Faculty | Philosophy |
School | Philosophy and Education |
Qualification Awarded | Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης, Μ.Δ.Ε. (Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis – Second-cycle degree of specialization) equivalent to a ‘Master’ Degree. |
Programme of Study | PPS Philosophy |
Cycle / Level | 2nd / Postgraduate |
Academic Year | 2016 - 2017 |
Status | Active |
Website | http://www.edlit.auth.gr |
Contact email | info@edlit.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΚΔΞΓ-ΣΑΕ | Writing Academic Tasks In German Language | 1 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΚΔΞΓ-ΣΑΕ | Writing Academic Tasks In German Language | 1 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΦΙΜ 122 | Pseudologia Politica | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΙΜ 123 | Aristotle's "Mετά τα φυσικά" A | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΙΜ 124 | Free Will | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΙΜ 125 | Philosophy of Language: Language and Metaphysics | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΣΜ 115 | Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement) | 10 | ELC |
ΦΣΜ 116 | Franz Kafka: anxiety and power | 10 | ELC |
ΦΣΜ 119 | KARL MARX: Criticism of the political economy | 10 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΦΙΜ 122 | Pseudologia Politica | 10 | ELC |
ΦΙΜ 123 | Aristotle's "Mετά τα φυσικά" A | 10 | ELC |
ΦΙΜ 124 | Free Will | 10 | ELC |
ΦΙΜ 125 | Philosophy of Language: Language and Metaphysics | 10 | ELC |
ΦΣΜ 115 | Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement) | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΣΜ 116 | Franz Kafka: anxiety and power | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΣΜ 119 | KARL MARX: Criticism of the political economy | 10 | ELCOMS |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΦΙΜ 104 | Philosophical bases of literary criticism | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΙΜ 105 | Aristotle, "Physics" | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΙΜ 121 | Plato, Republic | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΣΜ 109 | Political Philosophy IΙ | 10 | ELC |
ΦΣΜ 115 | Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement) | 10 | ELC |
ΦΣΜ 117 | The logic of imaginary and the western nihilism | 10 | ELC |
ΦΣΜ 118 | Force and Substance in the Philosophy of Leibniz | 10 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΦΙΜ 104 | Philosophical bases of literary criticism | 10 | ELC |
ΦΙΜ 105 | Aristotle, "Physics" | 10 | ELC |
ΦΙΜ 121 | Plato, Republic | 10 | ELC |
ΦΣΜ 109 | Political Philosophy IΙ | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΣΜ 115 | Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement) | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΣΜ 117 | The logic of imaginary and the western nihilism | 10 | ELCOMS |
ΦΣΜ 118 | Force and Substance in the Philosophy of Leibniz | 10 | ELCOMS |