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Study Guide

FacultyHealth Sciences
Qualification AwardedMaster's Degree in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Programme of StudyPPS of School of Pharmacy (2014-)
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2018 - 2019
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload.
Master's Degree in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
PTYCHIO (Degree from a University in Greece or from a recognized foreign institution of equivalent status (Schools of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Agricultural, Chemical Engineering and similar) or from a Technological Education Institute).
Language Certificate (English preferred).
To obtain their qualification from the postgraduate studies programme (PSP) "Post Graduate Studies Program in Pharmaceutical sciences" of the Schools of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biology,Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Agricultural, Chemical Engineering and similar, students have to complete successfully the 4 semesters that correspond to 120 ECTS (according to the Greek Law 1466/13-8-2007, No 5/89656/B3, art. 1,2,3). They have to attend and complete successfully the exams of the 1st-2nd semesters courses (basic knowledge, scientific area, skill development) that correspond to 60 ECTS. During the 3rd and 4th semester, they have to submit a Master Thesis which they defend in public (60 ECTS).
The programme aims at providing high quality postgraduate studies and qualifies pharmacists for the development of pharmaceutical compounds, for Pharmaceutical Technology, drugs synthesis and drug s formulation, their bioavailability, biodegradation, metabolism, Biotechnology, Molecular Diagnostics, Pharmacocnosy, Plant pharmaceutical products.
The programme is organised to promote an interdisciplinary approach and produce skilled scientific personnel for research, public service and private sector protection as well as the social and economic development framework of Greece. The programme involves theoretical, laboratory and internship in a systemic approach and concern of drug, social health and sustainable development in terms of humanity.
The postgraduates of the IPSP are capable of handling Data bases (MS Access), bibliographic bases (e.g. Refworks), logistic platforms like Blackboard, remote sensing, simulation models, analyses, univariate, and multivariate analyses.
Upon completion in addition to the basic knowledge of their discipline and profession graduates are also able to: 1) apply knowledge in practice, 2) communicate in a second foreign language 3) search, process, analyse and synthesize data and information, use also the necessary technologies, 4) adapt to novel situations and make decisions, 5) work independently or in groups in international and/or interdisciplinary contexts, 6) generate new research ideas and design and manage projects,
7) respect diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 8) demonstrate social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, 9) reflect on themselves and on others critically, 10) promote free, inductive and deductive thinking.
Not applicable.
The qualification is a terminal award and allows access to doctoral studies.
A. A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the marks of each subject in the Hellenic higher education.
ΑΡΙΣΤΑ (Arista) Excellent : 8.50-10.00
ΛΙΑΝ ΚΑΛΩΣ (Lian Kalos) Very Good : 6.50-8.49
ΚΑΛΩΣ (Kalos) Good : 5.00-6.49
ΑΝΕΠΙΤΥΧΩΣ (Anepitichos) Fail: 0.00-5.99
Minimum passing grade : 6
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) (1 ECTS= 25-30 hours) (according to the Greek Law 1466/13-8-2007, No 5/89656/B3, art. 1,2,3). To each course is given a number of ECTS (>=2) according to the studentwork load (contact hours, laboratory work, examination etc) for the full completion of the course.
Full - time
Professor D. Hadjipavlou-Litina