Additional bibliography for study
Barcelona, A. επιμ. 2000. Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads. Βερολίνο & Νέα Υόρκη: Mouton de Gruyter.
Cienki, A. & C. Műller, επιμ. 2008. Metaphor and Gesture. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Dirven, R. & R. Pörings, επιμ. 2002. Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast. Βερολίνο & Νέα Υόρκη: Mouton de Gruyter
Kövecses, Z.2000. Metaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Feeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press & Éditions de la maison des sciences de l’homme.
Kövecses, Z. 2010. Metaphor: A Practical Introduction. Οξφόρδη: Oxford University Press.
Lakoff, G. 1987. Women, Fire and Other Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Μind. Σικάγο & Λονδίνο: The University of Chicago Press.
Lakoff, G. & M. Johnson. 1980. Metaphors We Live by. Σικάγο & Λονδίνο: The University of Chicago Press.
Cognitive Semiotics 5 (1-2)
Steen, G. J., Dorst, A. G., Hermann, J. B., Kaal, A. A. & T. Krennmayr. 2010. Metaphor in usage. Cognitive Linguistics 21 (4): 765-796