Informations du Cours
Cycle / Niveau1er cycle / Licence
Semestre de l’annéeSpring
Course ID600020295

Programme d' Études: PPS Tmīmatos PSychologías (2017-sīmera)

Registered students: 23
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterAnnéeECTS

Informations de la Classe
Année Académique2021 – 2022
Semestre de l’AnnéeSpring
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Total Hours39
Class ID
Mode d’Enseignement
  • En présentiel
Accès en Ligne
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Anglais (Enseignement, Examens)
Aptitudes Générales
  • Application des connaissances à la pratique
  • Adaptation à des situations nouvelles
  • Travail en environnement pluridisciplinaire
  • Production de nouvelles idées de recherche
  • Conception et gestion de projets
  • Respect de l’altérité et du multiculturalisme
  • Critique et autocritique
  • Promotion de la pensée libre, créatrice et inductive
Type de Matériels Éducatifs
  • Notes de cours
  • Vidéoconférences
  • Livre
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Emploi de TIC pour l’enseignement
  • Emploi de TIC pour communiquer avec les étudiants
  • Emploi de TIC pour l’évaluation des étudiants
Organisation du Cours
ActivitésCharge de travailECTSIndividuelEn groupeErasmus
Redaction de travaux381.5
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Examen écrit : questionnaire à choix multiples (Sommative)
  • Examen écrit : résolution de problèmes (Sommative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
International review of research in developmental disabilities. Volume 50 [electronic resource] Fifty years of research in intellectual and developmental disabilities Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 77645655 Edited by Robert M. Hodapp, Deborah J. Fidler Volume 50, Pages 1-332 (2016) Νευροψυχολογία των Γενετικών Συνδρομών (2021) Επιμελητής: Χρυσή-Αμαρυλλίς Μαλεγιαννάκη Επιμελητής: Μαίρη-Ελένη Κοσμίδου Εκδόσεις: Gutenberg
Additional bibliography for study
Alevriadou, Α., & Lang, L. (2011). Active citizenship & contexts of special education: A critical perspective. London: Cice. Alevriadou, A., & Tsakiridou, E. (2010). The use of strategies in embedded figures tasks by boys with and without organic mild mental retardation: A review and some experimental data. In M. Barnes (Editor), Genes, brain and development: The neurocognition of genetic disorders. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. Agran, M., Hughes, C., Thoma, C. A., & Scott, L. A. (2016). Employment social skills: What skills are really valued? Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39, 111-120. Burack, J. A., Russo, N., Flores, H., Iarocci, G., & Zigler, E. (2011). The more we know, the less we know, but that's OK: Developmental implications for theory, methodology, and interpretation. In J. A. Burack, R. M. Hodapp, G. Iarocci & E. Zigler (Eds.), Handbook of intellectual disabilities and development (pp. 3-12). New York: Oxford University Press. Carter, E. W. (2017). The promise and practice of peer support arrangements for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 52, 141-174. Friedman, C., & Rizzolo, M. C. (2018). Friendship, quality of life, and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30, 39-54. Hodapp, R., Burack, J.& Zigler, E. (Eds.) (1990). Issues in the developmental approach to mental retardation. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Hodapp, R., DesJardin, J., & Ricci, L. (2003). Genetic syndromes of mental retardation: Should they matter for the early interventionist? Infants and Young Children, 16, 152–160. Iarocci, G., Yager, J., Rombough, A., & McLaughlin, J. (2008). The development in social competence among persons with Down syndrome: From survival to social inclusion. In L.M. Glidden (Ed.), International Review of Research in Mental Retardation (Vol. 35, pp. 87–110). Toronto, CA: Elsevier Inc. Mavropalias, T., Alevriadou, A. & Rachanioti, E. (2019). Parental perspectives on inclusive education for children with intellectual disabilities in Greece. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Ryan, S. M., Nauheimer, J. M., George, C. L., & Dague, E. B. (2017). “The most defining experience”: Undergraduate university students’ experiences mentoring students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30(3), 283-298. Thirion-Marissiaux, A., & Nader-Grosbois, N. (2008). Theory of mind ‘‘beliefs’’, developmental characteristics and social understanding in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 29, 547–566. Giaouri, S., Alevriadou, A., & Tsakiridou, E. (2010). Theory of mind abilities in children with Down syndrome and non-specific intellectual disabilities: An empirical study with some educational implications. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2, 3883–3887. Ypsilanti, A., Grouios, G., Alevriadou, A., & Tsapkini, K. (2005). Expressive and receptive vocabulary in children with Williams and Down syndromes. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, 353-364.
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