Additional bibliography for study
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Hallam, S., Cross, I., & Thaut, M. (Eds.) (2009). The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kramer, J. D. (1988). The Time of Music: New Meanings, New Temporalities, New Listening Strategies. New York: Schirmer Books.
Lapidaki, E. (1996). Consistency of tempo judgments as a measure of time experience in music listening (Doctoral Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1996). (Dissertation Abstracts International, AAD97-14633).
Lapidaki, E., & Alexandru, M. (2008). Temporal experience in ecclesiastical chanting: A collaborative approach between music psychology and Byzantine musicology (full-text). In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of Interdisciplinary Musicology (theme: Musical Structure). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-6 July.
Lapidaki, E. (2000). Stability of tempo judgments in music listening. Music Education Research, 2(1), 25-44.