The aim of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies Programme (IPPS) offered by the Schools of Informatics and Economics is to shape specialized high-level executives in the area of Information Systems used in Management, able to understand the different scientific fields, to be able to follow the rapid development of technology in the business world and to be able to understand innovation and turn it into entrepreneurship. The program offers a Postgraduate Degree of Specialisation (PDS), which certifies the ability of its graduates to occupy specialized personnel positions in the private and public sectors, in research and educational institutions, as well as to establish their own innovative company.
In order to obtain a PDS, the student, is required within the maximum programme length (4 semesters) to acquire ninety (90) ECTS units. Sixty (60) ECTS units come from the successful completion of courses. Thirty (30) ECTS units are obtained from the postgraduate diploma thesis in the third semester which is evaluated by a three-member committee.
In order to obtain the PDS, students are required to successfully attend highly demanding upper-level courses. In particular, lecturesttendance is mandatory allowing only a few absences and the student is continuously evaluated throughout the course. The courses assessment consists of individual or group work at regular intervals and presentations of research papers, laboratory exercises and written examinations at the end of the semester. In addition, students are expected to practice research methods aiming to the production of novel results during the elaboration of the postgraduate diploma thesis.
Upon completion of the programme, in addition to the basic knowledge of their discipline and profession, graduates are also able to: 1) apply knowledge in practice, 2) communicate in a second foreign language 3) search, process, analyse and synthesize data and information, using also the appropriate technologies, 4) adapt to novel situations and make decisions, 5) work independently or in groups in international and/or interdisciplinary contexts, 6) generate new research ideas, design and manage projects, 7) respect diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 8) demonstrate social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, 9) reflect on themselves and on others critically, 10) promote free, inductive and deductive thinking.