Faculty | Engineering |
School | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Qualification Awarded | Δίπλωμα Ηλεκτρολόγου Μηχανικού και Μηχανικού Υπολογιστών (ΗΜΜΥ), Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Programme of Study | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Cycle / Level | 1st / Undergraduate |
Academic Year | 2024 - 2025 |
Status | Active |
Website | https://ece.auth.gr |
Contact email | info@ece.auth.gr |
Calendar | URL |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
004 | Structured Programming | 5 | COR | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
016 | Electronics I | 6 | COR | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
019 | Electronics IΙ | 6 | COR | en | |
020 | Probability Theory and Statistics | 6 | COR | en | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
040 | High Voltage Engineering I | 5 | ELC | en | en |
041 | Heat Transfer | 4 | ELC | en | |
042 | Introduction to Applications of Nuclear Technology | 4 | ELC | en | en |
043 | Semiconductor Materials: Theory - Devices | 4 | ELC | en | |
044 | Data Analysis | 5 | ELC | en | en |
047 | Electronics III | 6 | ELC | en | |
053 | Time Series | 4 | ELC | en | en |
075 | Architecture of Advanced Computers and Accelerators | 5 | ELC | en | |
101 | Geoelectromagnetism | 4 | ELC | en | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
040 | High Voltage Engineering I | 5 | ELC | en | en |
041 | Heat Transfer | 4 | ELC | en | |
042 | Introduction to Applications of Nuclear Technology | 4 | ELC | en | en |
043 | Semiconductor Materials: Theory - Devices | 4 | ELC | en | |
044 | Data Analysis | 5 | ELC | en | en |
047 | Electronics III | 6 | ELC | en | |
053 | Time Series | 4 | ELC | en | en |
075 | Architecture of Advanced Computers and Accelerators | 5 | ELC | en | |
101 | Geoelectromagnetism | 4 | ELC | en | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
040 | High Voltage Engineering I | 5 | ELC | en | en |
041 | Heat Transfer | 4 | ELC | en | |
042 | Introduction to Applications of Nuclear Technology | 4 | ELC | en | en |
043 | Semiconductor Materials: Theory - Devices | 4 | ELC | en | |
044 | Data Analysis | 5 | ELC | en | en |
047 | Electronics III | 6 | ELC | en | |
053 | Time Series | 4 | ELC | en | en |
075 | Architecture of Advanced Computers and Accelerators | 5 | ELC | en | |
101 | Geoelectromagnetism | 4 | ELC | en | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
070 | High Voltage Engineering II | 5 | ELC | en | en |
071 | Lightning Protection and Earthing Systems | 4 | ELC | en | en |
072 | Electric Power Plants | 4 | ELC | en | |
087 | Telecommunication Electronics | 5 | ELC | en | |
094 | Electroacoustics II | 4 | ELC | en | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
070 | High Voltage Engineering II | 5 | ELC | en | en |
071 | Lightning Protection and Earthing Systems | 4 | ELC | en | en |
072 | Electric Power Plants | 4 | ELC | en | |
087 | Telecommunication Electronics | 5 | ELC | en | |
094 | Electroacoustics II | 4 | ELC | en | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
070 | High Voltage Engineering II | 5 | ELC | en | en |
071 | Lightning Protection and Earthing Systems | 4 | ELC | en | en |
072 | Electric Power Plants | 4 | ELC | en | |
087 | Telecommunication Electronics | 5 | ELC | en | |
094 | Electroacoustics II | 4 | ELC | en | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
108 | Insulation Coordination - Protection against Overvoltages | 4 | ELC | en | en |
116 | Design of VLSI Systems | 5 | ELC | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
108 | Insulation Coordination - Protection against Overvoltages | 4 | ELC | en | en |
116 | Design of VLSI Systems | 5 | ELC | en |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type | Lang. Instr. | Lang. Exam. |
108 | Insulation Coordination - Protection against Overvoltages | 4 | ELC | en | en |
116 | Design of VLSI Systems | 5 | ELC | en |