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Study Guide

Qualification AwardedTHEOLOGY AND CULTURE 2018
Programme of StudyTheology and Culture
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2023 - 2024
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.
In the Post Graduate Program of the School of Theology graduates of the School of Theology are admitted, as well as graduate students from Schools of other Higher Education Institutes, Technological Educational Institutions (TEI), and Higher Ecclesiastical Academies, of relevant scientific fields of domestic or recognized foreign institutions.
Moreover members of ΕΕΠ (EEP), ΕΔΙΠ (EDIP) and ΕΤΕΠ (ETEP) (Members of research and teaching staff), if they fulfil the conditions set out in the first subparagraph of par. 1 of Article 34 of Law 4485/2017, they may be admitted as supernumerary and only one per year.
A Postgraduate Degree of Specialization is not awarded to a student whose first-cycle qualification from a foreign institution has not been recognised by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (NARIC - ΔΟΑΤΑΠ-DOATAP) according to L. 3328/2005. (Hellenic Government Gazette n. 80/A/1.4.2005)
To obtain the Postgraduate Degree of Specialization the students are required during the first two semesters to attend and be successfully examined in six (6) courses of ten (10) ECTS each, that is sixty (60) ECTS. These courses are included in the catalogue of the courses offered each semester.
Of the six (6) overall courses, the student has to choose four (4) courses out of the six (6) from the catalogue of the courses of the specialization that follows, and the remaining two (2) courses from the other two specializations of the program.
In each semester, there are three courses that are credited with a total of thirty (30) ECTS.
Each course includes three (3) weekly teaching hours. Attendance is compulsory.
During the third semester, the student must write the postgraduate thesis, which corresponds to thirty (30) ECTS. The postgraduate thesis is presented publicly, examined and rated by a three-member selection board of Professors.
The Postgraduate Program of the School of Theology aims to promote specialized knowledge and to provide high quality research in the academic field of Theology and the study of religion and culture in the following three specializations: 1. "Christian literature and History", 2. Systematic Theology, Sociology and the Study of Religion," and 3. "Practical Theology and Pedagogy".
In particular, the Postgraduate Program aims to train: a. teachers of Theology who will staff Secondary Education, b. clergy theologically trained to serve the Church, c. executives for various cultural and religious organizations and d. scientists specialized in the study of Christian Theology, with emphasis on Orthodox Theology and Tradition as well as Religion and Culture.
Graduates can adequately be deployed to Orthodox Autocephalous Churches, various educational institutions of the European Union as well as special services of the Greek state. They will also be able to teach courses in continuing education and training courses aimed at the training or familiarization of trainees on culture, religion and society.
These three specializations also aim for the development of critical and research skills required for doctoral studies.
Learning Outcomes
A. General
Graduates of the Post Graduate Program of the School of Theology are able to: 1. apply knowledge in practice, 2. search, process, analyse and synthesise data and information, using the appropriate technological tools, 3. adapt to novel situations and make decisions, 4. work independently or in groups in international and/or interdisciplinary contexts, 5. respect diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 6. demonstrate social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, 7. view themselves, as well as others, critically, 8. promote free, inductive and deductive thinking, 9. demonstrate sensitivity to social issues.
B. Specific
1. Knowledge
Graduates of the Post Graduate Program of the School of Theology with reference to the courses they have chosen have: 1. a specialised knowledge of the historical, social, and cultural significance of religious traditions, 2. an advanced and critical comprehension of the mechanisms by which religious faith may influence and inform the ethics, outlook, and behaviour of individuals and communities, 3. specialised knowledge of the ways in which specific religions and religious institutions are structured and regulated, 4. an advanced and critical comprehension of the interaction between the Orthodox Tradition, other Christian denominations, religions and societies, both historically and in the contemporary world, 5. an advanced and critical understanding of the social reality and particularly its problems, 6. an advanced knowledge of methods and issues in different branches of theological and religious studies as well as the nature of theological research and reflection.
2. Skills
Graduates of the Post Graduate Program of the School of Theology with reference to the courses they have chosen have: 1. an advanced ability to apply in practice their specialised knowledge on the complexity of different mentalities, social behaviours and aesthetic responses, as well as the interaction of theological ideas, religious beliefs, values, sacred texts, art forms, social data and politics, 2. ability to employ tools as necessary from other relevant disciplines as for example literature, semiotics, art history, archaeology, anthropology, law, sociology, philosophy, economics, natural sciences, bioethics, 3. an advanced ability to communicate theological and religious concepts to a broader public, 4. an advanced ability to apply in practice the theoretical knowledge of teaching theological and religious concepts.
3. Competences
Graduates of the Post Graduate Program of the School of Theology with reference to their chosen courses have: 1. an advanced ability to understand and evaluate new and developing forms of religious belief and practice with ecumenical spirit and reconciliation, 2. an advanced ability to read texts critically in their historical context and with a view to their contemporary application, 3. ability to define and undertake research topics at an advanced level, 4. ability to take responsibility for the management and implementation of projects, 4. an advanced capacity to apply theological knowledge in professional and social life, in accordance with human rights and European values, 5. an advanced ability to show awareness of issues of social exclusion and prejudice.
The Postgraduate Degree of Specialization is sufficient for employment of the graduates in the public or private sectors.
Access to the attainment of Doctoral Degree.
The grade scale for the evaluation of the postgraduate students is defined from 0 (zero) to ten (10) including the decimal numbers, as following:
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent: 8.50-10.00
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good: 6.50- 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) Good: 6.00-6.49
Ανεπιτυχώς (Anepitychos) Fail: 0.00-5.99
Minimum passing grade: 6
The duration of the postgraduate program for the attainment of the Postgraduate Degree of Specialization is three (3) semesters: two (2) semesters of classes and one (1) semester for the writing of the Dissertation and its defence. A total of three (3) semesters, 90 ECTS.
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) (1 ECTS=25-30 hours). Compliance with the ECTS regulations started in 2007, when the Greek Legislation was harmonized with the relevant European Legislation (Ministerial Decision n. Φ5/89656/B3, art. 1-3, Hellenic Government Gazette n. 1466/B/2007). Each course is credited with a number of ECTS (>=2) according to the studentworkload (contact hours, laboratory work, examination etc.) and the accumulation of credits (ECTS) is accomplished after successful completion of the course.
Full Time Studies
Nikolaos Ch. Maghioros