Faculty | Education |
School | Primary Education |
Qualification Awarded | Education Sciences: Education, Society and Pedagogy |
Programme of Study | Epistīmes tīs Agōgīs: Ekpaídeusī, Koinōnía kai Paidagōgikī (2018-sīmera) |
Cycle / Level | 2nd / Postgraduate |
Academic Year | 2022 - 2023 |
Status | Active |
Website | https://www.eled.auth.gr/studies/postgraduate/master1/ |
Contact email | info@eled.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΚΠ103 | Society and Education of ottoman-occupied Hellenism | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ104 | Matters of History and Historiography of Greek education from Neohellenic Enlightenment to Postwar Period | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ201 | Issues of sociology of education and childhood | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΚΠ201 | Issues of sociology of education and childhood | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ203 | Disability and Education | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ206 | Theory of psychological practice in education | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΚΠ102 | Current theories and practices on curriculum | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ105 | Evaluation: social and pedagogical issues | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ106 | Issues of social theory: knowledge society and education | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΚΠ105 | Evaluation: social and pedagogical issues | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ205 | Educational practice for disabled students | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΚΠ107 | Educational research methodology | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ108 | Educational Governance: from Welfare State to Neoliberal Policies | 10 | COR |
ΕΚΠ109 | Politics, Educational Policy and Pressure Groups | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΚΠ107 | Educational research methodology | 10 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΜΔΕ-2 | Dissertation | 30 | DIS |