Additional bibliography for study
Auxter, D., Pyfer, J., και Huettig, C. (2001).Principtes and methods of adapted physical education and recreation (9th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
Bernari, N. (1995). Inner Rhythm. Harwood Academic Publishers. Switzerland.
Brunt, D. και Broadhead, G.D. (1982). Motor proficiency traits of deaf children. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 53, 236 –238.
Butterfield, S. A. (1987). The influence of age, sex, hearing loss, etiology and balance ability on the fundamental motor skills of deaf children. In M. Berridge και G.R. Ward (Eds), International perspectives on adapted physical activity (pp. 43-51). Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics.
Fotiadou , E., Giagazoglou, P., Kokaridas, D., Angelopoulou, N., Tsimaras, V., και Tsorbatzoudis, C. (2002). Effect of rhythmic gymnastics on the dynamic balance of children with deafness. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 17, 301-309.