Additional bibliography for study
1. M. C. Taylor (ed.), 1998. Critical Terms for Religious Studies, Chicago-London:The University of Chicago Press.
2. W. Braun - R. McCutcheon (επιμ.), 2003. Εγχειρίδιο Θρησκειολογίας (μετ. Δ. Ξυγαλατάς. Επιμ. Π. Παχής), Θεσσαλονίκη: εκδόσεις Bάνιας.
3. P. Antes- A. W. Geertz- R. R. Warne (eds.), 2004. New Approaches to the Study of Religion, vols I-II, Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter.
4. J. Z. Smith, 2004. Relating Religion. Essays in the Study of Religion, Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press.
5. J. R. Hinnells (ed.), 2005. The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion, London-New York: Routledge.
6. W. Braun-R. McCutcheon (eds.), 2008. Introducing Religion. Essays in Honor of J. Z. Smith, London-Oakville:Equinox.