΤ29Homiletics - Discourse and Art Aesthetics.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΠΑ7Teaching Methods and Techniques of the School Subjects of Peligious Education.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΗΚ04Themes in Social and Ecological Ethics.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΗΚ05Christianity, Political Economy and Social State.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΙ1Interpretation of the Sacred Canons.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP
ΔΙ2Schéseis Politeías kai Ekklīsías.10WSocial Theology and Christian CultureP