Faculty | Sciences |
School | Geology |
Qualification Awarded | Applied and Environmental Geology |
Programme of Study | Applied and Environmental Geology |
Cycle / Level | 2nd / Postgraduate |
Academic Year | 2021 - 2022 |
Status | Active |
Website | https://www.geo.auth.gr/gr_postgrad_geo.htm |
Contact email | info@geo.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGNM101 | Geostatistics | 4 | COR |
GGNM102 | Geographical Information Systems (GIS) | 4 | COR |
GGPM101 | Mathematics for Geophyscists | 4 | COR |
GGPM102 | Geodynamics – Seismotectonics | 4 | ELC |
GGPM103 | Fracture Models, Faulting Systems and Earthquakes | 4 | ELC |
GGPM104 | Advanced Electrical and Electromagnentic Geophysical Methods | 4 | ELC |
GGPM105 | Advanced Potential Field Methods | 4 | ELC |
GGPM106 | Advanced Sesimic Geohysical Methods | 4 | ELC |
GGPM107 | Geophysical Methods in Geological Research | 2 | ELC |
GGPM108 | Generation and Propagation of Elastic Waves | 4 | ELC |
GGPM109 | Computing For Geophysicists | 4 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGNM101 | Geostatistics | 4 | COR |
GGNM102 | Geographical Information Systems (GIS) | 4 | COR |
GGNM103 | Free Elective | 2 | ELC |
GMOM101 | Mineral Raw materials and environment | 6 | COR |
GMOM102 | Laboratory and Analytical Methods - Ore Enrichment | 6 | COR |
GMOM103 | Modern Applications of Industrial Minerals | 4 | COR |
GMOM104 | Mineral Resources of Greece and Legal Aspects | 2 | ELC |
GMOM105 | Geochemical Data Processing - Reserves Evaluation of Mineral Resources | 4 | COR |
GMOM106 | Research and Exploitation of Aggregates and Marbles | 2 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGNM101 | Geostatistics | 4 | COR |
GGNM102 | Geographical Information Systems (GIS) | 4 | COR |
GGTM101 | Hydrogeological principles | 4 | COR |
GGTM102 | Geological Models For Engineering Works | 4 | COR |
GGTM103 | Applied Hydromorphology | 2 | ELC |
GGTM104 | Site investigation – monitoring | 4 | COR |
GGTM105 | Engineering Geology of Soils and Rocks | 4 | COR |
GGTM106 | Engineering Geology of Construction Works | 4 | COR |
GGTM107 | Water Works Design and Sustainable Development | 2 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGPM201 | Inversion Theory | 4 | COR |
GGPM202 | Engineering Geophysics | 3 | COR |
GGPM203 | Applied Seismology | 5 | ELC |
GGPM205 | Advanced Engineering Seismology | 5 | ELC |
GGPM206 | Topics in Soil Dynamics | 2 | ELC |
GGPM207 | Geophysical Methods in Mineral Resources | 4 | ELC |
GGPM208 | Environmental Geophysics | 3 | ELC |
GGPM209 | Field Work in Applied Geophysics | 5 | ELC |
GGPM210 | Geophysics in Archaeology | 3 | ELC |
GGPM211 | Seismometry – Seismological Networks | 3 | ELC |
GGPM212 | Scientific and Technical Reports | 3 | COR |
GGTM201 | Topics in Soil Mechanics- Laboratory and In-Situ Testing | 3 | ELC |
GMOM205 | Prospecting, Exploration and Production Activities of Hydrocarbons | 2 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGNM202 | Free Elective | 2 | ELC |
GMOM201 | Economic Geology – Ore Microscopy | 7 | COR |
GMOM202 | Applied and Environmental Geochemistry | 6 | COR |
GMOM203 | Field Work in Mining Industry | 5 | COR |
GMOM204 | Design and Restoration of Mines and Quarries – Remote Sensing | 4 | COR |
GMOM205 | Prospecting, Exploration and Production Activities of Hydrocarbons | 2 | ELC |
GMOM206 | Fossil Fuels | 2 | ELC |
GMOM207 | Exploration and Exploitation Methods of Mineral Resources | 4 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGPM202 | Engineering Geophysics | 3 | COR |
GGPM208 | Environmental Geophysics | 2 | ELC |
GGTM201 | Topics in Soil Mechanics- Laboratory and In-Situ Testing | 3 | COR |
GGTM202 | Topics in Rock Mechanics | 3 | COR |
GGTM203 | Case Histories and Practice in Engineering Geology (Professional Presentations) | 2 | COR |
GGTM204 | Hazard and Risk Assessment in Geoengineering and Natural Hazards – Protection, Mitigation and Management | 2 | COR |
GGTM206 | Ground Improvement and Reinforcement | 2 | COR |
GGTM207 | Ground Water in Engineering Structures | 2 | ELC |
GGTM209 | Application of Neotectonics in Engineering Works | 2 | COR |
GGTM210 | Engineering Geology in Contaminated Land | 2 | COR |
GGTM211 | Engineering Geological Mapping | 2 | COR |
GGTM212 | Field Work | 3 | COR |
GGΤΜ213 | Topics in Soil Dynamics | 2 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGPM301 | MSC Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGPM301 | MSC Thesis | 30 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
GGPM301 | MSC Thesis | 30 | COR |