In order to receive their post-graduate degree, students must attend and be successfully examined during three semesters of studies (A, B, C) in three (3) compulsory (one per semester) courses and in two optional (semesters A and B), equivalent to 75 ECTS. One of the above compulsory courses is a one-to-one tutorial for the preparation of the thesis, which is researched and written during semester C and D, is defended in front of an audience, is 30,000 words long (max) and it is credited with 45 ECTS.
The aim of the Post-Graduate Degree in Historical Research is (a ) to offer to students specialized professional research training in specific sub-fields of History (b) to familiarize them with new theoretical approaches and the contemporary methodological tools used in historical research and (c) teach them the interdisciplinary approach of historical questions.
The graduate has demonstrated
Critical skills sufficient to formulate and refine a significant research problem, to gather the necessary information to address it and formulate a conclusion which can be defended in a scholarly context.
Concern for quality and ethical commitment: awareness of the standards required for scientific research and publication including critical awareness and intellectual honesty.
Awareness of and commitment to scientific standards in accuracy and breadth of the documentation located, utilized and signed in assignments and in the final dissertation.
Ability to present written texts and to give oral presentations of different length and complexity on his/her own language.
Ability to choose a sector of specialization, planning and completing appropriate course work, and utilizing the resulting competences in preparing and carrying out a research plan within the established time frame.
Capability of locating and retrieving historical evidence with the use of the appropriate method.
Capability of reading, translating and analyzing archival and published historical documents as well as historiographical texts from various periods (according to the period of specialization), interpreting and contextualizing them correctly in course work, written reports and the final dissertation.
Detailed and critically founded knowledge of the chosen period or thematic domain of specialization in course work and written texts as well as in the final dissertation.
Ability to use of ICT resources in a scholarly way, applying high standards of textual analysis to electronic as well as to archival, published and oral sources, according to specialization.
Ability to distinguish different registers of scholarly expression and to apply them appropriately in summaries, reviews and written and oral assignments as well as in his/her final dissertation.
Ability to conduct and complete a medium length research project, incorporating tools from related disciplines, and addressing a significant problem (according to the period of specialization), elaborating his/her findings in the form of a narrative text provided with critical apparatus (e.g. notes, references, annexes οf any kind) as appropriate to the subject, of about 30.000 words and defended it before a commission of academics.