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Study Guide

Qualification AwardedPtychio (Bachelor's Degree)
Programme of StudyPPS Tmīmatos PSychologías (2017-sīmera)
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Academic Year2016 - 2017
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 26 hours of workload.
Ptychio (Bachelor's Degree)
Secondary Education Graduation Certificate. National Admission Examinations to Higher Education administered by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
The Undergraduate Studies Program of the School of Psychology is a full-time eight (8) semester program leading to the award of a Degree in Psychology and requires a minimum of 240 ECTS credits for graduation distributed over 8 semesters as follows: 96 ΕCTS credits from 16 compulsory psychology courses, at least 92 ECTS credits from optional psychology courses for students who undertake a diploma thesis or at least 112 ECTS credits for students who do not undertake a diploma thesis, 12 ECTS credits from foreign language, up to 10 ECTS credits from free elective courses, 10 ECTS credits for internship, and 20 ECTS credits for diploma thesis, which is optional.
Upon successful completion of the program requirements, graduates acquire comprehensive theoretical knowledge in a wide range of basic and specialized areas in psychology, such as neuropsychology, experimental, biological, cognitive, developmental, educational, school, counselling, social, organizational and clinical psychology. Graduates of the program are expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes:
Α. Scientific knowledge and skills in (i) searching, reviewing and critically evaluating the relevant literature, (ii) designing research studies from diverse methodological approaches, (iii) analyzing empirical data using quantitative and qualitative techniques, (iv) evaluating and interpreting research findings and (v) using new information technologies in all the above areas.
Β. Familiarization with the ways psychological knowledge is developed and applied, in particular with those facets of knowledge that contribute to the understanding of all aspects of human behavior and to furthering the wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities.
C. Awareness and training in the following domains: (i) scientific and professional ethics, (ii) co-operation with others and teamwork, (iii) respect for human diversity and cultural multiplicity, (iv) understanding of gender issues and (v) respect for the natural and the social environment.
Graduates of the School of Psychology at the A.U.T.H. are entitled to a license to practice as professional psychologists. The profession of psychologist is allowed only to holders of the licence, that is issued under the provisions of the Act 991/1979 (G.G. 278/V.1/20-12-1979).
Psychologists in Greece work in the following sectors:
(a) in the field of health and care (hospitals, public or private mental health services, drug rehabilitation services, institutions and organisations for people with disabilities, rehabilitation centers, day centers for dementia, memory clinics, οlder adultsesidential care institutions)
(b) in the field of education (schools, universities, counselling centers, centers for vocational training), and
(c) in social services (e.g. municipalitiesmployment or counselling services, NGOs).
Full-time studies.
A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the marks of each subject in the Hellenic Higher Education.
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent from 8.50 to 10.00
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good from 6.50 to 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) Good from 5.00 to 6.49
Ανεπιτυχώς (Anepitychos) Fail from 0.00 to 4.99
Minimum passing grade is 5.
Eight (8) Semesters, 240 ECTS
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) (1 ECTS=25-30 student workload hours) Compliance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) regulations started in 2007, when the Greek Legislation was harmonized with the relevant European one (Ministerial Decision No. Φ5/89656/Β3, art. 1, 2, 3, Hellenic Government Gazette Νo 1466/2007/B). A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS.
Full-time studies.
Professor Maria-Eleni Kosmidou