Additional bibliography for study
Bertherat, T. (1976) Le corp a ses raisons. Paris: Seuil. Alexander, F.M. (1997 [1932]) The Use of the Self. New York: IRDEAT.
Bruser, M. (1997) The art of practicing: a guide to making music from the heart. New York: Bell Tower.
Conable, B. & Conable, W. (2000) What every musician needs to know about the body: The practical application of body mapping to making music. (Rev. ed.) Portland, OR: Andover Press.
Rosset, A. Llobet, J. & Odam, G. (2009) Le corps du musicien: Manuel de prevention pour une pratique optimal, trans H. Garrabé & H. Arcier. Montauban: aleXitère.