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Study Guide

SchoolPhilosophy and Education
Qualification AwardedΜεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης, Μ.Δ.Ε. (Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis – Second-cycle degree of specialization) equivalent to a ‘Master’ Degree.
Programme of StudyPPS Philosophy
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2016 - 2017
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

History of Philosophy
1st semester
1 class
ΚΔΞΓ-ΣΑΕWriting Academic Tasks In German Language1ELC
Systematic Philosophy
1st semester
1 class
ΚΔΞΓ-ΣΑΕWriting Academic Tasks In German Language1ELC

Courses of the Winter semester

History of Philosophy
Winter semester
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 122Pseudologia Politica10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 123Aristotle's "Mετά τα φυσικά" A10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 124Free Will10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 125Philosophy of Language: Language and Metaphysics10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10ELC
ΦΣΜ 116Franz Kafka: anxiety and power10ELC
ΦΣΜ 119KARL MARX: Criticism of the political economy10ELC
Systematic Philosophy
Winter semester
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 122Pseudologia Politica10ELC
ΦΙΜ 123Aristotle's "Mετά τα φυσικά" A10ELC
ΦΙΜ 124Free Will10ELC
ΦΙΜ 125Philosophy of Language: Language and Metaphysics10ELC
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 116Franz Kafka: anxiety and power10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 119KARL MARX: Criticism of the political economy10ELCOMS

Courses of the Spring semester

History of Philosophy
Spring semester
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 104Philosophical bases of literary criticism10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 105Aristotle, "Physics"10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 121Plato, Republic10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 109Political Philosophy IΙ10ELC
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10ELC
ΦΣΜ 117The logic of imaginary and the western nihilism10ELC
ΦΣΜ 118Force and Substance in the Philosophy of Leibniz10ELC
Systematic Philosophy
Spring semester
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 104Philosophical bases of literary criticism10ELC
ΦΙΜ 105Aristotle, "Physics"10ELC
ΦΙΜ 121Plato, Republic10ELC
ΦΣΜ 109Political Philosophy IΙ10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 117The logic of imaginary and the western nihilism10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 118Force and Substance in the Philosophy of Leibniz10ELCOMS