Additional bibliography for study
Allwright, R.L. (1981) What do we want teaching materials for? ELTJ. 36/1.
Grant, N. (1987) Making the most of your textbook. London: Longman.
Green, K. (2004) Enhancing a Differentiated Curriculum Through the Use of Thinking Strategies. VAGTC 14/2.
Harwood, N. (2010). English Language teaching materials: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: CUP.
Hewings, M. (1991) The interpretation of illustrations in ELT materials. ELTJ. 45/3.
Hutchison, T. and Torres, E. (1994) The textbook as agent of change. ELTJ, 48/4. Johnson, K. (2003) Designing Language Teaching Tasks. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Leach, R. and Deason, P. (1992) Making, Using and Adapting materials. Cambridge: National Extension College.
McGrath, I (2002) Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Peacock, M (1997) The effect of authentic materials on the motivation of EFL learners. ELTJournal 51/2:144-156.
O’Neill, R. (1982) Why use textbooks? ELTJ. 36/2.
Sheldon, L. (1988) Evaluating ELT textbooks and materials. ELTJ. 42/4.
Tomlinson, B. (ed) (2003). Developing Materials for Language Teaching.London: Continuum.
Tomlinson, B. (1998) Materials Development in Language Teaching. (ed) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tomlinson, B. & H. Masuhara (eds) (2010). Research for Materials development in language learning: evidence for best practice. London: Continuum