Ethnic Studies

Informations du Cours
TitreΕθνοτικές Σπουδές / Ethnic Studies
CodeΛογ 560
Cycle / Niveau2e cycle / Master
Semestre de l’annéeWinter/Spring
Course ID600003996


Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterAnnéeECTS
Anglikés kai Amerikanikés SpoudésEPILOGĪSWinter/Spring-10

Informations de la Classe
Année Académique2016 – 2017
Semestre de l’AnnéeSpring
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Domaine Scientifique
Mode d’Enseignement
  • En présentiel
Accès en Ligne
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Anglais (Enseignement, Examens)
Aptitudes Générales
  • Application des connaissances à la pratique
  • Recherche, analyse et synthèse de données et d’informations, avec utilisation des technologies adéquates
  • Prise de décision
  • Travail en autonomie
  • Travail en environnement international
  • Travail en environnement pluridisciplinaire
  • Production de nouvelles idées de recherche
  • Respect de l’altérité et du multiculturalisme
  • Responsabilité sociale, professionnelle et morale, sensibilité à la question du genre
  • Critique et autocritique
  • Promotion de la pensée libre, créatrice et inductive
Type de Matériels Éducatifs
  • Notes de cours
  • Livre
Organisation du Cours
ActivitésCharge de travailECTSIndividuelEn groupeErasmus
Etude & analyse bibliographiques782.8
Redaction de travaux1585.7
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Examen écrit : résolution de problèmes (Formative, Sommative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
General Bibliography Ahmad, Aijaz. (1994) “Orientalism and After: Ambivalence and Metropolitan Location in the Work of Edward Said.” In In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures. Verso: 159-219. Anderson, Benedict. (1991) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Verso. Anagnostou, Yiorgos (2009) Contours of White Ethnicity: Popular Ethnography and the Making of Usable Pasts in Greek America. Ohio UP. Anthias, Floya. (1998) “Evaluating Diaspora: Beyond Ethnicity?” Sociology 32: 557-580. Balibar, Etienne and Immanuel Wallerstein. (1991) Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities. Verso. Banks, Marcus. (1996) Ethnicity: Anthropological Constructions. Routlege. Barth, Fredric. (1969) “Ethnic Groups and their Boundaries.” In Theories of Ethnicity. Edited by Werner Sollors, NYUP, 1996. Bodnar, John. (1988) The Transplanted. Oxford UP. Brah, Avtar. (1996). Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities. Routlege. Chatterjee, Partha. (1986) Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse. Minnesota UP. -----------------------. (1993) The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories. Princeton. Clifford, James , George Marcus Ed. (1986) Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. U of California P. -------------------. (1997) “Diasporas” In Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century. Harvard UP. Chow, Rey. (1993). Writing Diaspora: Tactics of Intervention in Contemporary Cultural Studies. Cohen, Robin. (1997). Global Diasporas. U of Washington P. de la Campa etc. (1995). Late Imperial Culture. Verso. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. (1993) Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives. Pluto P. Fanon, Franz. (1965) "Algeria Unveiled." In A Dying Colonialism. Grove Press: 35-67. Friedman, Lester D. (1991) Unspeakable Images: Ethnicity and the American Cinema. U of Illinois P. Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey. (2003) Performing Whiteness: Postmodern Re/constructions in the Cinema. SUNY P. Galusca, Roxana. “From Fictive Ability to National Identity: Disability, Medical Inspection, and Public Health Regulations on Ellis Island.” Cultural Critique 72 (Spring 2009): 137-163. Gellner, Ernest. (1983). Nations and Nationalism. Cornel UP. Gilroy, Paul. (1987). There ain’t No Black in the Union Jack: The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation. Hutchinson. ----------------.(1993) The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Harvard UP. Glazer, Nathan and Moynyhan Daniel. (1970) Beyond the Melting Pot: The Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York City. M.I.T. UP. -------------------------------------------. (1975) Ethnicity: Theory and Experience. Harvard UP. Gordon, Milton. (1965) Assimilation in American Life: The Role of Race, Religion and National Origins. Oxford UP. Hall, Stewart. “Culture, Community, Nation.” Cultural Studies, 7 (3) (1993): 349-63. -----------------. (1990) “Cultural Identity and Diaspora.” In Identity: Community, Culture, Difference. Edited by Jonathan Rutherford. London: Lawrence and Wishat. 222-237. ----------------. (1991) “Old and New Identities. Old and New Ethnicities.” In Globalization and the World System. Edited by A. D. King. Macmillan. Haenni, Sabine. The Immigrant Scene: Ethnic Amusements in New York 1880-1920. U of Minnesotta P., 2008. “Urban Space and Ethnic Entertainment” pp.1-25 and “Alien Intimacies, Urban Crowds: Screening Immigrants on Broadway.” pp. 189-228. Higham, John. (1984) Send These to Me: Immigrants in Urban America. Oxford UP. Hobsbawm, E. J. (1991) Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. ---------------------. (1983) “Mass-producing Traditions: Europe 1970-1914.” In The Invention of Tradition. Edited by Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger. 263-307. Jacobson, Matthew Frye. (2001) “The Crucible of Empire.” In Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race. Harvard UP. ---------------------------------. (2006) Roots Too: White Ethnicity in Post-Civil Rights America. Harvard UP. Kaplan, Caren. (1996) “Traveling Theorists: Cosmopolitan Diasporas.” In Questions of Travel: Postmodern Discourses of Displacement. Duke UP: 101-142. Lipsitz, George. (1998) The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identity Politics. Temple UP. Loshitzky, Yosefa. (2010) Screening Strangers: Migration and Diaspora in Contemporary European Cinema. Indiana UP. “Screening Strangers in Fortress Europe” pp. 1-13. Lowe, Lisa (1996) “Heterogeneity, Hybridity, Multiplicity: Asian American Differences.” In Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics. Duke UP: 60-83. Naficy, Hamid. (2001) An Accented Cinema: Exilic and Diasporic Filmmaking. Princeton. Nash, Manning. (1989) The Cauldron of Ethnicity in the Modern World. Chicago. Omi, Michael and Howard Winnant. (1986) Racial Formation in the US: From the 1960s to the 1980s. Routlege. Renan, Ernest. (1882) “What is Nationalism?” In Nation and Narration. Ed. By Homi Bhabha. Routlege. Rosaldo, Renato. (1988) "Ideology, Place, and People Without Culture." Cultural Anthropology, 3.1, 77-87. Safran, William. “Diasporas in Modern Societies: Myths of Homeland and Return.” Diaspora 1.1 (Spring 1991): 83-99. Said, Edward. “Introduction” From Orientalism. Penguin, 1978. Pp. 1-28. ---------------. “Secular Interpretation, the Geographical Element, and the Methodology of Imperialism.” In After Colonialism: Imperial Histories and Postcolonial Displacements. Princeton UP, 1995. Schnapper, Dominique. “From the Nation-State to the Transnational World: On the Meaning and Usefulness of Diaspora as a Concept.” Diaspora 8.3, 1999: 225-254. Sollors, Werner. (1986) Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in American Culture. Oxford UP --------------------. (1989) The Invention of Ethnicity. Oxford UP. Thernstrom, Stephan. (1979) Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. Harvard UP. Tobing Rony, Fatimah. The Third Eye: Race, Cinema and Ethnographic Spectacle. “King Kong and the Monster in Ethnographic Cinema.” Pp. 157-191. Tololyan, Khachig. “The Nation and Its Others: In Lieu of a Preface.” Diaspora 1.1 (Spring 1991): 3-7. ----------------------. “Rethinking Diaspora(s): Stateless Power in the Transnational Moment.” Diaspora 5.1 (1996): 3-30. Verdery, Katherine. (1994)."Ethnicity, Nationalism, and State-Making: Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: Past and Future." In The Anthropology of Ethnicity: Beyond ‘Ethnic Groups and Boundaries’. Edited by Hans Vermeulen and Cora Govers. Het Spinhuis: 33-58. Wald, Priscilla. (1992) "Terms of Assimilation: Legislating Subjectivity in the Emerging Nation." Boundary 2. Wirth-Nesher, Hana. (2008). Call It English: The Languages of Jewish American Literature. Princeton UP.
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