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Study Guide

FacultyHealth Sciences
Programme of StudyPPS Tmīmatos Ktīniatrikīs (2020-2021)
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Academic Year2020 - 2021
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
8 classes
1.1Chemistry- Biochemistry6COR
1.2Animal and Plant Biology2COR
1.3General Histology-Embryology5PU
1.4Anatomy-Histology I 7PU
1.5Physiology I4PU
1.6Molecular Biology-Genetics3COR
1.8Seminar on informatics and electronic resources0OP

Courses of the 2nd semester

2nd semester
6 classes
2.1Anatomy-Histology II6PU
2.2.0Physiology II7PU
2.3General Animal Husbandry4COR
2.4Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition 6COR
2.5Deontology, Ethology and Animal Welfare3COR
2.6Economics of Animal Production 4COR

Courses of the 3rd semester

3rd semester
5 classes
3.1Anatomy-Histology III7PU
3.2.0Physiology III5PU
3.3General Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology, Immunology7COR
3.4Animal Husbandry I6COR
3.5Animal Feeds-rations, Agronomy5COR

Courses of the 4th semester

4th semester
7 classes
4.1Pharmacology I6COR
4.2Specific Bacteriology, Mycology,Virology and Infectious Diseases.7COR
4.3Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases I5COR
4.4Animal Husbandry II8COR
4.5Extramural education (practical training)2PRT
4.6Topographical and clinical Anatomy2ELC
4.7Gender equality: social approach through biological sciences2ELC

Courses of the 5th semester

5th semester
9 classes
5.1General Pathology5COR
5.2Propedeutics of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics7COR
5.3Obstetrics and Neonatology4COR
5.4Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases II4COR
5.5Ecology and Environmental Protection3COR
5.6Farming and Pathology of Aquatic Organisms3COR
5.8Turkey, Quail, Duck and Goose Production2ELC
5.9Molecular Biology Techniques and their Applications in Veterinary Medicine2ELC

Courses of the 6th semester

6th semester
16 classes
6.1Special Pathology I2COR
6.2Companion Animal Medicine I4COR
6.3Companion Animal Surgery I2COR
6.4Diagnostic Imaging I 2COR
6.5Farm Animal Medicine I5COR
6.6 Foods Animal technology4COR
6.7Apiculture and Bee Diseases2COR
6.8Pharmacology II3COR
6.9Extra-Mural Training2PRT
6.10Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Wildlife2ELC
6.11Aquatic Environment-Interactions Between Environment and Aquaculture2ELC
6.12Molecular Virology- Application of Biothechnology in the Diagnosis of Virus Diseases and Vaccine Production. 2ELC
6.13Alternative Methods of Parasite Control2ELC
6.14Comparative Physiology of Laboratory Animals 2ELC
6.15Pathology of farmed Aquatic Organisms2ELC
6.16Infectious Diseases of Major Importance for Greece2ELC

Courses of the 7th semester

7th semester
14 classes
7.1Special Pathology II2COR
7.2Companion Animal Medicine II3COR
7.3Companion Animal Surgery II2COR
7.4Diagnostic Imaging II2COR
7.5Farm Animal Medicine II5COR
7.6 Avian Medicine4COR
7.7Hygiene and Technology of Milk and Dairy Products2COR
7.8Practical Training in Necropsy Room2COR
7.9Clinical Training in Companion Animals2COR
7.10Clinical Training in Farm Animals2COR
7.11Training in Hygiene and Technology of Milk and Daiy Products2COR
7.12Comparative Pathology of Neoplasia2ELC
7.13Parasites and Public health2ELC
8.14Introduction in Laboratory Animal Science2ELC

Courses of the 8th semester

8th semester
14 classes
8.1Hygiene of mammalian meat and Products2COR
8.2Food Microbiology2COR
8.3Special Pathology III2COR
8.4Companion Animal Medicine III3COR
8.5Companion Animal Surgery III2COR
8.6Equine Medicine and Surgery 2COR
8.7Farm Animal Surgery 2COR
8.8Animal Reproduction I3COR
8.9Trainingin Post Mortem examinations2COR
8.10Clinical Training in Companion Animals 2COR
8.11Clinical Training in Farm Animals2COR
8.12Training in Food Hygiene2COR
8.13Extra-Mural training2PRT
8.15Dairy Herd Management2ELC

Courses of the 9th semester

9th semester
17 classes
9.1Hygiene of Poultry and game Meat & Fish. Hygiene of Eggs and Honey2COR
9.2 Quality Assurance and food safety systems2COR
9.3Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine2COR
9.4Entrepreneurship and Management of Veterinary and animal enterprises2COR
9.5Reproduction II4COR
9.6Diseases of Exotic Animals2COR
9.7Clinical Pharmacology2COR
9.8Training in Post Mortem examination2COR
9.9Clinical Training in Companion Animals2COR
9.10Clinical Taining in Farm Animals2COR
9.11Training on food animal hygiene and technology2COR
9.13Rescue and rehabilation of wild animals 2ELC
9.14Anesthesia and Intensive Care I2ELC
9.15Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of companion animals2ELC
9.16Companion animal medicine I2ELC

Courses of the 10th semester

10th semester
9 classes
10.1Practical Training in Necropsy Room. Veterinary Forensic Medicine and Certification5COR
10.2Clinical Training in Companion Animals8COR
10.3Clinical Training in Farm Animals8COR
10.4Practical Training on Hygiene and Technology of Foods of Animal Origin 5COR
10.6 Companion animal medicine II2ELC
10.7Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of companion animals2ELC
10.8Anesthesia and Intensive Care II2ELC
10.10Avian Medicine2ELC