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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Ioannis Savvas
Associate Professor, School of Veterinary Sciences
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Κτηνιατρική Αναισθησιολογία
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Γεωπονία και Κτηνιατρική
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Διδακτορικό δίπλωμα
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Anaesthesiology-pain management-intensive care I
Anaesthesiology-pain management-intensive care III
Surgical Anatomy, principles of surgery, emergency surgical procedures
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Anaesthesiology-pain management-intensive care II
Anaesthesiology-pain management-intensive care IV
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Without Type
Dimopoulou I
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Prassinos Nikitas
Savvas Ioannis
Patsikas Michail
The effect of intra-fragmentary bupivacaine (hematoma block)on analgesic requirements in dogs undergoind fracture repair
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Anagelsia
Without Type
Karayannopoulou Maria
Psalla Dimitra
Kazakos Georgios
Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Giannakas N
Savvas Ioannis
Kritsepi-Konstantinou Maria
Chantes A
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
The effect of locally injected autologous platelet-rich plasma on second intention wound healing of acute full-thickness skin defects in dogs
Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology
vol.28 no.3 p.172-178
Without Type
Karayannopoulou Maria
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Kazakos Georgios
Chantes Achileas
Giannakas N
Savvas Ioannis
Psalla Dimitra
Kritsepi-Konstantinou Maria
Dionysiou Dimitrios
Locally injected autologous platelet-rich plasma enhanced tissue perfusion and improved survival of long subdermal plexus skin flaps in dogs
Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Vol. 27 no. 5 p. 379-386
Tsioli Vasiliki
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Papaioannou Nikolaos
Psalla Dimitra
Savvas Ioannis
Pavlidis Leonidas
Karayannopoulou Maria
Comparison of three skin stretching devices for closure of skin defects on the limbs of dogs
Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Without Type
Karayannopoulou Maria
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Margariti A
Kostakis C
Kritsepi-Konstantinou Maria
Psalla Dimitra
Savvas Ioannis
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Evaluation of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the blood of dogs with mammary cancer (preliminary results)
3rd Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology
Plovdiv - Bulgaria
Καραγιαννοπούλου Μαρία
Αναγνώστου Τηλέμαχος
Μαργαρίτη Α
Κριτσέπη - Κωνσταντίνου Μαρία
Γιαννακάς Ν
Ψάλλα Δήμητρα
Σάββας Ιωάννης
Παπάζογλου Λυσσίμαχος
Προσδιορισμός υποπληθυσμών Τ-λεμφοκυττάρων στο αίμα σκύλων με καρκίνο του μαστού (προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα)
Χειρουργική και όχι μόνο
5ο Forum Κτηνιατρικής Ζώων Συντροφιάς
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Without Type
Karayannopoulou Maria
Fytianou-Mavridou Anna
Assaloumidis N
Psalla Dimitra
Savvas Ioannis
Kaldrymidou-Koutalianou Eleni
Lipid peroxidation in neoplastic tissue of dogs with mammary cancer fed with different kinds of diet
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
vol.37 p.449-453
Kouki MI
Papadimitriou Serafeim
Kazakos George
Savvas Ioannis
Bitchava D
Periodontal disease as a potential factor of systemic inflammatory response in the dog
Journal of Veterinary Dentistry
vol.30 no.1 p.26-29
Without Type
Karayannopoulou Maria
Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Psalla Dimitra
Kazakos Georgios
Giannakas N
Savvas Ioannis
Kritsepi-Konstantinou Maria
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Locally injected autologous platelet-rich plasma improves long subdermal plexus skin flap survival but not second intention wound healing in dogs
AAVLD Annual Conference
San Diego, California - USA
Karayannopoulou Maria
Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Kazakos Georgios
Giannakas N
Savvas Ioannis
Kritsepi-Konstantinou Maria
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
The effect of autologous platelet-rich plasma on the survival of long subdermal plexus skin flaps: experimental study in dogs
31st World Veterinary Congress
Prague - Czech Republic
Βαφειάδου Μ
Καζάκος Γεώργιος
Παπάζογλου Λυσσίμαχος
Σάββας Ιωάννης
Καραγιαννοπούλου Μαρία
Μελέτη της αύξησης της ενδοκοιλιακής πίεσης ύστερα από μαστεκτομή και η κλινική σημασία της
4ο Forum Κτηνιατρικής Ζώων Συντροφιάς
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Καραγιαννοπούλου Μαρία
Ψάλλα Δήμητρα
Λουκόπουλος Παναγιώτης
Γιαννακάς Ν
Καζάκος Γεώργιος
Σάββας Ιωάννης
Κριτσέπη - Κωνσταντίνου Μαρία
Παπάζογλου Λυσσίμαχος
Ιστολογικά ευρήματα μετά από τοπική χρήση αυτόλογου συμπυκνώματος αιμοπεταλίων (PRP) με σκοπό τη βελτίωση της βιωσιμότητας τυχαίων δερματικών κρημνών, και της επούλωσης κατά 2ο σκοπό, στο σκύλο
10o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Κτηνιατρικής Ζώων Συντροφιάς
Αθήνα - Ελλάδα
Καραγιαννοπούλου Μαρία
Παπάζογλου Λυσσίμαχος
Διονυσίου Δημήτριος
Χαντές Α
Λουκόπουλος Παναγιώτης
Καζάκος Γεώργιος
Σάββας Ιωάννης
Ψάλλα Δήμητρα
Η επίδραση αυτόλογου συμπυκνώματος αιμοπεταλίων στη βιωσιμότητα μακρών δερματικών κρημνών τυχαίας αιμάτωσης: πειραματική μελέτη
10o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πλαστικής Επανορθωτικής και Αισθητικής Χειρουργικής (ΕΕΠΕΑΧ ή HESPRAS)
Αθήνα - Ελλάδα
Without Type
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Pavlidou Kiriaki
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos George
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Ververidis Charalampos
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Anesthesia and peri-operative management of a pneumonectomized dog
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
vol.48 p.145-149
Without Type
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Kazakos George
Savvas Ioannis
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Rallis Timoleon
Remifentanil/isoflurane anesthesia in five dogs with liver disease undergoing liver biopsy
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
vol.47 p.e103-e109
Kakarontzas G
Savvas I
Stamelos I
Agents, Clusters and Components: a Synergistic Approach to the GSP
Future Generation Computer Systems
Karayannopoulou Maria
Tsioli V
Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Giannakas N
Savvas Ioannis
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Kaldrymidou-Koutalianou Eleni
Evaluation of the effectiveness of an ointment based on Alkannins/Shikonins on second intention wound healing in the dog
Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research
Published Version
vol.75 p.42-8
Without Type
Savvas I
Bassiliades N
Kravari K
Meditskos G
An Ontological Business Process Modeling Approach for Public Administration: The Case of Human Resource Management
Dorloff F. D
Bedini I
Kajan E
Research of E-Business Standards and Protocols: Documents, Data and Advanced Web Technologies
IGI Global
Without Type
Savvas I
Bassiliades N
Pimenidis E
Sideridis A
Paving the way for a Transformational Public Administration global security, safety and sustainability and e-Democracy
Proceedings 17th ICGS3 / 4th e-Democracy Joint Conferences 2011
Thessaloniki, Greece
Ανατολίτου Α
Καζάκος Γεώργιος
Πολυζοπούλου Ζωή
Σάββας Ιωάννης
Καραγιαννοπούλου Μαρία
Κακώσεις του νευρικού συστήματος στη γάτα. Αναδρομική μελέτη 131 περιστατικών
2ο Forum Κτηνιατρικής Ζώων Συντροφιάς
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Without Type
Papazoglou L. G
Tsioli V
Papaioannou N
Georgiadis M
Savvas I
Prassinos N
Kouti V
Bikiaris D. N
Hadzigiannakis C
Zavros N
“Comparison of removable nonabsorbable sutures and absorbable sutures for intradermal skin closure in cats”
Canadian Veterinary Journal
vol.51 p.770-772
Without Type
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos George
Ververidis Charalampos
Haritopoulou MR
Rallis Timoleon
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Effect of endogenous progesterone and oestradiol-17b on the incidence of gastro-oesophageal reflux and on the barrier pressure during general anaesthesia in the female dog
Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia
vol.36 p.308-318
Pavlidou Kyriaki
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos George
Analgesia for small animal thoracic surgery
Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian
vol.30 p.432-436
Savvas I
Bassiliades N
A Process-Oriented Ontology-Based Knowledge Management System for Facilitating Operational Procedures in Public Administration
Expert Systems with Applications
vol.36 no.3 p.4467-4478
Without Type
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos George
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Ververidis Charalampos
Roumpies Nikolaos
Thiopental and halothane dose-sparing effects of magnesium sulphate in dogs
Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia
vol.35 p.93-99
Savvas Ioannis
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Kazakos George
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Tsioli V
Evaluation of incisional block with bupivacaine for analgesia following midline laparotomy in dogs: a randomized double blind controlled study
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
vol.44 p.60-66
Without Type
Kazakos Georgios
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Savvas Ioannis
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Psalla Dimitra
Kazakou I. M
Use of the laryngeal mask airway in rabbits: placement and efficacy
Lab Animal (NY)
vol.36 (4) p.29-34
Tsalis K
Blouhos K
Vasiliadis K
Kalfadis S
Tsachalis T
Savvas I
Betsis D
Bloodless Laparoscopic Liver Resection Using Radiofrequency Thermal Energy in the Porcine Model
Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques
vol.17 p.22-25
Καζάκος Γ. Μ
Σάββας Ι
Ραπτόπουλος Δ
Η αντιμετώπιση του πόνου στη γάτα
Περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας
vol.58 no.3 p.257-269
Without Type
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Tsioli V
Karayannopoulou Maria
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos Georgios
Kaldrymidou-Koutalianou Eleni
Comparison of Three Methods for Closure of Mastectomy Incisions in Dogs
Australian Veterinary Practitioner
Published Version
vol.36 no.4 p.156-162
Plevraki K
Koutinas A. F
Kaldrymidou E
Roubies N
Papazoglou L. G
Saridomichelakis M. N
Savvas I
Leontides L. S
Effects of allopurinol treatment on the progression of chronic nephritis in canine leishmaniosis (Leishmania infantum)
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
vol.20 p.228-233
Savvas I
Anagnostou T
Papazoglou L. G
Raptopoulos D
Successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest associated with exradural lidocaine in a dog
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
vol.33 p.175-178
Σάββας Ι
Επιληπτικές κρίσεις ύστερα από χορήγηση ξυλαζίνης σε ίππο
Περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας
vol.57 no.2 p.116-121
Without Type
Komnenou A. T
Georgopoulou I
Savvas I
Dessiris A. K
A retrospective study of presentation, treatment, and outcome of free-ranging raptors in Greece (1997–2000)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
vol.36(2) p.222-228
Savvas I
Plevraki K
Raptopoulos D
Koutinas A. F
Blood gas and acid-base status during tiletamine/zolazepam anaesthesia in dogs
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
Veterinary Anaesthia and Analgesia
vol.32 p.94-100
Without Type
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Tsioli V
Karayannopoulou Maria
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos Georgios
Kaldrymidou-Koutalianou Eleni
Comparison of two methods for closing mastectomy incisions in dogs
14th Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons
Lyon - France
Without Type
Papazoglou L. G
Patsikas M. N
Papadopoulou P
Savvas I
Petanides T. A
Rallis T. S
Intestinal obstruction due to sand in a dog
Veterinary Record
vol.155 p.809
Savvas I
Papazoglou L. G
Raptopoulos D
What is your diagnosis? Ventricular tachycardia
Journal of Small Animal Practice
vol.45 p.231
Αναγνώστου T
Περράκη M
Σάββας I
Ραπτόπουλος Δ
Αναγνώριση και αξιολόγηση-εκτίμηση του πόνου σε πειραματόζωα (τρωκτικά κόνικλος)
Ελληνικό Περιοδικό Περιεγχειρητικής Ιατρικής
vol.2 p.68-76
Without Type
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Tsioli V
Karayannopoulou Maria
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos Georgios
Kaldrymidou-Koutalianou Eleni
Comparison of two methods for closing mastectomy incisions in dogs
29th World Small Animal Veterinary Congress
Rhodes - Greece
Without Type
Georgiades G. K
Savvas I
Dessiris A. K
Surgical treatment of gastric impaction in farmed ostriches
Journal of Veterinary Medicine A: Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine
vol.50 p.474-477
Patsikas M. N
Papazoglou L. G
Papaioannou N. G
Savvas I
Kazakos G. M
Dessiris A. K
Ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in 7 cats
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
vol.6 p.335-343
Patsikas Michail
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Papaioannou Nikolaos
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos George
Desiris Angelos
Ultrasonographic findings of intestinal intussusception in seven cats
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
vol.5 p.335-343
Without Type
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Galatos Apostolos
Patsikas Michail
Savvas Ioannis
Leontides Leonidas
Trifonidou Marianna
Karayannopoulou Maria
High-rise syndrome in cats: 207 cases (1988-1998)
Australian Veterinary Practitioner
Published Version
vol.31 no.3 p.98-102
Mis à jour: 2018-06-01