Educational Linguistics

Informations du Cours
TitreΕκπαιδευτική Γλωσσολογία / Educational Linguistics
CodeΕΔΞΓ 564
Cycle / Niveau2e cycle / Master
Semestre de l’annéeWinter/Spring
Course ID600004032


Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterAnnéeECTS
Ekmáthīsī kai Didaskalía Xénīs GlṓssasYPOCΗREŌTIKOWinter/Spring-7.5

Informations de la Classe
Année Académique2016 – 2017
Semestre de l’AnnéeSpring
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Domaine Scientifique
Mode d’Enseignement
  • En présentiel
Accès en Ligne
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Anglais (Enseignement, Examens)
Aptitudes Générales
  • Production de nouvelles idées de recherche
  • Promotion de la pensée libre, créatrice et inductive
Type de Matériels Éducatifs
  • Notes de cours
  • Vidéoconférences
  • Matériel multimédia
  • Exercices interactifs
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Emploi de TIC pour l’enseignement
  • Emploi de TIC pour les activités de laboratoire
  • Emploi de TIC pour communiquer avec les étudiants
Organisation du Cours
ActivitésCharge de travailECTSIndividuelEn groupeErasmus
Redaction de travaux128.14.7
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Examen écrit : résolution de problèmes (Sommative)
Additional bibliography for study
Boers, F. J. Eyckmans, J. Kappel, H. Stengers and M. Demecheleer (2006). Formulaic sequences and perceived oral proficiency: putting a Lexical Approach to the test. Language Teaching Research 10/3: 245-262. Boers, F., A.M. Piquer Piriz, H. Stengers and J. Eyckmans (2009). Does pictorial elucidation foster recollection of idioms? Language Teaching Research 13/4: 367-382. Brown, D. (2011). What aspects of vocabulary knowledge do textbooks give attention to? Language Teaching Research, 15/1: 83-98. Brown, Douglas and Gonzo Susan (eds.) (1995). Readings on second language acquisition. NJ; Prentice Hall Regents. Cook, Vivian (2001). Second language learning and language teaching. London: Arnold. De la Fuente, M. J. (2006). Classroom L2 vocabulary acquisition: investigating the role of pedagogical tasks and form-focused instruction. Language Teaching Research 10/3: 263-296. Doughty, Catherine J., and Michael Long (eds.) (2003). The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell. Ellis, R. & G. Barkhuizen (2005). Analysing Learner Language. Oxford: OUP (chapters 3 and 14). Ellis, Rod (1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford: O.U.P. Ellis, Rod (1997). SLA research and language teaching. Oxford: O.U.P. Gass, Susan and Alison Mackey (2006). “Input, interaction and output: an overview”. In AILA Review, Themes in SLA Research, vol. 19: 3-17. Hamilton, Richard Paul (2000). The insignificance of learners’ errors: a philosophical investigation of the interlanguage hypothesis. In Language & Communication, 21/1: 73-88. Hatzitheodorou, A.-M. and M. Mattheoudakis (2009). “It is more than true that television reproduces life”: The effect of Greek rhetorical conventions on Greek learners’ academic writing in English. In Tsangalidis A. (ed.), Selected Papers from the 18th ISTAL, 167-176. Horst, M. (2005). Learning L2 vocabulary through extensive reading: A measurement study. Canadian Modern Language Review, 61/3: 355-382. Hummel, K.M. (2010). Translation and short-term L2 vocabulary retention: Hindrance or help? Language Teaching Research 14/1: 61-74. James, C. (1998). Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis. London: Longman. Johnson, K. (2001). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. England: Person Education (chapter 4). Johnson, Keith (2001). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. England: Pearson Education. Keating, G. D. (2008). Task effectiveness and word learning in a second language: The involvement load hypothesis on trial. Language Teaching Research 12/3: 365-386. Laufer, B. (2009). Second language vocabulary acquisition from language input and from form-focused activities. Language Teaching 42/3: 341-354. Laufer, B. And J. Hulstijn (2001). Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language: The construct of task-induced involvement. Applied Linguistics 22/1: 1-26. Mattheoudakis, M. and A.-M. Hatzitheodorou (2010). Structures of argumentation in the Greek Corpus of Learner English (GRICLE). In Language Forum vol. 36 (1-2), 127-137. Mizumoto A. And O. Takeuchi (2009). Examining the effectiveness of explicit instruction of vocabulary learning strategies with Japanese EFL university students 13/4: 425-449. Munoz, Carmen and David Singleton (2011). A critical review of age-related research on L2 ultimate attainment. In Language Teaching, 44/1: 1-35. Nesselhauf, N. (2004). How learner corpus analysis can contribute to language teaching: A study of support verb constructions. In G. Aston, S. Bernandini & D. Stewart (eds.), Corpora and Language Learners. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publ., 109-124. Richards, J.C. (1993). Error Analysis. Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition. London: Longman (chapters, 1, 2, 3, 6). Schmitt, N. (2008). Review article: Instructed second language vocabulary learning. Language Teaching Research, 12/3: 329-364. Shen, H. H. (2010). Imagery and verbal coding approaches in Chinese vocabulary instruction. Language Teaching Research 14/4: 485-499. Shintani, N. (2011). A comparative study of the effects of input-based and production-based instruction on vocabulary acquisition by young EFL learners. Language Teaching Research, 15/2: 137-158. Swain, Meryll (1995). “Three functions of output in second language learning”. In Cook, G., and Seidlhofer, B. (eds) Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: OUP, 125-144. Tan, Melinda (2005). Authentic language or language errors? Lessons from a learner corpus. In ELT Journal, 59/2: 126-134. Vivian Cook’s website Webb, S. (2010). Pre-learning low frequency vocabulary in second language television programmes. Language Teaching Research 14/4: 501-515.
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