Additional bibliography for study
Boorstin, Daniel. The Americans (3 volumes) (1958, 1964, 1974).
Campbell, Neil and Alasdair Kean. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture (1997).
Howard, Philips, and Steve Jones. Society online: the internet in context (2004).
Kellner, D. Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern (1995).
Kerber, Linda K. “Diversity and the Transformation of American Studies.” American Quarterly vol. 41, no.3 (Sept. 1989): 415-31.
Lynd, Robert Staughton, and Helen Merrell Lynd. Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture (1956).
Manning, Susan, and Andrew Taylor. Transatlantic literary Studies: a reader (2007).
Marx, Leo. The Machine in the Garden (1964).
Mauk, David and John Oakland. American Civilization: An Introduction (1995).
Parrington, V.L. Main Currents of American Thought (1930).
Pease, Donald. The Futures of American Studies (2002).
Roth, Benita. Separate roads to feminism (2004).
Rowe, John Carlos. The New American Studies (2002).
Rutherford, J., ed. Identity, Community, Culture, Difference (1990).
Smith, Henry Nash. The Virgin Land: The American West in Symbol and Myth (1950).
Temperley, Howard, and Christopher Bigsby. A New Introduction to American Studies (2006).
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