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Study Guide

SchoolPhilosophy and Education
Qualification AwardedΜεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης, Μ.Δ.Ε. (Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis – Second-cycle degree of specialization) equivalent to a ‘Master’ Degree.
Programme of StudyPPS Philosophy
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2019 - 2020
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Courses of the Winter semester

History of Philosophy
Winter semester
8 classes
ΦΙΜ 104Philosophical bases of literary criticism10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 126Philosophy of Language; Language, understanding and interpretation10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 140Democracy: Institutions and ideology10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 145Aristotle's "Physics": Aristotle's Conception of Nature and his Dynamic Model of the Natural World10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 128From Kant to Hegel 10ELC
ΦΣΜ 129Elytis's metaphysics10ELC
ΦΣΜ 130The Metaphysics of Descartes10ELC
ΦΣΜ 134Environmental Ethics10ELC
Systematic Philosophy
Winter semester
8 classes
ΦΙΜ 104Philosophical bases of literary criticism10ELC
ΦΙΜ 126Philosophy of Language; Language, understanding and interpretation10ELC
ΦΙΜ 140Democracy: Institutions and ideology10ELC
ΦΙΜ 145Aristotle's "Physics": Aristotle's Conception of Nature and his Dynamic Model of the Natural World10ELC
ΦΣΜ 128From Kant to Hegel 10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 129Elytis's metaphysics10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 130The Metaphysics of Descartes10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 134Environmental Ethics10ELCOMS

Courses of the Spring semester

History of Philosophy
Spring semester
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 136Aristotle, "On the Soul"10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 141The Myths of Plato10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 142In search on dignity10ELCOMS
ΦΙΜ 143Neoplatonic interpretations of Plato's 'Parmenides'10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 131The 'death of God' and the metaphysical man10ELC
ΦΣΜ 132Eisagōgī stīn Aristotelikī theōría tou óntos10ELC
ΦΣΜ 133The Concepts of Sign, Writting and Language in the Twentieth-Century French Philosophy and Theory of Literature10ELC
Systematic Philosophy
Spring semester
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 136Aristotle, "On the Soul"10ELC
ΦΙΜ 141The Myths of Plato10ELC
ΦΙΜ 142In search on dignity10ELC
ΦΙΜ 143Neoplatonic interpretations of Plato's 'Parmenides'10ELC
ΦΣΜ 131The 'death of God' and the metaphysical man10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 132Eisagōgī stīn Aristotelikī theōría tou óntos10ELCOMS
ΦΣΜ 133The Concepts of Sign, Writting and Language in the Twentieth-Century French Philosophy and Theory of Literature10ELCOMS