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Study Guide

FacultyAgriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment
Qualification AwardedDegree in Agriculture (Ptychio Geoponias)
Programme of StudyPPS Geōponías (2019-sīmera)
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Academic Year2020 - 2021
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.
Degree in Agriculture (Ptychio Geoponias)
Upper secondary degree (6 years of studies). National level examination.
Τo obtain the Higher Diploma (ptychio), the students of the School of Agriculture have to complete their course work (attend and be successfully examined in compulsory or elective courses distributed within ten semesters), internship (between the 8th and 10th semester) and the thesis requirements (5-year curriculum). The programme of studies is divided into a five semester general agricultural education section and a five semester section in one of the following five areas of specialization: 1) Agricultural economics, 2) Animal production, 3) Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural engineering, 4) Food Science and Technology, 5) Plant Production. All students are required to submit their choice of specializations which they will subsequently follow by the end of the 5th semester of their studies. Each student, before is accepted in a specialization programme of his/her choice, has to successfully pass certain specified courses from the first general agricultural education section of the programme, which are proposed by each specialization as prerequisites. Evaluation of course performance is carried out either by a written or an oral examination, or with any other means adopted by the instructor(s) of each course (e.g. project, assignments and presentations).
The programme of studies of the School of Agriculture offers to graduates the necessary education with learning outcomes and acquisition of relevant skills which are considered a basic background for them to rationally manage and use the natural resources and exploit efficiently all inputs increasing the returns via plant and animal farming. Furthermore, the programme of studies offers a broad scientific knowledge which allows the graduates to design and apply innovative technological projects in line with the new agricultural policy in the whole agro-food chain (production, processing and marketing of quality products of plant or animal origin) within the framework of sustainable development and environmental protection. Finally, the graduates obtain all necessary qualifications to successfully follow postgraduate studies.
The graduates of the School of Agriculture, based on the knowledge they acquire throughout their studies on basic and applied areas of the Agricultural Sciences, are skillful for applying their technical know-how to: a) conduct research on subjects related to primary agricultural production as well as to standardization and processing of agricultural products for food production, b) inform, train and educate the growers on the exploitation and efficient use of modern technology, c) organize agricultural enterprises, d) exploit modern methods for quality improvement of agricultural products and their processed food products, e) promote the marketing of agricultural products, f) apply measures for the protection of the environment, g) handle rationally the natural resources, h) achieve the optimal use of farm inputs, i) contribute to rural development, j) sustain the natural wealth and produce new agro-tourist products, and k) teach courses of agricultural sciences within the secondary educational system and technical schools.
The graduates of the School of Agriculture, based on their knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies, they have the ability to: a) apply sufficiently and successfully the obtained knowledge in practice, offering technical support and expertise in plant and animal farming, b) communicate efficiently in the farmerlanguage, c) search for modern-emerging technologies for data analysis and information to effectively approach and resolve agricultural problems, d) adopt easily to new conditions in order to take the appropriate actions in managing problems in agro-food chain, e) work alone or as members of interdisciplinary scientific teams in national and/or international level, f) generate novel ideas and scientific knowledge, g) promote pioneering and innovative ideas in science and technology, h) design and handle scientific and research projects, i) contribute to pursuing and implementing of the new agricultural policy, j) promote the free, productive and inductive thinking, k) respect the different character and culture as well as the natural environment, l) demonstrate professional, social and ethical responsibility as well as sensitivity to sex issues and to m) exert objective criticism and mainly self criticism.
Specialization: Agricultural Economics
The aim of the specialization of Agricultural Economics is twofold: a) to prepare competent scientists to understand and address the economic problems arising from agricultural activity, and b) to promote research and the science of the agricultural economics to identify and solve the problems of Greek Agriculture.
Specialization: Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering
The educational and research fields of the specialization of Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering concern 1) water sciences, hydraulics and water resourcesmanagement, 2) soil science and management of land resources, and 3) agricultural engineering and energy in agriculture. Therefore, graduates of School of Agriculture with specialization in Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, in addition to skills related to general agricultural education, acquire the following special skills: 1) sustainable management of natural resources (especially soil, water and renewable energy) in agricultural production 2) design, construction and management of agricultural projects and works 3) management of agricultural machinery and 4) protection of the water and soil resources.
Specialization: Food Science and Technology
The subject of the specialization in Food Science and Technology covers the field of industrial manufacture - processing and preservation of agricultural products (plant and animal origin) aiming to food production.The educational and research areas of the specialization includes: 1) Food Processing and Engineering, 2) Food Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, 3) Microbiology, Safety and Hygiene of Foods, 4) Biochemistry and Human Nutrition, and 5) Oenology and related technologies of industrial processing of products which are of particular interest for the agricultural commodities produced in the country.Αpart from the skills related to general agricultural education, the graduates of the specialization obtain background on: 1) the design of food processes, 2) the structure of production lines and the principles of equipment selection for the food industry, 3) the chemical, physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological analyses as well as the quality control and hygiene of foods and beverages, 4) the nutritional value of foods and their constituents as related to the human nutrition and well-being, and 5) the environmentally friendly and economically viable use of energy and water resources in food manufacturing as well as the valorization of industrial by-products.
Specialization: Animal Production
The educational and research program of Animal Production (AP) Department provides to the undergraduate students a wide range of subjects concerning the nutrition of farm animals, the physiology of their reproduction, genetics and improvement, fisheries and aquaculture, breeding systems and the breeds of livestock. The main subjects of the direction are the Physiology of Nutrition, Reproductive Physiology, Genetics and improvement, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Molecular Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, Breeds of livestock, Classic and alternative breeding systems, Dairy and beef production, Applied Reproduction and control of reproduction, Applied nutrition and feed technology, Biodiversity management, Grazing and pasture management and Livestock behavior.The research of the Department of Animal Production (AP) is focused on the investigation of problems/questions related to Reproductive Physiology, Physiology of nutrition and Nutrition of Farm Animals, Genetics and Improvement of Farm Animals, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology of Reproduction, Classic and alternative breeding systems and livestock breeds, Anatomy and Biochemistry of Farm Animals. The Department emphasizes on the research of biodiversity management, Livestock Behavior & Grazing and pasture management. Finally, the research is focused in the Applied Reproduction and the control of reproduction, in Applied Animal Nutrition and feed technology.
Specialization: Plant Production
The Specialization of Plant Production includes three Departments: Horticulture and Viticulture, Plant Protection and Crop Science and Ecology
Department of Horticulture and Viticulture
The scientific field of Horticulture and Viticulture Department includes: Physiology, ecophysiology, biotechnology, breeding, mineral nutrition, growth and development, postharvest physiology and handling, cultivation techniques, and production methods of horticulture products and propagation material of fruit trees and fruit-bearing shrubs, grapevines, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. Ampelography. Sustainable horticulture. Landscape architecture, garden and park design, landscape planning and management. Honey bee and silkworm biology and exploitation. Insect pollination.
Department of Plant Protection
The subject of the Department of Plant Protection encompasses the field of management of plant pests and diseases with emphasis in integrated pest management and proper use of pesticides. The educational and research areas of the specialization include: 1) entomology (Acarology, Nematology), 2) plant pathology (Mycology, Virology), 3) chemistry and ecology of pesticides and integrated pest management.
Apart from the skills related to general agricultural education, the undergraduate students obtain background on: 1) the identification and management of pests (insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria and viruses) on plants, plant products and humans 2) the chemistry, toxicology and use of pesticides, and 3) the protection of non-target organisms and the environment from pesticide residues.
Department of Crop Science and Ecology
The educational and research program of the Department of Crop Science and Ecology is designed to provide education of the undergraduate students in a wide range of issues which are referring to the cultivation of field crops like cereals, legumes, energy crops, cotton, tobacco, sugar beets, aromatic and medicinal plants. The main cognitive subjects of the Department are ecology, ecophysiology, plant physiology, agricultural chemistry, plant biochemistry, weed science, integrated crop management of field crops, genetics, biochemical genetics, cytogenetics, quantitative genetics, classical breeding and the use of biotechnology in plant breeding, biometrics and experimentation, statistics, environmental protection and wetlands in agriculture. The research of the Department of field crops and ecology is focused on investigating problems/questions that are related to plant physiology and biochemistry, genetics and breeding of the plants, agricultural practices, biology and control of weeds, agricultural ecology and study of the agricultural ecosystems.
The Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki repealed by P.D.247/04 (Official Government Gazette A5/30-11-04) and the School of Agriculture, which was affiliated to it, returned under the status of Law 1268/82, Article 30 paragraph 1 and Law 1351/83, Article 6 paragraph 11. The date of renaming of the School of Agriculture to Faculty of Agriculture is set on July 11, 2005 (A.U.Th. Senate meeting 2770/29-6-05 and RectorCouncil meeting 1205/27-7-05). Subsequently, the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment has been founded by P.D.98/2013 (Official Government Gazette A4/05-6-2013) and now the School of Agriculture belongs to it. The academic operation of the School of Agriculture started at the beginning of the academic year 2013-2014.
Additional professional recognition of a state agency is not required as the Graduate Degree awarded from the School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is sufficient for employment in the public or private sector.
The qualification is a terminal award and allows access to postgraduate studies
A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the marks of each subject in the Hellenic Higher Education. The grading scheme is as follows in the qualification Ptychion (Ministerial Decision no 0.1231/B1/425 art.60, Hellenic Government Gazette no 1099/2000/B):
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent: 8.50-10.00
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good : 6.50- 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) Good : 5.00-6.49
Minimum passing grade : 5
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) (1ECTS=25-30 student work load hours). Compliance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) regulations started in 2007, when the Greek Legislation was harmonized with the relevant European one (Ministerial Decision no Φ5/89656/β3, art. 1-3, Hellenic Government Gazette no 1466/2007/B). Each course is credited with a number of ECTS (>=2) according to the studentworkload (contact hours, laboratory work, examination etc) and accumulation of credits (ECTS) is accomplished after successful completion of the course.
Prof. Stefanos Koundouras