Additional bibliography for study
Ενδεικτική βιβλιογραφία:
Allen, D. M. The Postmoderns: The New American Poetry Revised (1982).
Beach, Christopher. Artifice & Indeterminacy: an anthology of new poetics (1998).
Bernstein, Charles. Close listening: poetry and the performed word (1998).
Bradbury, Malcolm and Howard Temperley, eds. Introduction to American Studies (1998).
Bundtzen, Lynda K. Plath’s Incarnations: Woman and the Creative Process (1983).
Charters, Ann. The Beats: Literary Bohemians in Post war America (1983).
Coleman, Wanda. The Riot Inside Me: More Trials & Tremors (2005).
Diggory, Terence, and Stephen Paul Willer. The Scene of my Selves: New Work on New York School Poets (2001).
Foster, Edward Halsey. Understanding the Black Mountain Poets (1995).
Gelpi, Albert. Denise Levertov: Selected Criticism (1993).
Hyde, Lewis, ed. On the Poetry of Allen Ginsberg (1984).
Kac, Eduardo. Media Poetry: An International Anthology (2007).
Kane, Daniel. What is poetry: Conversations with the American Avant-garde (2003).
Lehman, David. The Last Avant-Garde: The Making of the New York School of Poets (1999).
Merrill, Thomas F. The Poetry of Charles Olson: A Primer (1982).
Von Hallberg, Robert. American Poetry and Culture, 1945-1980 (1985).
Wallace, Mark. Telling it Slant: Avant-garde Poetics of the 1990s (2002).