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Study Guide

SchoolCivil Engineering
Qualification AwardedDiploma in Civil Engineering (Diploma Politikou Michanikou), Civil Engineering (Politikos Michanikos)
Programme of StudyPPS TPM (EISACΗTHENTES EŌS KAI 2021)
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Academic Year2024 - 2025
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 28 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

Core program for all students
1st semester
5 classes
ΓΕ0100Mathematics I6COR
ΓΕ0700Engineering Mechanics I6COR
ΤΕ0100Construction Materials I6COR
ΤΕ0200Technical Drawing6COR

Courses of the 2nd semester

Core program for all students
2nd semester
5 classes
ΓΕ0400Mathematics II6COR
ΓΕ1600Applied Informatics for Civil Engineering6COR
ΤΕ0400Construction Materials II6COR
ΤΕ4400Strength of Materials and Structural Elements I6COR
ΤΣ2400Urban and Regional Planning and Development6COR

Courses of the 3rd semester

Core program for all students
3rd semester
7 classes
ΓΕ0800Mathematics III4COR
ΓΕ1100Numerical Analysis4COR
ΜΡ3000Effective Writing and Presentation Skills, Tools and Techniques (Elective Seminar - Does not count towards graduation & degree)2SEM
ΤΓ0200Geodesy I4COR
ΤΓ0300Engineering Geology I6COR
ΤΕ4500Strength of Materials and Structural Elements II6COR
ΤΥ0400Fluid Mechanics6COR

Courses of the 4th semester

Core program for all students
4th semester
5 classes
ΤΓ0400Geodesy II6COR
ΤΕ0500Building Construction I6COR
ΤΕ0600Structural Analysis I6COR
ΤΣ0400Transportation Engineering6COR

Courses of the 5th semester

Core program for all students
5th semester
6 classes
ΤΓ0500Soil Mechanics I5COR
ΤΕ0700Building Construction II5COR
ΤΕ0800Structural Analysis II5COR
ΤΣ0200Road Engineering I5COR
ΤΥ0200Groundwater Hydraulics and Hydrology5COR
ΤΥ2200Water Supply and Sewerage Systems5COR

Courses of the 6th semester

Core program for all students
6th semester
6 classes
ΤΓ0700Soil Mechanics II5COR
ΤΕ1000Reinforced Concrete I5COR
ΤΕ1100Metal Structures I5COR
ΤΕ1800Dynamics of Structures I5COR
ΤΣ0500Road Engineering II5COR
ΤΥ2300Environmental Engineering5COR

Courses of the 7th semester

Division of Geotechnical Engineering
7th semester
8 classes
ΤΓ2400Deep Foundations3ComSC
ΤΓ2500Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering3ComSC
ΤΕ1300Theory of Disks and Plates 3ELC
ΤΕ2000Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis I3ELC
ΤΣ0300Construction Equipment and Methods3ELC
ΤΣ0700Design and Construction of Road Pavements and Laboratory Testing3ELC
ΤΥ0600Engineering Hydrology3ELC
ΤΥ4700Environmental Impact Assessment3ELC
Division of Structural Engineering
7th semester
8 classes
ΤΓ2400Deep Foundations3ELC
ΤΓ2500Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering3ELC
ΤΕ1300Theory of Disks and Plates 3ComSC
ΤΕ2000Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis I3ComSC
ΤΣ0300Construction Equipment and Methods3ELC
ΤΣ0700Design and Construction of Road Pavements and Laboratory Testing3ELC
ΤΥ0600Engineering Hydrology3ELC
ΤΥ4700Environmental Impact Assessment3ELC
Division of Transport and Project Management
7th semester
8 classes
ΤΓ2400Deep Foundations3ELC
ΤΓ2500Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering3ELC
ΤΕ1300Theory of Disks and Plates 3ELC
ΤΕ2000Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis I3ELC
ΤΣ0300Construction Equipment and Methods3ComSC
ΤΣ0700Design and Construction of Road Pavements and Laboratory Testing3ComSC
ΤΥ0600Engineering Hydrology3ELC
ΤΥ4700Environmental Impact Assessment3ELC
Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering
7th semester
8 classes
ΤΓ2400Deep Foundations3ELC
ΤΓ2500Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering3ELC
ΤΕ1300Theory of Disks and Plates 3ELC
ΤΕ2000Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis I3ELC
ΤΣ0300Construction Equipment and Methods3ELC
ΤΣ0700Design and Construction of Road Pavements and Laboratory Testing3ELC
ΤΥ0600Engineering Hydrology3ComSC
ΤΥ4700Environmental Impact Assessment3ComSC
Core program for all students
7th semester
5 classes
ΤΕ1400Reinforced Concrete II5COR
ΤΕ1500Metal Structures II5COR
ΤΣ2200Construction Management5COR
ΤΣ3000Transportation Planning4COR
ΤΥ1500Coastal and Harbour Engineering5COR

Courses of the 8th semester

Division of Geotechnical Engineering
8th semester
34 classes
ΓΕ1400Basic Principles of Economic Theory and Policy3ELC
ΠΑ0100Internship for Civil Engineers3ELC
ΤΓ0600Laboratory and Field Tests in Soil Mechanics4ComSC
ΤΓ0900Photogrammetry - Geoinformation Systems3ELC
ΤΓ1200Engineering Surveying3ELC
ΤΓ1800Rock Mechanics I4ComSC
ΤΓ2900Special Topics in Computer-aided Drafting3ELC
ΤΓ3700Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering3ELC
ΤΕ1200Special Topics in Building Construction3ELC
ΤΕ2100Theory of Shells3ELC
ΤΕ2200Composite Buildings and Bridges3ELC
ΤΕ2300Prestressed Concrete4ELC
ΤΕ2400Dynamics of Structures II4ELC
ΤΕ2500Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis II3ELC
ΤΕ2900Special Topics in Construction Materials3ELC
ΤΕ3000Steel Bridges4ELC
ΤΕ3500Fire Protection of Building Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4000Prefabricated Concrete Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4800Programming Techniques and Use of Specialized Software in Structural Design3ELC
ΤΣ0600Traffic Control3ELC
ΤΣ1000Elements of Law and Engineering Legislation3ELC
ΤΣ1200Railway Infrastucture4ELC
ΤΣ2100Transportation Systems4ELC
ΤΣ3200Airport Design and Construction3ELC
ΤΣ3400Management of Construction Companies3ELC
ΤΣ4400Management Information Systems for Engineering Projects3ELC
ΤΥ1100Hydraulics of Groundwater Flows3ELC
ΤΥ1600Numerical Methods in Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering3ELC
ΤΥ2000Design and Construction of Ports4ELC
ΤΥ2500Hydraulics of Open Channels and Rivers3ELC
ΤΥ4300Groundwater Resources Exploitation and Protection3ELC
ΤΥ4400Environmental and Energy Policy in the European Union3ELC
ΤΥ4600Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems4ELC
ΤΥ5000Coastal Protection Works and Coasts3ELC
Division of Structural Engineering
8th semester
34 classes
ΓΕ1400Basic Principles of Economic Theory and Policy3ELC
ΠΑ0100Internship for Civil Engineers3ELC
ΤΓ0600Laboratory and Field Tests in Soil Mechanics4ELC
ΤΓ0900Photogrammetry - Geoinformation Systems3ELC
ΤΓ1200Engineering Surveying3ELC
ΤΓ1800Rock Mechanics I4ELC
ΤΓ2900Special Topics in Computer-aided Drafting3ELC
ΤΓ3700Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering3ELC
ΤΕ1200Special Topics in Building Construction3ELC
ΤΕ2100Theory of Shells3ELC
ΤΕ2200Composite Buildings and Bridges3ELC
ΤΕ2300Prestressed Concrete4ComSC
ΤΕ2400Dynamics of Structures II4ComSC
ΤΕ2500Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis II3ELC
ΤΕ2900Special Topics in Construction Materials3ELC
ΤΕ3000Steel Bridges3ELC
ΤΕ3500Fire Protection of Building Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4000Prefabricated Concrete Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4800Programming Techniques and Use of Specialized Software in Structural Design3ELC
ΤΣ0600Traffic Control3ELC
ΤΣ1000Elements of Law and Engineering Legislation3ELC
ΤΣ1200Railway Infrastucture4ELC
ΤΣ2100Transportation Systems4ELC
ΤΣ3200Airport Design and Construction3ELC
ΤΣ3400Management of Construction Companies3ELC
ΤΣ4400Management Information Systems for Engineering Projects3ELC
ΤΥ1100Hydraulics of Groundwater Flows3ELC
ΤΥ1600Numerical Methods in Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering3ELC
ΤΥ2000Design and Construction of Ports4ELC
ΤΥ2500Hydraulics of Open Channels and Rivers3ELC
ΤΥ4300Groundwater Resources Exploitation and Protection3ELC
ΤΥ4400Environmental and Energy Policy in the European Union3ELC
ΤΥ4600Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems4ELC
ΤΥ5000Coastal Protection Works and Coasts3ELC
Division of Transport and Project Management
8th semester
34 classes
ΓΕ1400Basic Principles of Economic Theory and Policy3ELC
ΠΑ0100Internship for Civil Engineers3ELC
ΤΓ0600Laboratory and Field Tests in Soil Mechanics4ELC
ΤΓ0900Photogrammetry - Geoinformation Systems3ELC
ΤΓ1200Engineering Surveying3ELC
ΤΓ1800Rock Mechanics I4ELC
ΤΓ2900Special Topics in Computer-aided Drafting3ELC
ΤΓ3700Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering3ELC
ΤΕ1200Special Topics in Building Construction3ELC
ΤΕ2100Theory of Shells3ELC
ΤΕ2200Composite Buildings and Bridges3ELC
ΤΕ2300Prestressed Concrete4ELC
ΤΕ2400Dynamics of Structures II4ELC
ΤΕ2500Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis II3ELC
ΤΕ2900Special Topics in Construction Materials3ELC
ΤΕ3000Steel Bridges4ELC
ΤΕ3500Fire Protection of Building Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4000Prefabricated Concrete Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4800Programming Techniques and Use of Specialized Software in Structural Design3ELC
ΤΣ0600Traffic Control3ELC
ΤΣ1000Elements of Law and Engineering Legislation3ELC
ΤΣ1200Railway Infrastucture4ComSC
ΤΣ2100Transportation Systems4ComSC
ΤΣ3200Airport Design and Construction3ELC
ΤΣ3400Management of Construction Companies3ELC
ΤΣ4400Management Information Systems for Engineering Projects3ELC
ΤΥ1100Hydraulics of Groundwater Flows3ELC
ΤΥ1600Numerical Methods in Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering3ELC
ΤΥ2000Design and Construction of Ports4ELC
ΤΥ2500Hydraulics of Open Channels and Rivers3ELC
ΤΥ4300Groundwater Resources Exploitation and Protection3ELC
ΤΥ4400Environmental and Energy Policy in the European Union3ELC
ΤΥ4600Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems4ELC
ΤΥ5000Coastal Protection Works and Coasts3ELC
Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering
8th semester
33 classes
ΓΕ1400Basic Principles of Economic Theory and Policy3ELC
ΠΑ0100Internship for Civil Engineers3ELC
ΤΓ0600Laboratory and Field Tests in Soil Mechanics4ELC
ΤΓ0900Photogrammetry - Geoinformation Systems3ELC
ΤΓ1200Engineering Surveying3ELC
ΤΓ1800Rock Mechanics I4ELC
ΤΓ2900Special Topics in Computer-aided Drafting3ELC
ΤΓ3700Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering3ELC
ΤΕ1200Special Topics in Building Construction3ELC
ΤΕ2100Theory of Shells3ELC
ΤΕ2200Composite Buildings and Bridges3ELC
ΤΕ2300Prestressed Concrete4ELC
ΤΕ2400Dynamics of Structures II4ELC
ΤΕ2500Numerical Methods in Structural Analysis II3ELC
ΤΕ2900Special Topics in Construction Materials3ELC
ΤΕ3500Fire Protection of Building Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4000Prefabricated Concrete Structures3ELC
ΤΕ4800Programming Techniques and Use of Specialized Software in Structural Design3ELC
ΤΣ0600Traffic Control3ELC
ΤΣ1000Elements of Law and Engineering Legislation3ELC
ΤΣ1200Railway Infrastucture4ELC
ΤΣ2100Transportation Systems4ELC
ΤΣ3200Airport Design and Construction3ELC
ΤΣ3400Management of Construction Companies3ELC
ΤΣ4400Management Information Systems for Engineering Projects3ELC
ΤΥ1100Hydraulics of Groundwater Flows3ELC
ΤΥ1600Numerical Methods in Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering3ELC
ΤΥ2000Design and Construction of Ports4ComSC
ΤΥ2500Hydraulics of Open Channels and Rivers3ELC
ΤΥ4300Groundwater Resources Exploitation and Protection3ELC
ΤΥ4400Environmental and Energy Policy in the European Union3ELC
ΤΥ4600Design of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems4ComSC
ΤΥ5000Coastal Protection Works and Coasts3ELC
Core program for all students
8th semester
3 classes
ΤΓ1100Foundations- Retaining Walls & Geotechnical Structures5COR
ΤΕ1900Reinforced Concrete III6COR
ΤΣ4300Project Management5COR

Courses of the 9th semester

Division of Geotechnical Engineering
9th semester
43 classes
ΤΓ1500Special Topics in Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ1700Deep Excavations and Earth Retaining Structures5ComSC
ΤΓ2200Enviromental Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ2300Soil Mechanics III 4ELC
ΤΓ2600Environmental Geotechnical Engineering4ELC
ΤΓ3500Photointerpretation - Remote Sensing4ELC
ΤΓ3600Special Issues of Photogrammetry4ELC
ΤΓ3900Landslides - Fills - Soil Improvement Methods4ELC
ΤΓΥ002Natural Hazards : Analysis and Management of Risk4ELC
ΤΓΥ003Design and Construction of Dams4ELC
ΤΕ0300Environmental Architectural Design of Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ1700Energy-Saving Design in Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ2600Concrete Bridges4ELC
ΤΕ2800Antiseismic Technology and Behaviour of Concrete5ELC
ΤΕ3100Seismic Analysis and other Specifics of Metal Structures Design5ELC
ΤΕ3200Advanced Topics in Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3400Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3700Behaviour and properties of reinforced concrete4ELC
ΤΕ3800Masonry Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3900Experimental Structural Engineering4ELC
ΤΕ4100Restoration of Concrete and Masonry Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ4200Timber Structrures4ELC
ΤΕ4300Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures4ELC
ΤΕ4700Engineering Performance of Materials4ELC
ΤΕ5100Structural Aluminium4ELC
ΤΣ1400Investment Evaluation4ELC
ΤΣ1500Management of Construction Sites5ELC
ΤΣ1800Transportation Economics4ELC
ΤΣ1900Public Transportation5ELC
ΤΣ3300Transport and Environment4ELC
ΤΣ3900Regional Development II4ELC
ΤΣ4100Road Safety4ELC
ΤΥ0300Hydrometry and Hydraulic Models4ELC
ΤΥ1700Water Resources Management5ELC
ΤΥ2700Coastal Oceanography4ELC
ΤΥ3200Geothermal Energy4ELC
ΤΥ4000Design and Construction of Irrigation and Drainage Systems5ELC
ΤΥ4100Environmental Chemistry, Microbiolgy and Biochemistry4ELC
ΤΥ4200Municipal solid waste management4ELC
ΤΥ4500Marine Structures4ELC
ΤΥ4900Water Quality Mathematical Models for Ecosystems4ELC
ΤΥ5100Water and Wastewater Treatment4ELC
Division of Structural Engineering
9th semester
43 classes
ΤΓ1500Special Topics in Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ1700Deep Excavations and Earth Retaining Structures5ELC
ΤΓ2200Enviromental Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ2300Soil Mechanics III 4ELC
ΤΓ2600Environmental Geotechnical Engineering4ELC
ΤΓ3500Photointerpretation - Remote Sensing4ELC
ΤΓ3600Special Issues of Photogrammetry4ELC
ΤΓ3900Landslides - Fills - Soil Improvement Methods4ELC
ΤΓΥ002Natural Hazards : Analysis and Management of Risk4ELC
ΤΓΥ003Design and Construction of Dams4ELC
ΤΕ0300Environmental Architectural Design of Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ1700Energy-Saving Design in Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ2600Concrete Bridges4ELC
ΤΕ2800Antiseismic Technology and Behaviour of Concrete5ComSC
ΤΕ3100Seismic Analysis and other Specifics of Metal Structures Design5ComSC
ΤΕ3200Advanced Topics in Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3400Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3700Behaviour and properties of reinforced concrete4ELC
ΤΕ3800Masonry Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3900Experimental Structural Engineering4ELC
ΤΕ4100Restoration of Concrete and Masonry Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ4200Timber Structrures4ELC
ΤΕ4300Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures4ELC
ΤΕ4700Engineering Performance of Materials4ELC
ΤΕ5100Structural Aluminium4ELC
ΤΣ1400Investment Evaluation4ELC
ΤΣ1500Management of Construction Sites5ELC
ΤΣ1800Transportation Economics4ELC
ΤΣ1900Public Transportation5ELC
ΤΣ3300Transport and Environment4ELC
ΤΣ3900Regional Development II4ELC
ΤΣ4100Road Safety4ELC
ΤΥ0300Hydrometry and Hydraulic Models4ELC
ΤΥ1700Water Resources Management5ELC
ΤΥ2700Coastal Oceanography4ELC
ΤΥ3200Geothermal Energy4ELC
ΤΥ4000Design and Construction of Irrigation and Drainage Systems5ELC
ΤΥ4100Environmental Chemistry, Microbiolgy and Biochemistry4ELC
ΤΥ4200Municipal solid waste management4ELC
ΤΥ4500Marine Structures4ELC
ΤΥ4900Water Quality Mathematical Models for Ecosystems4ELC
ΤΥ5100Water and Wastewater Treatment4ELC
Division of Transport and Project Management
9th semester
43 classes
ΤΓ1500Special Topics in Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ1700Deep Excavations and Earth Retaining Structures5ELC
ΤΓ2200Enviromental Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ2300Soil Mechanics III 4ELC
ΤΓ2600Environmental Geotechnical Engineering4ELC
ΤΓ3500Photointerpretation - Remote Sensing4ELC
ΤΓ3600Special Issues of Photogrammetry4ELC
ΤΓ3900Landslides - Fills - Soil Improvement Methods4ELC
ΤΓΥ002Natural Hazards : Analysis and Management of Risk4ELC
ΤΓΥ003Design and Construction of Dams4ELC
ΤΕ0300Environmental Architectural Design of Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ1700Energy-Saving Design in Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ2600Concrete Bridges4ELC
ΤΕ2800Antiseismic Technology and Behaviour of Concrete5ELC
ΤΕ3100Seismic Analysis and other Specifics of Metal Structures Design5ELC
ΤΕ3200Advanced Topics in Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3400Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3700Behaviour and properties of reinforced concrete4ELC
ΤΕ3800Masonry Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3900Experimental Structural Engineering4ELC
ΤΕ4100Restoration of Concrete and Masonry Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ4200Timber Structrures4ELC
ΤΕ4300Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures4ELC
ΤΕ4700Engineering Performance of Materials4ELC
ΤΕ5100Structural Aluminium4ELC
ΤΣ1400Investment Evaluation4ELC
ΤΣ1500Management of Construction Sites5ComSC
ΤΣ1800Transportation Economics4ELC
ΤΣ1900Public Transportation5ComSC
ΤΣ3300Transport and Environment4ELC
ΤΣ3900Regional Development II4ELC
ΤΣ4100Road Safety4ELC
ΤΥ0300Hydrometry and Hydraulic Models4ELC
ΤΥ1700Water Resources Management5ELC
ΤΥ2700Coastal Oceanography4ELC
ΤΥ3200Geothermal Energy4ELC
ΤΥ4000Design and Construction of Irrigation and Drainage Systems5ELC
ΤΥ4100Environmental Chemistry, Microbiolgy and Biochemistry4ELC
ΤΥ4200Municipal solid waste management4ELC
ΤΥ4500Marine Structures4ELC
ΤΥ4900Water Quality Mathematical Models for Ecosystems4ELC
ΤΥ5100Water and Wastewater Treatment4ELC
Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering
9th semester
44 classes
ΤΓ1500Special Topics in Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ1700Deep Excavations and Earth Retaining Structures5ELC
ΤΓ2200Enviromental Engineering Geology4ELC
ΤΓ2300Soil Mechanics III 4ELC
ΤΓ2600Environmental Geotechnical Engineering4ELC
ΤΓ3500Photointerpretation - Remote Sensing4ELC
ΤΓ3600Special Issues of Photogrammetry4ELC
ΤΓ3900Landslides - Fills - Soil Improvement Methods4ELC
ΤΓΥ002Natural Hazards : Analysis and Management of Risk4ELC
ΤΓΥ003Design and Construction of Dams4ELC
ΤΕ0300Environmental Architectural Design of Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ1700Energy-Saving Design in Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ2600Concrete Bridges4ELC
ΤΕ2800Antiseismic Technology and Behaviour of Concrete5ELC
ΤΕ3000Steel Bridges (repeating)4ELC
ΤΕ3100Seismic Analysis and other Specifics of Metal Structures Design5ELC
ΤΕ3200Advanced Topics in Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3400Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3700Behaviour and properties of reinforced concrete4ELC
ΤΕ3800Masonry Structures4ELC
ΤΕ3900Experimental Structural Engineering4ELC
ΤΕ4100Restoration of Concrete and Masonry Buildings4ELC
ΤΕ4200Timber Structrures4ELC
ΤΕ4300Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures4ELC
ΤΕ4700Engineering Performance of Materials4ELC
ΤΕ5100Structural Aluminium4ELC
ΤΣ1400Investment Evaluation4ELC
ΤΣ1500Management of Construction Sites5ELC
ΤΣ1800Transportation Economics4ELC
ΤΣ1900Public Transportation5ELC
ΤΣ3300Transport and Environment4ELC
ΤΣ3900Regional Development II4ELC
ΤΣ4100Road Safety4ELC
ΤΥ0300Hydrometry and Hydraulic Models4ELC
ΤΥ1700Water Resources Management5ComSC
ΤΥ2700Coastal Oceanography4ELC
ΤΥ3200Geothermal Energy4ELC
ΤΥ4000Design and Construction of Irrigation and Drainage Systems5ComSC
ΤΥ4100Environmental Chemistry, Microbiolgy and Biochemistry4ELC
ΤΥ4200Municipal solid waste management4ELC
ΤΥ4500Marine Structures4ELC
ΤΥ4900Water Quality Mathematical Models for Ecosystems4ELC
ΤΥ5100Water and Wastewater Treatment4ELC