Faculty | Sciences |
School | Chemistry |
Qualification Awarded | Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis (Postgraduate Diploma of Specialisation)(Master Degree) |
Programme of Study | PPS of School of Chemistry (2014-2015) |
Cycle / Level | 2nd / Postgraduate |
Academic Year | 2017 - 2018 |
Status | Active |
Website | http://www.chem.auth.gr/ |
Contact email | info@chem.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ011 | Synthesis and Technological Applications of Inorganic Compounds | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ012 | Characterization Techniques of Inorganic Compounds and Materials | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ013 | Chemistry and Applications of Radioactive Isotopes and Radiations | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ031 | Nucleic acids structure and function | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ032 | Structure and function of proteins | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ033 | Laboratory techniques in Biochemistry | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ091 | Methods of Polymer Production | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ092 | Polymer Classes - Biopolymers | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ093 | Methods of Polymer Characterization | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ021 | Molecular Quantum Chemistry | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ022 | Symmetry, Group Theory and Spectroscopy | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ023 | Calculation of molecular physicochemical properties and their visualization | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ041 | Organic Synthesis I | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ042 | Physical Organic Chemistry | 5 | COR |
ΜΧ043 | Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds | 5 | COR |
ΜΧ052 | Separation Techniques in Chemical Analysis | 10 | ELC |
ΜΧ072 | Methods of Materials Characterization | 10 | ELC |
ΜΧ091 | Methods of Polymer Production | 10 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ061 | Advanced Environmental Chemistry | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ062 | Advanced Environmental Pollution Control | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ063 | Depollution and management of water and wastes | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ071 | Chemistry of Materials: An Introduction | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ072 | Methods of Materials Characterization | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ073 | Physical Chemistry of Interfaces | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Η04 | Food Chemistry I | 5 | COR |
ΜΧ101 | Chemical/Biochemical Changes in Foods I | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ102 | Physicochemistry of Food Dispersion Systems | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ103 | Biotechnological Production of Food and their Constituents | 5 | COR |
ΜΧ104 | Food Legislation - HACCP | 5 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ051 | Spectrometric and Automated Techniques in Chemical Analysis | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ052 | Separation Techniques in Chemical Analysis | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ053 | Electroanalytical Techniques in Chemical Analysis | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ111 | Didactics of Physical Sciences | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ112 | Current pedagogical approaches and organization of teaching | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ113 | Teaching approaches of Chemistry Topics | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Κ402 | Laboratory of Industrial Processes | 5 | COR |
ΜΧ081 | Chemical Technology Principles | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ082 | Separation Technologies | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ083 | Catalytic and Bio/processes | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ014 | Inorganic Compounds with Biological Relevance | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ015 | Molecular Photochemistry and Catalysis | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ016 | Inorganic Nanomaterials | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ034 | Special topics in Biochemistry | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ035 | Molecular Biotechnology | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ036 | Molecular mechanisms of metabolism regulation | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ094 | Polymer Technology | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ095 | Textile fibers - Dyeing Technology | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ096 | Composite and Nanocomposite materials | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ024 | Electron Correlation and (de)localized description of molecular systems | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ025 | Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ026 | Molecular Modeling of Biosystems | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ044 | Organic Synthesis II | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ045 | Natural Products Chemistry | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ046 | Medicinal Chemistry | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ055 | Quality Management and Chemometrics | 10 | ELC |
ΜΧ064 | Environmental Analytical Methods | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ065 | Environmental impact assessments - Geographical Information Systems for Environmental Pollution Control | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ084 | Advanced Environmental Technology | 10 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ074 | Electrochemistry of Materials | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ075 | Catalytic Materials in Energy and Environmental Applications | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ076 | Principles of Electrochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry of Semiconducting Materials | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ055 | Quality Management and Chemometrics | 10 | ELC |
ΜΧ105 | Chemical/Biochemical Changes in Foods II | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ106 | Chemical and Biological Food Safety | 5 | COR |
ΜΧ107 | Sensory Evaluation of Food | 5 | COR |
ΜΧ108 | New Product Design and Standardization of Traditional Food Products | 10 | ELC |
ΜΧ109 | Advances in Human Nutrition Science | 10 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ034 | Special topics in Biochemistry | 10 | ELC |
ΜΧ054 | Bioanalytical Chemistry | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ055 | Quality Management and Chemometrics | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ064 | Environmental Analytical Methods | 10 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ114 | Experiments and related applications of new technologies in teaching of Chemistry | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ115 | History and epistemology of Chemistry | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ116 | Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Chemistry teaching | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ084 | Advanced Environmental Technology | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ085 | Simulation & Optimization of Processes | 10 | COR |
ΜΧ086 | Technology of Inorganic Materials - Corrosion and Protection | 10 | ELC |
ΜΧ087 | Design of Chemical Industrial Plants and Environmental Management | 10 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΧ007 | Postgraduate MSc Thesis | 30 | COR |