Faculty | Theology |
School | Theology |
Qualification Awarded | ΠΤΥΧΙΟ ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ - Εισαγωγική Κατεύθυνση Μουσουλμανικών Σπουδών (Ptychio Theologias - Islamic Studies) (Degree in Theology - Islamic Studies) |
Programme of Study | PPS Tm. THeologías - Eisagōgikī Kateýthynsī Mousoulmanikṓn Spoudṓn (EKMS 2016-sīmera) |
Cycle / Level | 1st / Undergraduate |
Academic Year | 2018 - 2019 |
Status | Active |
Website | www.auth.gr/theo |
Contact email | info-islam-studies@theo.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Υ101 | Islamic History and Theology I (Early and the Middle Ages ) | 5 | COR |
Υ102 | Qur’an and Commentaries (Classical Tafsir Formation) | 5 | COR |
Υ103 | Introduction to the Abrahamic Religions | 5 | COR |
Υ104 | Religions and Societies in the Middle East | 5 | COR |
Υ105 | Arabic I A1 | 4 | COR |
Υ107 | English I C1 | 2 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Υ201 | Islamic History and Theology II (Modern) | 5 | COR |
Υ202 | Qur’an and Commentaries II (Classical Tafsir) | 5 | COR |
Υ203 | Muslim Tradition I (Sunna) | 5 | COR |
Υ204 | Islam in the Balkans and Greece | 5 | COR |
Υ205 | Arabic II A1 | 4 | COR |
Υ207 | English II C1 | 2 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Υ301 | Islamic History and Theology III (Contemporary) | 5 | COR |
Υ302 | Qur’an and Commentaries III (Contemporary Tafsir) | 5 | COR |
Υ303 | Μuslim Tradition II (Sunna) | 5 | COR |
Υ304 | The Transmition of the Greek Letters to the Arab-islamic Philosophy | 5 | COR |
Υ305 | Arabic III A2 | 4 | COR |
Υ307 | English III C2 | 2 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Υ401 | Qur’an and Commentaries IV (Contemporary Tafsir) | 5 | COR |
Υ402 | Muslim Tradition III (Sunna) | 5 | COR |
Υ403 | Sacred Space, Art and Architecture | 5 | COR |
Υ404 | Theory and Method of the Scientific Study of Religion | 5 | COR |
Υ405 | Arabic IV A2 | 4 | COR |
Υ407 | English IV C2 | 2 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Υ501 | Qur’an and Commentaries V | 5 | COR |
Υ502 | Introduction to Pedagogics | 4 | COR |
Υ503 | Holy Texts and Translation Issues | 4 | COR |
Υ504 | Introduction to the Orthodox Theology | 4 | COR |
Υ505 | World Religions | 4 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Υ602 | Islamic Mysticism and Political Islam | 5 | COR |
Υ603 | Religious Freedom in Greece and Europe | 5 | COR |
Υ604 | History and Methodology of the Islamic Law | 6 | COR |
Υ605 | Didactics and Technologies | 5 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
Υ705 | Islam and Education | 5 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΠΕ003 | Instructional Design | 3 | ComSC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
1833 | The formative period of Islam | 3 | ELC |
2050 | The conversion to Christianity during the first centuries: From St. Paul to St. Augustine | 3 | ELC |
2114 | Iconoclasm: History - Art | 3 | ELC |
2172 | The mission of the Orthodox Church in the Contemporary World | 3 | ELC |
2196 | Pastoral Theology and Scientific Ethics | 3 | ELC |
7778 | Modern Hebrew (A1).2 | 3 | ELC |
7780 | Modern Hebrew (A2.2) | 3 | ELC |
ΕΠ001 | Ιslam in Byzantine and Post Byzantine Literature | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ003 | The Bosnian Islam. History and Evolution | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ005 | Gender, Religion and Politics | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ006 | Relations between Christians and Muslims in the Ottoman Empire | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ009 | Persian ΙΙ Α2 | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ011 | Persian ΙV Β2 | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ013 | Arabic VΙ Β1 | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ015 | Arabic VΙΙΙ Β2 | 4 | ELC |
ΕΠ017 | Greek II C1 | 2 | ELC |
ΕΠ019 | Greek IV C2 | 2 | ELC |