To obtain the Diploma of the School of Civil Engineering, students are required to attend and successfully complete 58 courses corresponding to at least 300 ECTS credits.The examination can be written, oral or by the delivery of a project.42 of these courses are core compulsory courses and 16 are elective courses. Some of the elective courses are compulsory for the specialization area that the student will choose. The courses cover 10 semesters and the students are required to select, prepare and present a research diploma thesis. The grade of the diploma thesis is equivalent to the grades of 12 courses. The four specialization areas of the School of Civil Engineering are:(A) Division of Structural Engineering, (B) Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, (C) Division of Geotechnical Engineering, (D) Division of Transportation and Project Management. Each of the four Divisions of the School of Civil Engineering corresponds to one basic specialization area.
The aim of the study program offered by the School of Civil Engineering is to initially provide the graduates with the necessary knowledge, so as to acquire a serious theoretical background. Furthermore, the direction of the teaching courses is towards the main subject of Civil Engineering, as defined by modern technical, social and economic reality.
The core compulsory courses are spread over the first 7 and part of the 8th semester. The specialization, which begins in the 8th semester, continues through the 9th and the 10th semester with the attendance of courses, and is completed in the 10th semester with the elaboration of the diploma thesis that has a research character and lasts one semester, in the division that the student has selected. However, it is possible for the student to select and prepare an interdisciplinary diploma thesis with the collaboration of professors from different divisions of the School.
Generic competences of graduates of the School of Civil Engineering
Graduates of the School of Civil Engineering, upon successful completion of the study programme requirements, further to the basic knowledge of their science and their profession, have also been trained so as to have the ability to 1) apply their knowledge in practice, 2) communicate in a second foreign language, 3) search, analyze and synthesize data and information using also the necessary technologies, 4) adapt to novel situations and make decisions, 5) work independently or in groups in international and/or interdisciplinary contexts, 6) generate new research ideas, design and manage projects, 7) respect the diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 8) demonstrate social professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity on gender issues, 9) view themselves as well as others critically, 10) promote inductive and deductive thinking.
Specific competences of graduates of the School of Civil Engineering
The specific competences of the graduates of the School of Civil Engineering are the sum of the content and the learning outcomes of the core compulsory courses of the study program. The additional specific competences of each graduate are the sum of the content and the learning outcomes of the elective courses that the student has attended with success, and of the subject of the research diploma thesis that the student has prepared during the 10th semester of his studies. The mentioned above specific competences of the graduates are in each case integrated in one of the basic specialization areas of the School: (A) Structural Engineering, (B) Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, (C) Geotechnical Engineering, (D) Transportation and Project Management .