Qualification AwardedTHEOLOGY AND CULTURE 2018
Programme of StudyTheology and Culture
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2019 - 2020
Contact emailinfo@theo.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

Practical Theology and Pedagogy
1st semester
33 classes
1100Christological Interpretation of the Old Testament (I)10EE-E
1102Prophecy in Biblical Israel (1)10EE-E
1103New Testament Epistles-Methodology and Interpretation in Late Modernity (I)10EE-E
1104Sources and methodology of the research in the Gospels (canonical and apocryphal)10EE-E
1105Issues in Biblical and Patristic Language and Translation10EE-E
1200Church - Genos - Ethnarchy - Nation - Hellemism10EE-E
1201Church History as a cultural chronicle (I)10EE-E
1203Methodology of Research in History and Literature of the Church of Greece10EE-E
1204Western Ecclesiastical Literature10EE-E
1205Patristic literature:Orthodox interpretation of the Bible10EE-E
1206Theological Traces on Litterature (I)10EE-E
1207The portrait of the artist during the Byzantin and the post-Byzantine period (9th-19th century) (I)10EE-E
1208Spiritual Life and Culture of the Slavs (Early Period)10EE-E
1209Slavic Philhellenism (I)10EE-E
1300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (I)10EE-E
1301Dogmatics and Dialogue of Orthodoxy in Modern Times (Ι)10EE-E
1302Topics of Historical Theology10EE-E
1303Issues of Symbolic Theology 10EE-E
1304History of Philosophy (I)10EE-E
1305Contemporary Ecumenical Dialogue and Ecclesiological Prombematics10EE-E
1400Ethics, Religion and science10EE-E
1401The Parish in History and Present times10EE-E
1402Society and sacrum10EE-E
1403Society-Religion and Culture in modernity10EE-E
1404Theory and Method in the Scientific Study of Religion10EE-E
1405Islam. Formative peiod and contemporary understandings10EE-E
1406Theory, methodology & processing of theological information10YE-E
1500Curricula Theory and ICT10YE-E
1501Basic Concept of Didactics and their significance for Religious Education10YE-E
1502Psychological and pedagogical conditions of childhood and adolescence and Christian education10YE-E
1504Contemporary Liturgical Issues: historical, theological and cultural conditions10YE-E
1505Methodology, research, and composition of scientific papers10YE-E
1506Church and State relations in European Union10YE-E
Systematic Theology, Sociology and the Study of Religions
1st semester
33 classes
1100Christological Interpretation of the Old Testament (I)10EE-E
1102Prophecy in Biblical Israel (1)10EE-E
1103New Testament Epistles-Methodology and Interpretation in Late Modernity (I)10EE-E
1104Sources and methodology of the research in the Gospels (canonical and apocryphal)10EE-E
1105Issues in Biblical and Patristic Language and Translation10EE-E
1200Church - Genos - Ethnarchy - Nation - Hellemism10EE-E
1201Church History as a cultural chronicle (I)10EE-E
1203Methodology of Research in History and Literature of the Church of Greece10EE-E
1204Western Ecclesiastical Literature10EE-E
1205Patristic literature:Orthodox interpretation of the Bible10EE-E
1206Theological Traces on Litterature (I)10EE-E
1207The portrait of the artist during the Byzantin and the post-Byzantine period (9th-19th century) (I)10EE-E
1208Spiritual Life and Culture of the Slavs (Early Period)10EE-E
1209Slavic Philhellenism (I)10EE-E
1300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (I)10YE-E
1301Dogmatics and Dialogue of Orthodoxy in Modern Times (Ι)10YE-E
1302Topics of Historical Theology10YE-E
1303Issues of Symbolic Theology 10YE-E
1304History of Philosophy (I)10YE-E
1305Contemporary Ecumenical Dialogue and Ecclesiological Prombematics10YE-E
1400Ethics, Religion and science10YE-E
1401The Parish in History and Present times10YE-E
1402Society and sacrum10YE-E
1403Society-Religion and Culture in modernity10YE-E
1404Theory and Method in the Scientific Study of Religion10YE-E
1405Islam. Formative peiod and contemporary understandings10YE-E
1406Theory, methodology & processing of theological information10EE-E
1500Curricula Theory and ICT10EE-E
1501Basic Concept of Didactics and their significance for Religious Education10EE-E
1502Psychological and pedagogical conditions of childhood and adolescence and Christian education10EE-E
1504Contemporary Liturgical Issues: historical, theological and cultural conditions10EE-E
1505Methodology, research, and composition of scientific papers10EE-E
1506Church and State relations in European Union10EE-E
Christian Literature and History
1st semester
33 classes
1100Christological Interpretation of the Old Testament (I)10YE-E
1102Prophecy in Biblical Israel (1)10YE-E
1103New Testament Epistles-Methodology and Interpretation in Late Modernity (I)10YE-E
1104Sources and methodology of the research in the Gospels (canonical and apocryphal)10YE-E
1105Issues in Biblical and Patristic Language and Translation10YE-E
1200Church - Genos - Ethnarchy - Nation - Hellemism10YE-E
1201Church History as a cultural chronicle (I)10YE-E
1203Methodology of Research in History and Literature of the Church of Greece10YE-E
1204Western Ecclesiastical Literature10YE-E
1205Patristic literature:Orthodox interpretation of the Bible10YE-E
1206Theological Traces on Litterature (I)10YE-E
1207The portrait of the artist during the Byzantin and the post-Byzantine period (9th-19th century) (I)10YE-E
1208Spiritual Life and Culture of the Slavs (Early Period)10YE-E
1209Slavic Philhellenism (I)10YE-E
1300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (I)10YE-E
1301Dogmatics and Dialogue of Orthodoxy in Modern Times (Ι)10EE-E
1302Topics of Historical Theology10EE-E
1303Issues of Symbolic Theology 10EE-E
1304History of Philosophy (I)10EE-E
1305Contemporary Ecumenical Dialogue and Ecclesiological Prombematics10EE-E
1400Ethics, Religion and science10EE-E
1401The Parish in History and Present times10EE-E
1402Society and sacrum10EE-E
1403Society-Religion and Culture in modernity10EE-E
1404Theory and Method in the Scientific Study of Religion10EE-E
1405Islam. Formative peiod and contemporary understandings10EE-E
1406Theory, methodology & processing of theological information10EE-E
1500Curricula Theory and ICT10EE-E
1501Basic Concept of Didactics and their significance for Religious Education10EE-E
1502Psychological and pedagogical conditions of childhood and adolescence and Christian education10EE-E
1504Contemporary Liturgical Issues: historical, theological and cultural conditions10EE-E
1505Methodology, research, and composition of scientific papers10EE-E
1506Church and State relations in European Union10EE-E
1st semester
16 classes
202History and Literature of the Greek Orthodox Church5ELCI
504 Pastoral Theology 5ELCI
705 Introduction to Ethics4ELCI
707Dogmatics II. Exposition of orthodox faith and introduction to the theological gnosiology 3ELC
1100Christological Interpretation of the Old Testament (I)10EE-E
1205Patristic literature:Orthodox interpretation of the Bible10COR
1305Contemporary Ecumenical Dialogue and Ecclesiological Prombematics3ELC
1400Ethics, Religion and science10YE-E
1402Society and sacrum10ELC
1405Islam. Formative peiod and contemporary understandings3ELC
1506Church and State relations in European Union10YE-E
2073Marriage and Family Counseling3ELC
2099Teacher Training in Religious Education Instruction 6ELCI
2140Society, Religion and Law3ELC
2211Religion and Politics in the Balkans of the 20th Century: the Relations between the Church and the Politics from the Establishment of Yugoslavia (19183ELCI
2218Contemporary Trends in Mission3ELCI

Courses of the 2nd semester

Practical Theology and Pedagogy
2nd semester
35 classes
2100Messianic Texts of the Old Testement (II)10EE-E
2101Prophecy in Biblical Israel (II)10EE-E
2102Theology of the New Testament Early Christianity in the Modern Times (II)10EE-E
2103Interpretation of Gospel narratives with the implication of modem approaches10EE-E
2104Manuscript Tradition and Taxtual Critism10EE-E
2200Ecumenical Patriarchate, Ancient Patriarchates, Curch of Cyprus, Archdiocese of Sina, Church of Grete. Church-History-Civiliation10EE-E
2202Church History as a cultural chronicle (II)10EE-E
2204The Autocephalon of the Church of Greece10EE-E
2205Western Ecclesiastical Literature10EE-E
2206The fathers of the Church and the modem world10EE-E
2207The Icon as a Legend. The Dialogue between Hagiography and Art (II)10EE-E
2208The portrait of the artist during the Byzantin and the post-Byzantine period(9th-19th century) (II)10EE-E
2209Spiritual Life and Culture of the Slavs (Period of Development)10EE-E
2210Philo-Slavic Movements within Greece (II)10EE-E
2211Greek scholars and Christian tradition (17th - 19th centuries)10EE-E
2300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (II)10EE-E
2301Dogmatics and Dialogue of Orthodoxy in Modern Times (ΙI)10EE-E
2302Issues of Modem and Current Wester Theological Expression10EE-E
2303Topics of Doctrinal Dialogue and Modern Theology10EE-E
2304History of Philosophy (II)10EE-E
2305Ecumenical Social Ethics10EE-E
2401Orthodox Theology and Pastoral applications10EE-E
2402Methodology of Social Sciences (II)10EE-E
2403Contemporary Social Theory and Sociology of Christianity: Religion-politics-culture10EE-E
2404Sociology of Christianity-Social Theory currents10EE-E
2405Wandering of the Homo Hellenisticus during thew Graeco-Roman Era10EE-E
2406Interreligious Dialogues. History of encounter of Christianity with Islam10EE-E
2500Inclusive education, diversity, multiculturalism in Religious Education. Teaching models and methodologies and ICT in the Religion course.10YE-E
2501Didactics of Religious Education and School Pedagogy:a Contemporary Dialogue10YE-E
2502Theology and Culture in the Calendar of Feasts and the Euchologion10YE-E
2503From Homily to hyem: homiletic features of the funeral service10YE-E
2504The message of the Gospel and factors of communication (II)10YE-E
2506Comparative Law of Religions10YE-E
2507Pastora problems in the Begining and the of Life10YE-E
2508Digital processing of (theological) cultural entities10YE-E
Systematic Theology, Sociology and the Study of Religions
2nd semester
35 classes
2100Messianic Texts of the Old Testement (II)10EE-E
2101Prophecy in Biblical Israel (II)10EE-E
2102Theology of the New Testament Early Christianity in the Modern Times (II)10EE-E
2103Interpretation of Gospel narratives with the implication of modem approaches10EE-E
2104Manuscript Tradition and Taxtual Critism10EE-E
2200Ecumenical Patriarchate, Ancient Patriarchates, Curch of Cyprus, Archdiocese of Sina, Church of Grete. Church-History-Civiliation10EE-E
2202Church History as a cultural chronicle (II)10EE-E
2204The Autocephalon of the Church of Greece10EE-E
2205Western Ecclesiastical Literature10EE-E
2206The fathers of the Church and the modem world10EE-E
2207The Icon as a Legend. The Dialogue between Hagiography and Art (II)10EE-E
2208The portrait of the artist during the Byzantin and the post-Byzantine period(9th-19th century) (II)10EE-E
2209Spiritual Life and Culture of the Slavs (Period of Development)10EE-E
2210Philo-Slavic Movements within Greece (II)10EE-E
2211Greek scholars and Christian tradition (17th - 19th centuries)10EE-E
2300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (II)10YE-E
2301Dogmatics and Dialogue of Orthodoxy in Modern Times (ΙI)10YE-E
2302Issues of Modem and Current Wester Theological Expression10YE-E
2303Topics of Doctrinal Dialogue and Modern Theology10YE-E
2304History of Philosophy (II)10YE-E
2305Ecumenical Social Ethics10YE-E
2401Orthodox Theology and Pastoral applications10YE-E
2402Methodology of Social Sciences (II)10YE-E
2403Contemporary Social Theory and Sociology of Christianity: Religion-politics-culture10YE-E
2404Sociology of Christianity-Social Theory currents10YE-E
2405Wandering of the Homo Hellenisticus during thew Graeco-Roman Era10YE-E
2406Interreligious Dialogues. History of encounter of Christianity with Islam10YE-E
2500Inclusive education, diversity, multiculturalism in Religious Education. Teaching models and methodologies and ICT in the Religion course.10EE-E
2501Didactics of Religious Education and School Pedagogy:a Contemporary Dialogue10EE-E
2502Theology and Culture in the Calendar of Feasts and the Euchologion10EE-E
2503From Homily to hyem: homiletic features of the funeral service10EE-E
2504The message of the Gospel and factors of communication (II)10EE-E
2506Comparative Law of Religions10EE-E
2507Pastora problems in the Begining and the of Life10EE-E
2508Digital processing of (theological) cultural entities10EE-E
Christian Literature and History
2nd semester
35 classes
2100Messianic Texts of the Old Testement (II)10YE-E
2101Prophecy in Biblical Israel (II)10YE-E
2102Theology of the New Testament Early Christianity in the Modern Times (II)10YE-E
2103Interpretation of Gospel narratives with the implication of modem approaches10YE-E
2104Manuscript Tradition and Taxtual Critism10YE-E
2200Ecumenical Patriarchate, Ancient Patriarchates, Curch of Cyprus, Archdiocese of Sina, Church of Grete. Church-History-Civiliation10YE-E
2202Church History as a cultural chronicle (II)10YE-E
2204The Autocephalon of the Church of Greece10YE-E
2205Western Ecclesiastical Literature10YE-E
2206The fathers of the Church and the modem world10YE-E
2207The Icon as a Legend. The Dialogue between Hagiography and Art (II)10YE-E
2208The portrait of the artist during the Byzantin and the post-Byzantine period(9th-19th century) (II)10YE-E
2209Spiritual Life and Culture of the Slavs (Period of Development)10YE-E
2210Philo-Slavic Movements within Greece (II)10YE-E
2211Greek scholars and Christian tradition (17th - 19th centuries)10YE-E
2300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (II)10EE-E
2301Dogmatics and Dialogue of Orthodoxy in Modern Times (ΙI)10EE-E
2302Issues of Modem and Current Wester Theological Expression10EE-E
2303Topics of Doctrinal Dialogue and Modern Theology10EE-E
2304History of Philosophy (II)10EE-E
2305Ecumenical Social Ethics10EE-E
2401Orthodox Theology and Pastoral applications10EE-E
2402Methodology of Social Sciences (II)10EE-E
2403Contemporary Social Theory and Sociology of Christianity: Religion-politics-culture10EE-E
2404Sociology of Christianity-Social Theory currents10EE-E
2405Wandering of the Homo Hellenisticus during thew Graeco-Roman Era10EE-E
2406Interreligious Dialogues. History of encounter of Christianity with Islam10EE-E
2500Inclusive education, diversity, multiculturalism in Religious Education. Teaching models and methodologies and ICT in the Religion course.10EE-E
2501Didactics of Religious Education and School Pedagogy:a Contemporary Dialogue10YE-E
2502Theology and Culture in the Calendar of Feasts and the Euchologion10EE-E
2503From Homily to hyem: homiletic features of the funeral service10EE-E
2504The message of the Gospel and factors of communication (II)10EE-E
2506Comparative Law of Religions10EE-E
2507Pastora problems in the Begining and the of Life10EE-E
2508Digital processing of (theological) cultural entities10EE-E
2nd semester
35 classes
1503Museum education and Christian education10COR
2100Messianic Texts of the Old Testement (II)10COR
2101Prophecy in Biblical Israel (II)10YE-E
2102Theology of the New Testament Early Christianity in the Modern Times (II)10COR
2103Interpretation of Gospel narratives with the implication of modem approaches10COR
2104Manuscript Tradition and Taxtual Critism10COR
2132Theodicy and the problem of evil3ELCI
2202Church History as a cultural chronicle (II)10COR
2204The Autocephalon of the Church of Greece10COR
2205Western Ecclesiastical Literature10COR
2206The fathers of the Church and the modem world10COR
2207The Icon as a Legend. The Dialogue between Hagiography and Art (II)3ELCU
2209Spiritual Life and Culture of the Slavs (Period of Development)10COR
2210Philo-Slavic Movements within Greece (II)10COR
2211Greek scholars and Christian tradition (17th - 19th centuries)10COR
2300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (II)10COR
2301Dogmatics and Dialogue of Orthodoxy in Modern Times (ΙI)10COR
2302Issues of Modem and Current Wester Theological Expression10COR
2303Topics of Doctrinal Dialogue and Modern Theology10COR
2304History of Philosophy (II)10COR
2305Ecumenical Social Ethics3ELCI
2401Orthodox Theology and Pastoral applications10COR
2402Methodology of Social Sciences (II)10COR
2403Contemporary Social Theory and Sociology of Christianity: Religion-politics-culture3ELCI
2404Sociology of Christianity-Social Theory currents10COR
2405Wandering of the Homo Hellenisticus during thew Graeco-Roman Era10COR
2406Interreligious Dialogues. History of encounter of Christianity with Islam10COR
2500Inclusive education, diversity, multiculturalism in Religious Education. Teaching models and methodologies and ICT in the Religion course.10COR
2501Didactics of Religious Education and School Pedagogy:a Contemporary Dialogue10COR
2502Theology and Culture in the Calendar of Feasts and the Euchologion10COR
2503From Homily to hyem: homiletic features of the funeral service10COR
2504The message of the Gospel and factors of communication (II)10COR
2507Pastora problems in the Begining and the of Life10COR
2508Digital processing of (theological) cultural entities10COR
GRL Α1Modern Greek Language (repeating)4ELCI

Courses of the Winter semester

Winter semester
3 classes
1300The Dogmatic Theology of the Orthodoxy in the New Ages (I)10ELC
1403Society-Religion and Culture in modernity10ELC
1501Basic Concept of Didactics and their significance for Religious Education10ELC