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Study Guide

SchoolSocial Theology and Christian Culture
Qualification AwardedStudies in History, Spirituality, Art and Musical Tradition of Mount Athos
Programme of StudyStudies in History, Spirituality, Art and Musical Tradition of Mount Athos
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2023 - 2024
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
2 classes
ΥΑΟ01Key milestones in the History, the Archaeology and the Art of Mount Athos10COR
ΥΑΟ02Theology and Spiritual life of Mount Athos.10COR
History and Art of Mount Athos
1st semester
2 classes
ΙΑΟ01Institutions and Law of the Holy Mountain10ELC
ΙΑΟ02The every day life on Mount Athos during the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Period 10ELC
Theology and Spiritual life of Mount Athos
1st semester
1 class
ΘΑΟ01The hagiographic and hymnographic tradition of Mount Athos10ELC
Musical Tradition and the Art of Singing of Mount Athos
1st semester
1 class
ΨΑΟ01The tradition of Psaltic Art on Mount Athos during the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period10ELC

Courses of the 2nd semester

History and Art of Mount Athos
2nd semester
8 classes
ΘΑΟ02Issues of monastic theology and spirituality of Mount Athos from its foundation untill today10ELC
ΘΑΟ03The liturgical tradition and life of Mount Athos: Theory and Practice (Typika, Diataxeis, Collections, Manuscripts)10ELC
ΙΑΟ03Sources of the history of Mount Athos10ELC
ΙΑΟ04The space of Mount Athos and the properties of the Athonite Monasteries10ELC
ΙΑΟ05Byzantine and post-Byzantine Peinture in Mount Athos. Monumental sets and icons10ELC
ΙΑΟ08The Art on Mount Athos during 18th-20th c.10ELC
ΨΑΟ02Composers from the Holy Mountain and masters of the Athonite musical style10ELC
ΨΑΟ03The Musical Manuscripts of Mount Athos10ELC
Theology and Spiritual life of Mount Athos
2nd semester
8 classes
ΘΑΟ02Issues of monastic theology and spirituality of Mount Athos from its foundation untill today10ELC
ΘΑΟ03The liturgical tradition and life of Mount Athos: Theory and Practice (Typika, Diataxeis, Collections, Manuscripts)10ELC
ΙΑΟ03Sources of the history of Mount Athos10ELC
ΙΑΟ04The space of Mount Athos and the properties of the Athonite Monasteries10ELC
ΙΑΟ05Byzantine and post-Byzantine Peinture in Mount Athos. Monumental sets and icons10ELC
ΙΑΟ08The Art on Mount Athos during 18th-20th c.10ELC
ΨΑΟ02Composers from the Holy Mountain and masters of the Athonite musical style10ELC
ΨΑΟ03The Musical Manuscripts of Mount Athos10ELC
Musical Tradition and the Art of Singing of Mount Athos
2nd semester
8 classes
ΘΑΟ02Issues of monastic theology and spirituality of Mount Athos from its foundation untill today10ELC
ΘΑΟ03The liturgical tradition and life of Mount Athos: Theory and Practice (Typika, Diataxeis, Collections, Manuscripts)10ELC
ΙΑΟ03Sources of the history of Mount Athos10ELC
ΙΑΟ04The space of Mount Athos and the properties of the Athonite Monasteries10ELC
ΙΑΟ05Byzantine and post-Byzantine Peinture in Mount Athos. Monumental sets and icons10ELC
ΙΑΟ08The Art on Mount Athos during 18th-20th c.10ELC
ΨΑΟ02Composers from the Holy Mountain and masters of the Athonite musical style10ELC
ΨΑΟ03The Musical Manuscripts of Mount Athos10ELC

Courses of the Winter semester

Winter semester
1 class
ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑMetaptychiakī Diplōmatikī Ergasía30SC