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Study Guide

FacultyAgriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment
SchoolForestry and Natural Environment
Qualification AwardedΠτυχίο Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος (Ptychio Dasologias kai Fysikou Perivallontos/Diploma in Forestry and Natural Environment)
Programme of StudyUPS School of Forestry and Natural Environment (2009-today)
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Academic Year2017 - 2018
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
12 classes
003ΕΑPetrography-General & Engineering Geology3ELC
005ΕGeneral Chemistry3ELC
005ΥGeneral Botany-Morphology4COR
007ΥMeteorology and Climatology5COR
009ΥTechnical Drawing3COR
011ΥEnglish I2FL
017ΥGerman I2COR
071ΥGreek I2COR

Courses of the 2nd semester

2nd semester
12 classes
02RUSSRussian Language2ELC
002ΥGeneral Soil Science5COR
004ΥGeneral Botany-Physiology4COR
006ΕΑIntroduction to Forest Informatics3ELC
006ΥPolitical Economy3COR
008ΥMechanical Sciences-Applied Mechanics5COR
010ΥEnglish II2COR
016ΥGerman II2COR
22GERGerman Language A12ELC
074ΥGreek II2COR

Courses of the 3rd semester

3rd semester
13 classes
03RUSSRussian Language (A2A)2ELC
019ΥForest Botany I (Spermophytes Systematics)5COR
023ΥForest Soil Science5COR
025ΥForest Biometry I5COR
029ΥEnglish III2COR
035ΥGerman II2COR
055ΥRangeland Ecology5COR
073ΥGreek III2COR
213ΕWildlife Biology3ELC
301ΕBuilding and Construction Materials3ELC
303ΕΑPhysical Geography - Geomorphology3ELC
501ΕPhysiology of Forest Trees3ELC

Courses of the 4th semester

4th semester
19 classes
04RUSSRussian Language (A2Β)2ELC
018ΥForest Botany II (Trees-Shrubs)5COR
024ΥForest Biometry II6COR
026ΥForest Plant Sociology2COR
028ΥEnglish IV2COR
034ΥGerman IV2COR
076ΥGreek IV2COR
080ΥGeneral Hydraulics & Hydrology,Potamology6COR
082ΥForest Opening Up and Wood Transport5COR
204ΕForage Plants3ELC
214ΕFreshwater Ecology3ELC
401ΠForest Botany-Forest Plant Sociology0PRT
402ΠRangeland Ecology0PRT
403ΠGeneral Hydraulics and Hydrology, Potamology0PRT
405ΠForest Soil Science0PRT
418ΕEconomics of Natural Resources3ELC
502ΕForest Soil Fertility3ELC

Courses of the 5th semester

5th semester
18 classes
037ΥForest Road Construction5COR
039ΥGeneral Silviculture (Forest Ecology)5COR
041ΥForest Protection Ι (Forest Pathology)5COR
043ΥWood Structure and Properties5COR
045ΥForest Genetics5COR
047ΥEnglish V2COR
053ΥGerman V2COR
075ΥGreek V2COR
079ΥForest Informatics I5COR
111ΕForest Ergonomics3ELC
201ΕRangeland Ecophysiology3ELC
206ΕGenetic Improvement of Range Species3ELC
211ΕΑAvian Ecology3ELC
302ΕSoil Mechanics and Foundations3ELC
305ΕForest Cadastre3ELC
317ΕMachinery Application in Torrent Management and Forest Engineering Works3ELC
601ΕHistory of Forest Vegetation3ELC

Courses of the 6th semester

6th semester
26 classes
04GERMGerman Language A1B2ELC
036ΥGenetic Improvement of Forest Species5COR
038ΥApplied Silviculture5COR
040ΥForest Protection ΙΙ (Forest Entomology)5COR
042ΥForest Products Harvesting4COR
044ΥForest Aerial Photography5COR
046ΥEnglish VI2COR
052ΥGerman VI2COR
078ΥGreek VI2COR
084ΥForest Informatics II5COR
102ΕWood Indentification 3ELC
116ΕWood Quality3ELC
207ΕWetlands Ecology3ELC
215ΕGame Propagation - Hunting Reserves Management3ELC
218ΕRangeland Protection and Landscaping3ELC
306ΕForest Constructions3ELC
308ΕTechnical Works & Natural Environment3ELC
314ΕForest Hydrology and Water Resources3ELC
422ΕInformatics - Multimedia Applications3ELC
602ΕTechnical Works & Natural Environment3ELC
602ΠForest Protection0PRT
603ΠForest Genetics0PRT
605ΠForest Utilisation0PRT
606ΠForest Road Construction0PRT
612EFlora and Vegetation of Greece3ELC

Courses of the 7th semester

7th semester
14 classes
057ΥForest Management I5COR
059ΥMountain Hydronomics Ι (Torrent Management and Control Ι)5COR
061ΥForest Economics I5COR
064ΥWood Technology5COR
077ΥWildlife Management5COR
115ΕEuropean and Tropical Timbers3ELC
217ΕRange Landscape Ecology 3ELC
404ΕPublic Relations3ELC
509ΕSoil Classification and Forest Soil Mapping 3ELC
517ΕEnvironmental Remote Sensing3ELC
519ΕEnvironmental Geographic Information Systems3ELC
604ΕConservation of Forest Genetic Resources3ELC
611ΕTrees & Shrubs of Parks and Tree-Rows3ELC

Courses of the 8th semester

8th semester
29 classes
008ΕEntrepreneurship and Innovation3ELC
056ΥForest Management II5COR
058ΥMountain Hydronomics ΙI (Torrent Management and Control ΙΙ)5COR
060ΥForest Economics II5COR
062ΥNurseries - Reforestations4COR
063ΥChemistry & Wood Chemical Products4COR
068ΥRange Management and Improvement5COR
103ΕWood Preservation and Improvement3ELC
105ΕWood Products-Standardization3ELC
106ΕTechnology of Glued Wood Products3ELC
210ΕRangeland Management Systems3ELC
216ΕBiology of Freshwater Fisheries3ELC
402ΕForestry Extensions3ELC
406ΕForest Evaluation and Accounting3ELC
410ΕEnvironmental Policy and Education3ELC
420ΕEnvironmental Education3ELC
505ΕGenetic Improvement of Fast Growing Forest Species & Ornamental Trees3ELC
506ΕForest Land Mapping3ELC
515ΕAromatic, Pharmaceutical and bee-foraging plants3ELC
605ΕGenetics of Forest Species Tolerance to Environmental Pollution3ELC
608ΕUrban Silviculture3ELC
801ΔPractical training in state forest stations2PRT
801ΠTorrent Management and Control0PRT
802ΠForest Biometry0PRT
803ΠForest Management0PRT
804ΠRange Management 0PRT
805ΠForest Technology0PRT
807ΠForest Economics0PRT
808ΠWildlife Management0PRT

Courses of the 9th semester

9th semester
21 classes
027ΥFreshwater Fisheries5COR
054ΥNature Conservation & Forest Landscaping 4COR
065ΥForest Policy I5COR
069ΥForest Fires5COR
081ΥForest Recreation5COR
101ΕWood Products Technology & Wood Mechanical Processing3ELC
107ΕEconomics of Forest Industries3ELC
109ΕMarketing of Forest Products3ELC
117ΕWood Adhesion and Adhesives 3ELC
205ΕRangelands Techniques3ELC
212ΕRange Animal Nutrition3ELC
311ΕDam Construction3ELC
313ΕSnow, Skiing Centres3ELC
401ΕFinancing in Forestry3ELC
403ΕOrganization & Administration of Forest Industries3ELC
409ΕMarketing of Forest Products3ELC
413ΕDidactic of Environmental Education3ELC
415ΕComputer Networks in Forestry3ELC
511ΕSpecial Applied Silviculture3ELC
607ΕEnvironmental Chemistry3ELC
609ΕPollution of the Natural Environment3ELC

Courses of the 10th semester

10th semester
15 classes
066ΥForest Policy II5COR
072ΥForest Law3COR
085ΕStudents Intership of A.U.Th3ELC
110ΕForest Industries3ELC
202ΕFish Culture3ELC
220ΕImprovement of Rangeland Infrastructure3ELC
307ΕApplied Hydraulics and Hydraulic Works (Hydronomics)3ELC
312ΕTorrent, River and Lake Environmental Management3ELC
320ΕImprovement of Rangeland Infrastructure3ELC
408ΕRegional Development3ELC
412ΕEconomics of Forest Enterprises3ELC
508ΕForest Management Plan3ELC
513ΕComparative Forest Legislation3ELC
610ΕMethods and Means for Forest Fire Suppression3ELC

Courses of the Winter semester

Winter semester
1 class
03ERTraineeshipGeoinformation Systems and Landscape Architecture0Erasm

Courses of the Spring semester

Spring semester
2 classes
03ERTraineeshipGeoinformation Systems and Landscape Architecture0Erasm
04ERMGR-A1Modern Greek Language A1 3ΕΧ