Additional bibliography for study
Working Spaces. Simone Schleifer. Evergreen-Taschen. 2005
Total Office Design: 50 Contemporary Workplaces. K. Zumstein, H. Parton. Thames & Hudson. 2011.
Office Buildings: A Design Manual. R. Hascher, S. Jeska, B. Klauck. Birkhauser. 2002.
Γραφεία & επαγγελματικοί χώροι. Εκδόσεις ΚΤΙΡΙΟ. 2007.
The Other Office: Creative Workplace Design. Matt Stewart. Birkhauser. 2004.
Future Office. Christopher Grech and David Walters. Routledge. 2008.
The Commercial offices Handbook. Tim Battle. RIBA Publishing. 2003
The other office: Creative workplace design. Matt Stewart. Birkhauser. 2004.
Material World 3: Innovative Materials for Architecture and Design. Elodie Ternaux. FRAME. 2011.
Material Matters: New Materials in Design. Phil Howes, Zoe Laughlin, Black Dog Publishing. 2012.
Αυν. Ραντ. Κοντά στον ουρανό. Τόμος α’ και β’. Ωκεανίδα. 1997.
Ayn Rand. The Fountainhead. Plume; Reprint edition. 1994.
Tanizaki. Το εγκώμιο της σκιάς. Άγρα.