Additional bibliography for study
Selective Bibliography
Algeo, J. & Pyles, T. 2005. The Origins and Development of the English Language. Thomson/Wadsworth.
Baugh, A. C. & Cable, T. 1978. A History of the English Language. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Brook, G. L. 1978. A History of the English Language. Andre Deutsch.
Burnley, J. D. 1992. The History of the English Language: a Source Book. Longman.
Graddol, D., Leith, D. & Swann, J. 2002. English: History, Diversity and Change. London: Routledge.
Hogg, R. M. & Denison, D. 2006. A History of the English Language. Cambridge University Press.
Hogg, R. M., Blake, N. F. & Burchfield, R. W. 1992. The Cambridge History of the English Language. Cambridge University Press.
Scott, C. T. & Erickson, J. L. 1968. Readings for the History of the English Language. Allyn and Bacon.
van Gelderen, E. 2006. A History of the English Language. John Benjamins.