Additional bibliography for study
Campbell, P. S.; Scott-Kassner, C.; Kassner, K. (2006). Music in childhood: from preschool through the elementary grades. Thomson Higher Education, Belmont, California.
Colwell, R. (Ed.). (1991). Basic concepts in music education. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, Colorado
Erwin, J., Edwards, K., Kerchner, J., Knight, J. (2003) Prelude to music education. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA
Machover, W. & Uszler, M. (1996). Sound Choices: Guiding your Child’s Musical Experiences. Oxford University Press, New York
Small, C. (1977). Music, Society, Education. Wesleyan University Press, Hanover, NH, USA
Swanwick, K. (1979). A basis for music education. Routledge,London