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Study Guide

Qualification AwardedMA in Philosophy: Texts, Interpretations, Practices
Programme of StudyPhilosophy: Texts, Interpretations, Practices
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2020 - 2021
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

Politics, Ethics and Law
1st semester
1 class
Φ454Philosophy of Praxis6ELC

Courses of the 2nd semester

Politics, Ethics and Law
2nd semester
1 class
Φ454Philosophy of Praxis (repeating)6ELC

Courses of the Winter semester

History of Philosophy
Winter semester
14 classes
ΜΑΦ 111The Notion of Time: Aristotle and Charles S. Peirce10ELCOM
ΜΕΦ 107Aesthetics and Metaphysics10ELCOM
ΜΕΦ 108Political and Moral Philosophy: The Problem of Evil before and after Auschwitz10ELCOM
ΜΗΦ 101Political and Moral Philosophy: The Problem of Evil before and after Auschwitz10ELC
ΜΠΦ 102Modern Political Theory and Philosophy10ELC
ΜΠΦ 103Condemporary Political Theory10ELC
ΜΠΦ 104Theories of Social Movements10ELC
ΜΦΔ 101Modern Legal Thought in the 19th and the 20th century10ELC
Φ101Introduction To Philosophy6ELC
Φ111Ancient Greek Philosophy6ELC
Φ338Elements Of Critical Thinking6ELC
Φ455Metaphysics and Epistemology of Mind6ELC
ΦΚ245Epicurean Ethics6ELC
ΦΚ285Aristotle, Metaphysics Gamma6ELC
Politics, Ethics and Law
Winter semester
10 classes
ΜΑΦ 111The Notion of Time: Aristotle and Charles S. Peirce10ELC
ΜΕΦ 107Aesthetics and Metaphysics10ELC
ΜΕΦ 108Political and Moral Philosophy: The Problem of Evil before and after Auschwitz10ELC
ΜΗΦ 101Political and Moral Philosophy: The Problem of Evil before and after Auschwitz10ELCOM
ΜΠΦ 102Modern Political Theory and Philosophy10ELCOM
ΜΠΦ 103Condemporary Political Theory10ELCOM
ΜΠΦ 104Theories of Social Movements10ELCOM
ΜΦΔ 101Modern Legal Thought in the 19th and the 20th century10ELCOM
Φ106Moral And Political Philosophy6ELC
Φ409Topics in Contemporary Democratic Theory6ELC

Courses of the Spring semester

History of Philosophy
Spring semester
20 classes
ΜΑΦ 112Aristotelian Cosmology10ELCOM
ΜΑΦ 113Aristotle, Metaphysics Gamma10ELCOM
ΜΕΦ 109Fascism, Nazism and their influence on Greek interwar intellectuals10ELCOM
ΜΕΦ 110Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy10ELCOM
ΜΠΦ 105Classical Political Theory and Philosophy: Machiavelli, Spinoza, Rousseau10ELC
ΜΠΦ 106Critique of Ideology and Analysis of Political Discourse10ELC
ΜΠΦ 108Fascism, Nazism and their influence on Greek interwar intellectuals10ELC
ΜΦΔ 102Systematic Questions in the Philosophy of Law10ELC
Φ101Introduction To Philosophy6ELC
Φ111Ancient Greek Philosophy6ELC
Φ114Contemporary Philosophy6ELC
Φ343Philosophy As A Way Of Life6ELC
Φ414Introduction to Aristotles’ Philosophy6ELC
Φ450Aristotle’s Metaphysics in Arabic and Scholastic Philosophy6ELC
Φ455Metaphysics and Epistemology of Mind6ELC
Φ459Theory of Knowledge in German Idealism6ELC
ΦΚ245Epicurean Ethics6ELC
ΦΚ256Aristotle, Poetics6ELC
ΦΚ285Aristotle, Metaphysics Gamma6ELC
ΦΚ286Byzantine Texts on Ancient Greek Philosophy6ELC
Politics, Ethics and Law
Spring semester
9 classes
ΜΑΦ 112Aristotelian Cosmology10ELC
ΜΑΦ 113Aristotle, Metaphysics Gamma10ELC
ΜΕΦ 109Fascism, Nazism and their influence on Greek interwar intellectuals10ELC
ΜΕΦ 110Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy10ELC
ΜΠΦ 105Classical Political Theory and Philosophy: Machiavelli, Spinoza, Rousseau10ELCOM
ΜΠΦ 106Critique of Ideology and Analysis of Political Discourse10ELCOM
ΜΠΦ 108Fascism, Nazism and their influence on Greek interwar intellectuals10ELCOM
ΜΦΔ 102Systematic Questions in the Philosophy of Law10ELCOM
Φ106Moral And Political Philosophy6ELC