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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Georgios Stergioudis
Professor Emeritus (Retired), School of Physics
Personal Information
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Alexopoulos THōmas. "Ελεγχόμενη ανάπτυξη προηγμένων υλικών με διεργασίες χημικής εναπόθεσης καθώς και με άλλες εναλλακτικές μεθόδους. Μελέτη των δομικών, μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων, της αντιδιαβρωτικής προστασίας και της βιοσυμβατότητας των υλικών"
Pechlivanī Eleutheria-Maria. "Ανάπτυξη εναζωτωμένων - ενανθρακωμένων σύνθετων υλικών μεταλλικής μήτρας και επικαλύψεων. Μελέτη των δομικών, μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων και της αντιδιαβρωτικής συμπεριφοράς των τελικών προϊόντων"
Fekas Ilias. Νανοδομημένοι ανθρακούχοι καταλύτες και χημική εναπόθεση ατμών νανοσωλήνων άνθρακα
Stathokostopoulos Dimitrios. "Διερεύνηση της δομής και των ιδιοτήτων μεταλλικών επικαλύψεων που αναπτύσσονται με την τεχνική εναπόθεσης κόνεως"
Andronis Sotirios. "Παραγωγή και μελέτη με περίθλαση ακτίκων-Χ, της δομής και της αντιδιαβρωτικής/αντιοξειδωτικής συμπεριφοράς μεταλλικών επικαλύψεων θερμικού ψεκασμού, κράματος νικελίου, χρωμίου και αλουμινίου"
Research Projects
Πρακτική Άσκηση Φοιτητών Τμήματος Φυσικής του ΑΠΘ
Πρακτική Άσκηση Φοιτητών Τμήματος Φυσικής του ΑΠΘ
ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ: Εξέταση της συμβατότητας των υλικών προσθήκης και αναζήτηση των ορίων διαλυτότητας τους για τη βελτίωση της διαδικασίας και της ποιότητας του γαλβανισμού
Πρακτική Άσκηση Φοιτητών Τμήματος Φυσικής του ΑΠΘ
Pavlidou Eleni
Vourlias Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Examination of Zinc coatings on Copper substrates by thermal analysis
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Vourlias Georgios
Protection of Cu components with Mg and Al coatings deposited by pack cementation
Surface Engineering
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
Examination of Zinc coatings on Copper substrates by thermal analysis
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Pechlivani E. M
Stergioudis G
Commensurability of the structures of boride layers
1st International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers
vol.495 p.181-184
Chaliampalias D
Papazoglou M
Tsipas S
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Vourlias Georgios
Fabrication and examination of oxidation resistance of zinc coated copper and brass components by chemical deposition
Surface Engineering
vol.27 no.5 p.362-367
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Zorba T. T
Pavlidou E
Psyllaki P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
A combined study of the oxidation mechanism and resistance of AISI D6 steel exposed at high temperature environments
Applied Surface Science
vol.257 no.15 p.6687-6698
Chaliampalias D
Stathokostopoulos D
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
SEM examination of pack cementation coatings formed on varioussubstrates
Proceedings of the MC 2011, Microscopy Conference 2011
Kiel, Germany
Chaliampalias D
Andronis S
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Deposition of multilayer NiCrBSiFe and Al coatings on low carbon steels
Microscopy Conference 2011
Kiel, Germany
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Hatzikraniotis E
Stergioudis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vourlias G
Formation of Mg2Si thick films on Si substrates using pack cementation process
9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Skolianos S
Polychroniadis E. K
Stergioudis G
“Surface microstructure of NiCrBSi coatings deposited by flame spray and evaluation of the oxidation resistance” and Defect Data Pt
Solid State Phenomena
Solid State Phenomena”
vol.163 p.51-54
Papazoglou M
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Deposition of oxidation resistant zinc coatings on copper and leaded brass substrates with pack cementation process
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.12 no.7 p.1520-1523
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A comparative study of yttria stabilized zirconia coatings deposited with atmospheric plasma spray and detonation gun
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.12 no.7 p.1515-1519
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Papazoglou M
Tsipas S
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Vourlias Georgios
The effect of Al and Cr additions on pack cementation zinc coatings
Applied Surface Science
vol.256 no.11 p.3618-3623
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Skolianos S
Polychroniadis E. K
Stergioudis G
Surface microstructure of NiCrBSi coatings deposited by flame spray and evaluation of the oxidation resistance
21st Conference on Applied Crystallography
vol.163 p.51-54
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Psyllaki P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
Thermogravimetric analysis of tool steels for the evaluation of the irresistance in high temperature oxidation environments
10th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Morawiec H
Goryczka T
Lela̧tko J
Lekston Z
Winiarski A
Rówiński E
Stergioudis G
Surface structure of NiTi alloy passivated by autoclaving
5th International Materials Symposium
vol.636-637 p.971-976
Papanastasiou K
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Calculation of the Penetration Depth of X-Rays in Oxidized Zinc Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings
XXVI PanHellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ioannina, Greece
Papazoglou M
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
Examination of the oxidation protection of zinc coatings formed on copper alloys and steel substrates
AIP Conference Proceedings
vol.1203 p.801-806
Papazoglou M
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Examination of the reduction of the WO3/Zn system
vol.1203 p.807-811
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A combined microscopical and XRD study of zinc coatings
vol.163 p.93-96
Pistofidis N
Papanastasiou K
Chaliampalias D
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
An XRD study of galvanized coatings
XXVI PanHellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ioannina, Greece
Pistofidis N
Papanastasiou K
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Oxidation of zinc hot-dip galvanized coatings
XXVI PanHellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ioannina, Greece
Zoubos H
Siozios A
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Patsalas P
Growth of AlN-based Nanocomposites Grownby Pulsed Laser Deposition and Sputtering and the effect of post-growth thermal annealing
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies (NN10), Thessaloniki, Greece (2010), pp. 184
Πιστοφίδης Ν
Χαλιαμπάλιας Δ
Παυλίδου Ε
Τσιπάς Δ
Στεργιούδης Γ
Βουρλιάς Γ
Προκαταρτική αξιολόγηση της προστασίας των επικαλύψεων ψευδαργύρου σε υψηλή θερμοκρασία
4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Πιστοφίδης Ν
Χαλιαμπάλιας Δ
Παυλίδου Ε
Τσιπάς Δ
Στεργιούδης Γ
Βουρλιάς Γ
Μελέτη επιφανειακών φάσεων επικαλύψεων ψευδαργυρου
4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Examination of the oxidation resistance of high-alloyed tool steels at elevated temperatures
Applied Surface Science
Published Version
vol.255 no.12 p.6244-6251
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Skolianos Stefanos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Comparative examination of the microstructure and high temperature oxidation performance of NiCrBSi flame sprayed and pack cementation coatings
Applied Surface Science
Published Version
vol.256 no.6 p.3605-3612
Kalogirou Orestis
Stergioudis Georgios
Haidar O
Tsipas Dimitrios
Identification of corrosion products resulting from accelerated oxidation process
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
vol.44 no.6 p.469-473
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Reinforcement of Al-Fe-Ni alloys with the in situ formation of composite materials
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.483 no.1-2 p.178-181
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Psyllaki P
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Plasma-sprayed YSZ coatings: Microstructural features and resistance to molten metals
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Published Version
vol.483 no.1-2 p.382-385
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Psyllaki P
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Nano-phenomena during exposure of plasma-sprayed ceria stabilised zirconia coatings to oxygen rich environments
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Published Version
vol.483 no.1-2 p.378-381
Chaliampalias D
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Nano-coatings for the improvement of the corrosion performance of galvanized steel
6th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN09)
Thessaloniki, Greece
Papazoglou M
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Deposition of oxidation resistant zinc coatings on Copper and Leaded Brass substrates with pack cementation process
Proceedings of the Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM 2009)
Brasov, Romania
Pinakidou F
Katsikini M
Paloura E. C
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Micro-XRF and micro-EXAFS studies of an Al matrix Fe-Ni composite
ΧΧV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science (extended abstracts)
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A comparative study of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia coatings deposited with atmospheric plasma spray and detonation gun
Proceedings of the Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM 2009)
Brasov, Romania
Chaliampalias D
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
Vourlias G
“The effect of the deposition temperature and activator concentration on the structure of NiCrBSi coatings deposited on low carbon steels by pack cementation process” -“Materials Letters 62 (25), 4091-4093
Materials Letters
vol.62 no.25
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A morphological and microstructural study of flame-sprayed zinc coatings on low-alloyed steels as a contribution to explaining their corrosion resistance
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.205 no.7 p.1566-1571
Chaliampalias D
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
Vourlias G
The effect of the deposition temperature and activator concentration on the structure of NiCrBSi coatings deposited on low carbon steels by pack cementation process
Materials Letters
vol.62 no.25 p.4091-4093
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Skolianos S
Chrysafis Konstantinos
High temperature oxidation and corrosion in marine environments of thermal spray deposited coatings
Applied Surface Science
Published Version
vol.255 no.5 Part 2 p.3104-3111
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Ability of metallic coatings to protect low carbon steels from aqueous corrosion
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
vol.43 no.2 p.163-172
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Mechanism and kinetics of the formation of zinc pack coatings
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.91 no.2 p.497-501
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
Chrissafis K
A study of Al coated steels with thermal spray process in different environments
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Heraklion, Crete
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
On the corrosion of high alloyed tool steels
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Heraklion, Crete
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
Microstructural examination of Al and Cr alloyed zinc coatings on low carbon steels
Proceedings of EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress
Aachen, Germany
vol.2: Materials Science p.701-702
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
A comparative study of NiCrBSi and Al coated steels with thermal spray process in different environments
Proceedings of EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress
Aachen, Germany
Berlin Heidelberg
vol.2: Materials Science p.705-706
Civici N
Dilo T
Gjongecaj S
Stamati F
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
IIIrd century BC silver coins from Kreshpan hoard (Albania): data form bulk elemental analysis and microstructure studies
2nd International Symposium Ancient and Medieval Metalworks. Archaeology-Numismatics-Nuclear Analyses
Bucharest, Romania
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Examination of the Corrosion Performance of Zirconia Coatings in Aggressive Environments
5th International conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Thessaloniki, Greece
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
On the phase sequence formation of zinc protective coatings on low carbon steel in fluidized bed reactor
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
vol.1 no.1 p.41-46
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
Deposition of zinc coatings with fluidized bed technique
Materials Letters
vol.61 no.1 p.223-226
Chrissafis K
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Zinc coatings for oxidation protection of ferrous substrates
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.90 no.3 p.769-775
Katenidis V
Chaliampalias D
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Study of the structure of wear resistant thermal sprayed coatings on low alloy steels
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.6 p.1665-1670
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Short-term corrosion behavior of galvanized coatings in natural waters of the Greek territory
Journal of Materials Science
vol.42 no.8 p.2879-2885
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Effect of chromium on anticorrosive performance of zinc hot dip galvanised coatings
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
vol.42 no.1 p.16-21
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Effect of Ti, Ni and Bi addition to the corrosion resistance of Zn hot-dip galvanized coatings
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.6 p.1653-1659
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
The combined effect of nickel and bismuth on the structure of hot-dip zinc coatings
Materials Letters
vol.61 no.10 p.2007-2010
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
The effect of bismuth on the structure of zinc hot-dip galvanized coatings
Materials Letters
vol.61 no.4-5 p.994-997
Polychroniadis E. K
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
An overview on the solid byproducts of the galvanizing kettle
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
vol.1 no.2 p.77-85
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
On the corrosion mechanism of zinc pack coatings deposited on tow carbon steel: results of laboratory tests
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
vol.42 no.2 p.152-160
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the structure and the corrosion performance of tin plasma sprayed coatings
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.5 p.1317-1321
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E. L
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the structure of hot-dip galvanizing byproducts
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.9 p.2937-2942
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Tsiaoussis I
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A preliminary study of the structure and the corrosion performance of plasma sprayed YSZ coatings
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.6 p.1660-1664
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
On the corrosion mechanism of zinc pack coatings deposited on low carbon steel: Results of laboratory tests
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
vol.42 no.2 p.152-160
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Zinc coatings for oxidation protection of ferrous substrates Part I. Macroscopic examination of the coating oxidation
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.90 no.3 p.769-775
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Chaliambalias D
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Resistance of zinc thermal sprayed coatings on different corrosive environments
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.87 no.2 p.401-409
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
“Evaluation of microhardness and oxidation resistance of NiCrBSi coatings deposited with thermal spray and pack cementation process on low carbon steels
6th International Conference “THE Coatings 2007”
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Structure analysis of corrosion resistant thermal sprayed coatings on low alloy steels
vol.899 p.797
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Kolaklieva L
Kakanakov R
Tsiaoussis I
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Microstructural study of superhard coatings with TEM and SEM
vol.899 p.455-456
Konidaris S
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
On the effect of zinc melt composition on the structure of hot-dip galvanized coatings
vol.899 p.796
Konidaris S
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Microstructural study of zinc hot dip galvanized coatings with titanium additions in the zinc melt
vol.899 p.799
Michos N
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
The influence of aluminium addition on the microstructure of zinc pack coatings
20th Conference on Applied Crystallography
vol.130 p.193-198
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
“Plasma-Sprayed Yttria-Zirconia Coatings: Microstructural Features and Resistance to Molten Metals and High Temperature”
Bach F. W
Bouzakis K.-D
Denkena B
Geiger M
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference “THE Coatings 2007”
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Dilo T
Civici N
Stamati F
Gjongecaj Sh
Prifti I
Bilani O
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Microscopical examination of ancient silver coins
vol.899 p.798
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Stergioudis G
A comparative study of the structure and properties of zinc coatings deposited with various methods
20th Conference on Applied Crystallography
vol.130 p.207-212
Konidaris S
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
Environmental and technical considerations of preflux bath composition on structure of hot dip zinc galvanised coatings
Surface Engineering
vol.22 no.6 p.455-461
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the structure and morphology of plasma-sprayed tin coating
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.22-23 SPEC. ISS. p.6245-6250
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Dilo T
Civici N
Stamati F
Gjongecaj S
Prifti I
Bilani O
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
On the comparative study of three silver coins of the IIIrd century B.C. minted in Korkyra, Dyrrachion and by the Illyrian king Monounios
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
vol.83 no.4 p.637-642
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
The effect of preflux bath additives on the morphology and structure of the hot-dip galvanized coatings
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.41 no.8 p.759-765
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Microstructure of zinc hot-dip galvanized coatings used for corrosion protection
Materials Letters
vol.60 no.6 p.786-789
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Comparative study of the corrosion behavior of zinc coatings deposited on low carbon steel substrates
Surface and Interface Analysis
vol.38 no.4 p.252-254
Pistofidis N
Vourlias Georgios
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Tsipas Dimitrios
DSC study of the deposition reactions of zinc pack coatings up to 550°C
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.84 no.1 p.191-194
Pistofidis Nikolaos
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Tsipas Dimitrios
A combined characterization of zinc hot-dip galvanized wireswith DSC, XRD and SEM
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.86 no.2 p.417-422
Pistofidis Nikolaos
Vourlias Georgios
Chaliampalias Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Polychroniadis Efstathios
On the mechanism of formation of zinc pack coatings
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Published Version
vol.407 no.1-2 p.221-225
Polychroniadis E. K
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Tsipaa D
DSC study of the deposition reactions of zinc pack coatings up to 550 degrees C
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.84 no.1 p.191-194
Stergioudis G
Formation of boride layers on steel substrates
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.41 no.10 p.1002-1004
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Pistofidis N
Tsipas D
Interaction amongst corrosion products during an induced corrosion process
Corrosion Reviews
vol.24 no.1-2 p.63-85
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Structural study near the film/substrate interface of a plasma sprayed tin coating on low carbon steel
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.416 no.1-2 p.183-187
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
The origin of the formation of cavities in galvanized coatings
Surface and Interface Analysis
vol.38 no.3 p.150-157
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
Zinc deposition with pack cementation on low carbon steel substrates
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.416 no.1-2 p.125-130
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
Effect of simulated marine atmosphere on tin plasma-sprayed coatings
Surface and Interface Analysis
vol.38 no.4 p.255-258
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
Polychroniadis E. K
A comparative study of the structure and the corrosion behavior of zinc coatings deposited with various methods
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.22-23 SPEC. ISS. p.6594-6600
Pavlidou E
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Modification of the growth-direction of the zinc coatings associated with element additions to the galvanizing bath
Materials Letters
vol.59 no.13 p.1619-1622
Sianou-Linardi Anna
Stergioudis Georgios
Efthymiadis Konstantinos
Kalogirou Orestis
Tsoukalas Ioannis
Detection by means of electrical and magnetic measurements of Cr n+ (n and 3) ions in polycrystalline ZnCr2O4 samples prepared by heating in air
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.392 no.1-2 p.310-316
Stergioudis G
Homogenization process of the intermetallic compound layers of Al-clad iron
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.403 no.1-2 p.143-146
Stergioudis Georgios
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Polychroniadis Efstathios
The combined role of nickel and boron on the nucleation and growth of Fe-based non-crystalline alloys
Journal of Crystal Growth
Published Version
vol.275 no.1-2 p.e1821-e1825
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A negative effect of the insoluble particles of dross on the quality of the galvanized coatings
Solid State Sciences
vol.7 no.4 p.465-474
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Patsalas P
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the phases formed during the growth of thick coatings with coarse grained tin
High Temperature Material Processes
vol.9 no.2 p.227-236
Pavlidou E
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Inhibition layer breakdown by a fast diffusion procedure of zinc in galvanized coatings
1st International Meeting on Applied Physics
vol.480-481 p.585-588
Stergioudis G
Morawiec H
Anthymis K
Tsipas D
Boride coatings on Ti-Ni alloys in a fluidized bed reactor
Applied Crystalligraphy
Stergioudis G. A
Vourlias G
Morawiec H
Stroz D
Polychroniadis E. K
Instabilities in crystallization and magnetic behavior of Fe-Si-B amorphous alloys
Materials Research Bulletin
vol.39 no.2 p.231-236
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
The effect of alloying elements on the crystallization behaviour and on the properties of galvanized coatings
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.39 no.1 p.23-29
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
Corrosion mechanism under accelerated atmospheric conditions
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.6 no.1 p.315-320
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Atmospheric corrosion of galvanized coatings
Applied Crystalligraphy
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Pavlidou E
Tsipas D
Influence of alloying elements on the structure and corrosion resistance of galvanized coatings
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
vol.201 no.7 p.1518-1527
Anthymidis K. G
Maragoudakis N
Stergioudis G
Haidar O
Tsipas D. N
A comparative study of boride coatings obtained by pack cementation method and by fluidized bed technology
Materials Letters
vol.57 no.16-17 p.2399-2403
Maragoudakis N. E
Tsipa S. D
Stergioudis G
Omar H
Tsipas D. N
Boro-aluminide coatings for protection against high temperature steam oxidation
Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Kazantzidou A
Paulidou E
A combined method for evaluation of the composition of the materials involved in the cement production
Solid State Sciences
vol.5 no.7 p.1047-1054
Anthymidis K. G
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D. N
Boride coatings on non-ferrous materials in a fluidized bed reactor and their properties
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
vol.3 no.4 p.303-311
Anthymidis K. G
Stergioudis G
Roussos D
Zinoviadis P
Tsipas D. N
Boriding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys in fluidised bed reactor
Surface Engineering
vol.18 no.4 p.255-259
Maragoudakis N. E
Stergioudis G
Omar H
Pavlidou E
Tsipas D. N
Boro-nitriding of steel US 37-1
Materials Letters
vol.57 no.4 p.949-952
Maragoudakis N. E
Stergioudis G
Omar H
Paulidou H
Tsipas D. N
Boron-aluminide coatings applied by pack cementation method on low-alloy steels
Materials Letters
vol.53 no.6 p.406-410
Ozer M
Kalkan N
Kyritsi K. G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
The influence of Tl4Bi2S5 precipitates on the crystalline TlBiS2 properties
Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research
vol.193 no.1 p.3-11
Stergioudis G
Efthimiadis K. G
Chadjivasiliou S. C
Tsoukalas I. A
On magnetic properties and thermal stability of Fe(M)Si-B (M = V, Ni, Cu, Nb, Mo, Pd, Ag) amorphous alloys
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.37 no.8 p.827-833
Pinakidou F. K
Eftimiadis K. G
Stergioudis G. A
Polychroniadis E. K
Evolution of the crystallization and magnetic behavior of the Fe75-XNiXSi9B16 amorphous alloys
Applied Crystallography
Stergioudis G. A
Morawiec H
Vourlias G
Thermal behavior of amorphous Fe-based alloys during heating up to TC
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
vol.183 no.2 p.331-336
Stergioudis G. A
Chatjivasiliou S. C
Efthimiadis K. G
Irregular magnetic behaviour of a FeNiCr alloy
Applied Crystallography
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Paulidou E
Inhibition effect of chloride layers in hot-dip galvanized steels
Journal of Materials Science Letters
vol.20 no.8 p.729-731
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Papadoyannis I. N
The effect of atmospheric conditions on zinc coatings
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.3 no.1 p.59-63
Vourlias Georgios
Stergioudis Georgios
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Papadogiannis Ioannis
The Effect of Atmospheric Conditions of Zinc Coatings
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
Published Version
vol. 3 no.1 p. 59 - 63
Logothetidis S
Meletis E. I
Stergioudis G
Adjaottor A. A
Room temperature oxidation behavior of TiN thin films
Thin Solid Films
vol.338 no.1-2 p.304-313
Patsalas P
Logothetidis S
Douka P
Gioti M
Stergioudis G
Komninou Ph
Nouet G
Karakostas Th
Polycrystalline diamond formation by post-growth ion bombardment of sputter-deposited amorphous carbon films
vol.37 no.5 p.865-869
Efthimiadis K. G
Chadjivasiliou S. C
Polychroniadis E. K
Özer M
Stergioudis G. A
Tsoukalas I. A
Study of the crystallization of Fe78-xMoxSi9B13 amorphous alloys
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
vol.185 no.2 p.187-193
Logothetidis S
Stergioudis G
Vouroutzis N
Studies with nondestructive techniques of the composition, initial stages of growth and surface topography of thin amorphous carbon films
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.100-101 no.1-3 p.486-490
Logothetidis S
Stergioudis G
Patsalas P
Oxidation and structural changes in fcc TiNx thin films studied with X-ray reflectivity
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.100-101 no.1-3 p.295-299
Spassov T
Stergioudis G
Ivanov G
Polychroniadis E. K
Crystallization of as-quenched and hydrogenated Cu50Ti40Al10 amorphous alloy
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
vol.89 no.1 p.23-26
Logothetidis S
Stergioudis G
Studies of density and surface roughness of ultrathin amorphous carbon films with regards to thickness with x-ray reflectometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry
Applied Physics Letters
vol.71 no.17 p.2463-2465
Stergioudis G. A
Bozopoulos A. P
Enhanced preferred crystallization in metallic glasses
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry
vol.33 no.10 p.993-1000
Stergioudis G. A
Rentzeperis P. I
Sclavounos S
Crystallization behaviour of a copper-zirconium amorphous alloy depending on copper distribution
Materials Research Bulletin
vol.28 no.7 p.729-733
Stergioudis G. A
On the magnetic and crystallization behaviour of iron based amorphous alloys determined by nuclei quenched in
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter
vol.93 no.1 p.1-4
Liolios Anastasios
Stergioudis Georgios
Dedoussis Spyridon
Chardalas Michael
Eleftheriadis Christos
Rentzeperis Panagiotis
Yakinthos Ioannis
Charalambous Stefanos
Saturation magnetization and positron annihilation in dependence of the composition of Fe 78-xCo xSi 9B 13 amorphous alloys
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
vol.83 no.11 p.794-796
Stergioudis G. A
Yankinthos J
Rentzeperis P. J
Bojarski Z
Panek T. J
Structural relaxations in Fe-Co-Si-B amorphous alloys
Journal of Materials Science
vol.27 no.9 p.2468-2472
Stergioudis G. A
Decomposition and partial amorphization of bis(trifluoroacetato)(phenyl)iodine(III), C10H5F6IO4, by X-ray irradiation
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
vol.144 no.C p.95-98
Ivanov Georgi
Stergioudis Georgios
Spassov Tony
Papadimitriou Athanasios
Chadzibasiliou Stylianos
Tsoukalas Ioannis
Melidis Konstantinos
Crystallization and structural aspects of amorphous CoFeB alloys, derived from magnetic properties and electrical resistivity measurements
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
vol.82 no.1 p.34-36
Stergioudis G
Ivanov G
Polychroniadis E. K
Evolution of crystallization of the FeCoB amorphous alloys
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
vol.124 no.2 p.393-399
Stergioudis G
Ivanov G
Chadjivasiliou S. C
Papadimitriou A. E
Achilleos C
Spassov T
Tsoukalas I. A
Influence of chromium and silicon concentration on crystallization behaviour, electrical resistivity and magnetic properties of (FeCr)BSi amorphous alloys
Solid State Communications
vol.80 no.2 p.89-94
Stergioudis Georgios
Ivanof Georgi
Papadimitriou Athanasios
Chadjivasiliou Stylianos
Annealing effect on the curie temperature, on the saturation magnetization and on the crystallization behaviour of Fe-B-Si-Cr amorphous alloys
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
vol.82 no.9 p.706-708
Stergioudis G. A
Polychroniadis E. K
Induced crystallization in FeCoB amorphous alloys by heat treatment and electron beam irradiation
Materials Research Bulletin
vol.25 no.10 p.1287-1290
Stergioudis Georgios
Rentzeperis Panagiotis
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
vol.77 no.1 p.54-55
Stergioudis G. A
Gastaldi J
Jourdan C
Induced crystallization of an amorphous Cu-Zr alloy
Materials Research Bulletin
vol.20 no.3 p.275-280
Mis à jour: 2018-04-06