Informations du Cours
Title in ItalienTipologia Linguistica
Cycle / Niveau1er cycle / Licence
Semestre de l’annéeWinter/Spring
Course ID600018469

Programme d' Études: PPS Tmīmatos Italikīs Glṓssas kai Filologías 2013

Registered students: 33
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterAnnéeECTS

Informations de la Classe
Année Académique2020 – 2021
Semestre de l’AnnéeSpring
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours4
Total Hours52
Class ID
Mode d’Enseignement
  • En présentiel
Accès en Ligne
Language of Instruction
  • Grec (Enseignement, Examens)
Type de Matériels Éducatifs
  • Notes de cours
  • Vidéoconférences
  • Son
  • Matériel multimédia
  • Livre
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Emploi de TIC pour l’enseignement
  • Emploi de TIC pour communiquer avec les étudiants
Organisation du Cours
ActivitésCharge de travailECTSIndividuelEn groupeErasmus
Etude & analyse bibliographiques100.4
Redaction de travaux180.7
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Examen écrit : questionnaire à choix multiples (Formative)
  • Examen écrit : réponses courtes (Formative, Sommative)
  • Examen écrit : réponses plus longues (Formative, Sommative)
  • Examen écrit : résolution de problèmes (Formative, Sommative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Comrie, Β., S. Matthews and Μ. Po1insky. 2004. Οι γλώσσες του κόσµου. Αθήνα: Σαββάλας [Τίτλος Πρωτότυπου: The Atlas of Languages].
Additional bibliography for study
Βασική Γενική Βιβλιογραφία: Asher, R.E. (επιμ.) 1994. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Οξφόρδη: Pergamon, τόμ. 3ος και 9ος. Berlin, Β. & Ρ. Kay. 1969. Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Eνolution. Μπέρκλεϊ: University of California Press. Chomsky, Ν. 1981. Lectures on Government and Binding. Dordrecht: Foris Publications. Comrie, Β. 1981. Lαnguage Uniυersals and Linguistic Typology. Syntax and Morphology. Oxford: Blackwell. Comrie, Β., S. Matthews and Μ. Po1insky. 2004. Οι γλώσσες του κόσµου. Αθήνα: Σαββάλας [Τίτλος Πρωτότυπου: The Atlas of Languages]. Croft, W. 20032. Typology and Universals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crotbers, J. 1978. Typology and universals of vowel systems. In J. Greenberg, C. Α Ferguson & Ε. Α Moravcsik (eds). Universa/s of human language, Volume 2, pp. 243-279. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Dixon, R.M.W. 1994. Ergativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Giνόn, Τ. (επιμ.) 1983. Topic Continuity iη Discourse: Α Quantitive Cross-Language Study. Άμστερνταμ: John Benjamins. Greenberg, J. 1966a. Some Universals of Language with particular reference to the order of meaningfu1 elements. In J. Greenberg (ed.), Universals of Language. 2nd. Edition. Cambridge ΜΑ: ΜΠ Press. Greenberg, J. 1966b. Chapter 3. Grammar and Lexicon. Ιn J. Greenberg (ed.), Language uniυersals with speciαl reference to feαture hierαrchies. The Hague: Mouton. Greenberg, J. 1978. Some generalizations concerning initia1 and fina1 consonant clusters. In J. Greenberg, C. Α Ferguson & Ε. Α. Moravcsik (eds). Universals of human language, Volume 2, pp. 243-279. Stanford: Stanford Uniνersity Press. Hall, C.J. 1992. “Integrating Diachronic and Processing Principles in Explaining the Suffixing Preference”. Στο Hawkins J.A (επιμ.) 1992, σελ. 321-349. Haspelmath, Μ. 2005. Explaining syntactic universals. Handouts from the 2005 LSA Institute, ΜIT, 27 June - 5 August 2005. Haspelmath, Μ., Μ. Dryer, D. Gil, and Β. Comrie (eds.) 2005. The World Atlas οf Lαnguage Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press Hayes, Β. 1995. Metrical Stress Theory. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Hawkins J.A. 1983. Word Order Universals. Νέα Υόρκη: Academic Press. Hawkins J.A. (επιμ.) 1992. Explaining Language Universals. Οξφόρδη: Basil Blackwell Ltd. Hopper, P. & E. Traugott. 2003. Grammaticalization. Second Edition. Cambridge: CUP. Kay, Ρ. & C. Mc Daniel 1978. “The linguistic significance of the meanings of basic color terms”. Language, 54, 610-646. Keenan, Ε.Ι. 1987. Universal Grammar: 15 Essays. Λονδίνο: Croom Helm. Κatamba, F. 1993. Morphology. Modem Linguistics Series. London: Macmillan Press. Χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι
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