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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Ioannis Arvanitidis
Associate Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus IDs
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Οπτικές Ιδιότητες Στερεών και Φασματοσκοπία Στερεών
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικής/Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικής/Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Φυσικής Υλικών
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Φυσικής/Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Μελέτη της επίδρασης υψηλών πιέσεων στις οπτικές ιδιότητες των φουλερενίων και των παραγώγων τους
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Physics IV (Waves-Optics)
Optics Laboratory
Solid State Physics Labatory
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Geometrical Optics, Photometry and Applications
Optics Laboratory
Solid State Physics Labatory
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Sorogka Niki. "Ανάπτυξη και μελέτη με τεχνικές οπτικής φασματοσκοπίας διδιάστατων μονοχαλκογενιδίων"
Terzidou Anastasia. "Μελέτη με φασματοσκοπικές τεχνικές νέων ηλεκτρονικών φαινομένων σε μοριακά συστήματα με π-ηλεκτρόνια"
Margas Michail. "Απόκριση στην εφαρμογή υψηλής υδροστατικής πίεσης των τρόπων δόνησης του γρανάτη σπάνιας γαίας Dy3Ga5O12"
Nikolakakis Konstantinos. "Μελέτη με φασματοσκοπία Raman υπό υψηλή πίεση της L-τρυπτοφάνης"
Filintoglou Kyriakos. "Φασματοσκοπική μελέτη νανοδομών με εφαρμογές στην οπτο- και μικροηλεκτρονική"
Velkos Georgios. "Μελέτη με φασματοσκοπία Raman του σχηματισμού φωτοπολυμερών στο σύμπλοκο φουλερένιο {Pt(dbdtc)2}C60 καθώς και της διάσπασής τους κατά τη θερμική κατεργασία."
Sorogka Niki. "Μελέτη αραμιδικών ινών Kevlar-49 με φασματοσκοπία Raman υπό υψηλή πίεση"
Sempros Theofanis. "Μελέτη με φασματοσκοπία Raman υπό υψηλή πίεση αραμιδικών ινών Kevlar-29"
Toumaras Athanasios. "Μελέτη μαγνητικών νανοσωματιδίων οξειδίων του σιδήρου με φασματοσκοπία Raman"
Papadopoulos Nikolaos. "Μελέτη με φασματοσκοπία Raman φουλεριδίων αλκαλίων"
Gkrana Vasiliki. "Μελέτη της επίδρασης υψηλών υδροστατικών πιέσεων στο InxGa1-xN (x~0.4) με τεχνικές οπτικής φασματοσκοπίας"
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Member, Επιτροπή συμβούλων σπουδών και υποδοχής πρωτοετών φοιτητών
Member, Επιτροπή υπολογιστικής υποδομής
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Member, Επιτροπή παραλαβής προμηθειών και διαπίστωσης καλής εκτέλεσης εργασιών του Τμήματος Φυσικής του Α.Π.Θ.
Research Projects
ΔΡΑΣΗ Β: Ενίσχυση νέων ερευνητών στη βαθμίδα του επίκουρου καθηγητή (φάση β')-Μελέτη με φασματοσκοπία Raman της επίδρασης διαλυτών στις ηλεκτρονικές και δομικές ιδιότητες γραφενίου ανεπτυγμένου σε μεταλλικά υποστρώματα
Συνέδριο: "50η Συνάντηση Ευρωπαϊκής Εταιρείας Υψηλών Πιέσεων"
Without Type
Polychronopoulou K
Zedan Abdallah F
AlKetbi M
Stephen S
Ather M
Katsiotis M.S
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Christofilos Dimitrios
Isakovic A.F
AlHassan Saeed
Tailoring the efficiency of an active catalyst for CO abatement through oxidation reaction: The case study of samarium-doped ceria
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
vol.6 no.1 p.266-280
Without Type
Kotoulas A
Dendrinou-Samara Aikaterini
Sarafidis Charalampos
Kehagias Thomas
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Vourlias Georgios
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Kalogirou Orestis
Carbon-encapsulated cobalt nanoparticles: synthesis, properties, and magnetic particle hyperthermia efficiency
Journal of Nanoparticle Research
vol.19 p.399
Without Type
Filintoglou K
Katsikini Maria
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Christofilos Dimitrios
Lotsari A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Ajagunna A. O
Georgakilas A
Zoumakis N
Kourouklis Gerasimos
, et al
Angular-dependent Raman study of a- and s-plane InN
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.117 no.7 p.075302
Georgiadou V
Tangoulis V
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Kalogirou Orestis
Dendrinou-Samara Aikaterini
Unveiling the Physicochemical Features of CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles Synthesized via a Variant Hydrothermal Method: NMR Relaxometric Properties
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
vol.119 no.15 p.8336–8348
Giannousi K
Menelaou M
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Pantazaki Anastasia
Dendrinou-Samara Aikaterini
Hetero-nanocomposites of magnetic and antifungal nanoparticles as a platform for magnetomechanical stress induction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Journal of Materials Chemistry B
vol.3 p.5341-5351
Without Type
Giannousi K
Lafazanis K
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Pantazaki Anastasia
Dendrinou-Samara Aikaterini
Hydrothermal synthesis of copper based nanoparticles: Antimicrobial screening and interaction with DNA
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
vol.133C p.24-32
Gkrana V
Filintoglou K
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Christofilos D
Bazioti C
Dimitrakopulos Georgios
Katsikini Maria
Ves Sotirios
Kourouklis Gerasimos
Zoumakis N
Georgakilas A
, et al
Raman and photoluminescence mapping of InxGa1−xN (x ∼ 0.4) at high pressure: Optical determination of composition and stress
Applied Physics Letters
vol.105 no.9 p.092107
Lotsari A
Kechagias Thomas
Tsiakatouras G
Tsagaraki K
Katsikini Maria
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Christofilos Dimitrios
Ves Sotirios
Komninou Philomela
Georgakilas A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Structural anisotropic properties of a-plane GaN epilayers grown on r-plane sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.115 no.21 p.213506
Without Type
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Raman spectroscopy of graphene at high pressure: Effects of the substrate and the pressure transmitting media
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter & Materials Physics
Filintoglou K
Papadopoulos N
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Christofilos D
Frank O
Kalbac M
Parthenios J
Kalosakas G
Galiotis C
Papagelis K
Raman spectroscopy of graphene at high pressure: substrate and pressure transmitting media effectS
Physical Review B
vol.88 no.4
Filintoglou K
Kavouras P
Katsikini Maria
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Christofilos Dimitrios
Ves Sotirios
Wendler E
Wesch W
Effect of In implantation and annealing on the lattice disorder and nano-mechanical properties of GaN
Thin Solid Films
vol.531 p.152-159
Without Type
Christofilos D
Blancon J.-C
Arvanitidis J
San Miguel A
Ayari A
Del Fatti N
Vallee F
Optical Imaging and Absolute Absorption Cross Section Measurement of Individual Nano-objects on Opaque Substrates: Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Silicon
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
vol.3 no.9 p.1176-1181
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Ves S
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Tsiakatouras G
Tsagaraki K
Georgakilas A
Anisotropic strain in α-plane GaN and polarization dependence of the Raman peaks
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
vol.209 no.6 p.1085-1089
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Ves S
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Tsiakatouras G
Tsagaraki K
Georgakilas A
Anisotropic strain in alpha-plane GaN and polarization dependence of the Raman peaks
Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science
vol.209 no.6 p.1085-1089
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Filintoglou K
Frank O
Parthenios J
Galiotis C
Papagelis K
High pressure Raman studies of graphene supported on copper substrates
GrapHEL: A European Conference/Workshop on the Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Graphene
Mykonos (Greece)
Filintoglou K
Kavouras P
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Ves S
Wendler E
Wesch W
Effect of In implantation and subsequent annealing on the lattice disorder and nanomechanical properties of GaN
International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors
Thessaloniki, Greece
Kapnisti M. G
Filintoglou K
Papastergiadis E
Arvanitidis J
Xatzidimitridou A. G
Θερμικά τροποποιημένα οξείδια του μολυβδαινίου για απομάκρυνση τοξικών βαρέων μετάλλων από το περιβάλλον
ΘΕΡΜΑ2012, 5ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Θερμικής Ανάλυσης και Θερμιδομετρίας
Lotsari A
Kehagias Th
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Tsiakatouras G
Tsagaraki K
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Structure-property relationships in anisotropic nonpolar heteroepitaxial GaN films
XXVIII Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης και Επιστήμης Υλικών
Patras, Greece
Lotsari Α
Katsikini M
Kehagias Th
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Tsiakatouras G
Tsagaraki Κ
Georgakilas Α
Komninou Ph
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Structural Anisotropic Properties of Nonpolar A-plane GaN on R-plane Sapphire
International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors
Thessaloniki, Greece
Papageorgiou G. Z
Bikiaris D. N
Terzopoulou Z
Achilias D. S
Kapnisti M
Arvanitidis I
Gournis D
Preparation and thermal behavior of Poly(ethylene succinate)/Graphene Oxide nanocomposites
9ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πολυμερών
Without Type
Ves Sotirios
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Kosel J
Vanidis Evangelos
Vigka Eleni
Bouroutzis N
Gioti Maria
Katsikini Maria
Εργαστηριακά Θέματα Οπτικής
Εκδόσεις Ζήτη
Without Type
Andrikopoulos K. S
Arvanitidis J
Dracopoulos V
Christofilos D
Wagner T
Yannopoulos S. N
Nanoindentation and Raman studies of phase-separated Ag-As-S glasses
Applied Physics Letters
vol.99 no.17 p.171911-171911
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Paloumpi A
Papagelis K
Ves S
Iwasa Y
Prassides K
Raman spectroscopic study of the rare-earth fullerides Eu6-xSrxC60
vol.3 no.6 p.2490-2493
Katsikini M
Pinakidou F
Arvanitidis J
Paloura E. C
Ves S
Komninou P
Bougrioua Z
Iliopoulos E
Moustakas T. D
Comparison of Fe and Si doping of GaN: An EXAFS and Raman study
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
vol.176 no.9 p.723-726
Meletov K. P
Maksimov A. A
Tartakovskii I. I
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Temperature-induced transformations in hydrogenated and fluorinated SWCNT studied by Raman scattering
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
vol.112 p.979-985
Meletov K. P
Maksimov A. A
Tartakovskii I. I
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Temperature-induced transformations in hydrogenated and fluorinated single-wall carbon nanotubes studied by Raman scattering
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
vol.112 no.6 p.979-985
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Souliou S. M
Galiotis C
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
High-pressure Raman study of stacked-cup carbon nanofibers
High Pressure Research
vol.31 no.1 p.131-135
Souliou S. M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Prassides K
Iwasa Y
Syassen K
High-pressure Raman study of the Sm 2.75C 60 fulleride
High Pressure Research
vol.31 no.1 p.13-17
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Souliou SM
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Yanagi K
Kataura H
High Pressure Raman Study of β-carotene before and after Encapsulation in Sigle-Wall Carbon Nanotube
(2011) Proccedings of 50th EHPRG Conference, 28 Aug -2 Sept 2011 - Βudapest, Hungary
Without Type
Andrikopoulos K. S
Arvanitidis J
Dracopoulos V
Wagner T
Yannopoulos S. N
Combined nanoindentation and μRaman studies of amorphous chalcogenides
Πρακτικά 27oυ Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης και Επιστήμης Υλικών
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Lotsari A
Kehagias Th
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Ves S
Tsiakatouras G
Ajagunna A. O
Iliopoulos E
Georgakilas A
, et al
Structural anisotropic properties of a-plane (11-20) GaN and InN films grown on r-plane sapphire by PAMBE
E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting
Warsaw (Poland)
Lotsari A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Tsiakatouras G
Ves S
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Defect properties and anisotropy of nonpolar a-plane GaN films grown on r-plane sapphire by MBE
9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors
Glasgow (UK)
Without Type
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Paloura E. C
Wendler E
Wesch W
Indium implantation and annealing of GaN: Lattice damage and recovery
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
vol.7 no.1 p.36-39
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Ves S
Adikimenakis A
Georgakilas A
Raman scattering of InxAl1-xN alloys with 0.2 < x < 0.9
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
vol.7 no.1 p.76-79
Meletov K. P
Krestinin A. V
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Thermally induced softening of the radial breathing modes of bundled single-wall carbon nanotubes
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
vol.18 no.4 p.538-544
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Iwasa Y
Yamanaka S
Raman study of the temperature-induced decomposition of the two-dimensional rhombohedral polymer of C60 and the intermediate states formed
vol.48 no.4 p.2974-2979
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Iwasa Y
Yamanaka S
High temperature depolymerization of the 2D-R polymer of C60 studied by Raman spectroscopy
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
vol.18 no.4-6 p.396-400
Meletov K. P
Krestinin A. V
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Thermally Induced Softening of the Radial Breathing Modes of Bundled Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
vol.18 no.4-6 p.538-544
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Iwasa Y
Yamanaka S
Raman study of the temperature-induced decomposition of the two-dimensional rhombohedral polymer of C-60 and the intermediate states formed
vol.48 no.10 p.2974-2979
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Vinga E
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Kimura H
Ves S
Vibrational properties of (Gd1-xYx) 3Ga5O12 solid solutions
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.107 no.11
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Vinga E
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Kimura H
Ves S
Vibrational properties of (Gd1-xYx)(3)Ga5O12 solid solutions
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.107 no.11 p.113504-113504
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Paloumpi A
Papagelis K
Ves S
Iwasa Y
Prassides K
Raman spectroscopic study of the rare-earthfullerides Eu6-xSrxC60
(2010) Proccedings FSAS , Fullerene Silver Anniversary Symposium
Hersonissos, Crete (Greece)
Lotsari A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Tsiakatouras G
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Microstructural evolution and anisotropy in MBE-grown a-plane GaN epilayers on r-plane sapphire
4th International Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics, Nanotechnologies & MEMs
Athens, Greece
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Souliou D
Christofilos S. M
Galiotisa C
Ves S
(2010) Proccedings of 48th EHPRG Conference
Uppsala, Sweden
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Souliou S. M
Galiotis C
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
The pressure response of stacked-cup carbon nanofibers studied by Raman spectroscopy
ΧΧVΙ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Souliou S. M
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
High pressure Raman study of the RE2.75C60 (RE= Sm, Eu) fulleridesSyassen
ΧΧVΙ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Souliou S. M
Yanagi K
Kataura H
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
High pressure Raman study of carotene-encapsulating single-wall carbon nanotubes
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics
vol.246 no.3 p.496-499
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
High-pressure Raman study of peapod- and CVD-grown double-wall carbon nanotubes
High Pressure Research
vol.29 no.4 p.554-558
Kourouklis G. A
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Ves S
High Pressure Raman Spectroscopy in Carbon Nanotubes
Acta Physica Polonica a
vol.116 no.1 p.13-18
Meletov K. P
Krestinin A. V
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Temperature effects in the Raman spectra of bundled single-wall carbon nanotubes
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.477 no.4-6 p.336-339
Papaioannou Emmanouil H
Liakopoulou-Kyriakides Maria
Christofilos Dimitrios
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Kourouklis Gerasimos
Raman Spectroscopy for Intracellular Monitoring of Carotenoid in Blakeslea trispora
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
vol.159 no.2 p.478-487
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
High-pressure Raman study of peapod- and CVD-grown double-wall carbon nanotubes
Proceddeings of 48 th International conference of European High Pressure Research Group p.219
Kavouras P
Arvanitidis J
Fournou E
Kargas B
Katsikini M
Paloura E. C
Ves S
Wesch W
Wendler E
The Effect of In Implantation on the Structural and Nano-Mechanical Properties of GaN
ΧΧV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science (extended abstracts)
Paschou A. M
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Raman characterization of psoriatic and healthy nails
ΧΧV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science (extended abstracts)
Souliou S. M
Christofilos D
Arvanitidis J
Yanagi K
Kataura H
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Probing the pressure-induced structural deformation of carbon nanotubes through carotene encapsulation in their interior
25th Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Structural support of the external tubes in double-wall carbon nanotubes
High Pressure Research
vol.28 no.4 p.591-595
Christofilos D
Arvanitidis J
Efthimiopoulos E
Zhao X
Ando Y
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
High pressure Raman studies of carbon nanotube materials
Journal of Physics-Conference Series
vol.121 no.16 p.162003
Christofilos D
Arvanitidis J
A simple model for the interpretation of the pressure response of the radial breathing modes in double-wall carbon nanotubes
Angilella G. G. N
Pucci R
Siringo F
Journal of Physics Conference Series
vol.121 no.16
Delimitis A
Komninou P
Arvanitidis J
Katsikini M
Sahonta S. L
Dimakis E
Ves S
Paloura E. C
Pinakidou F
Nouet G
Georgalkilas A
, et al
Residual Strain Variations in MBE-Grown InN Thin Films
Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2007
vol.120 p.41-44
Meletov K. P
Bashkin I. O
Shestakov V. V
Krestinin A. V
Davydov V. A
Pulikkathara M.X. Khabashesku V.N
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Raman study of hydrogenated and fluorinated single-wall carbon nanotubes
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
vol.16 no.5 p.322-329
Meletov K. P
Davydov V. A
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Andrikopoulos K. S
Kourouklis G. A
Photo- and Pressure-Induced Transformations in the Linear Orthorhombic Polymer of C-60
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
vol.107 no.4 p.620-631
Meletov K. P
Bashkin I. O
Shestakov V. V
Tartakovskii I. I
Maksimov A. A
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Comparative Raman study of the C60H36 and C60H60 fullerene hydrides
Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
vol.16 no.5-6 p.593-596
Meletov K. P
Bashkin I. O
Shestakov V. V
Krestinin A. V
Davydov V. A
Pulikkathara M. X
Khabashesku V. N
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Raman study of hydrogenated and fluorinated single-walled carbon nanotubes
Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures
vol.16 no.5-6 p.322-329
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Souliou S. M
Yanagi K
Kataura H
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
High pressure Raman study of carotene-encapsulating single-wall carbon nanotubes
Proceddeings of 13th International conference on High Pressure Semicinductor Physiscs, p.73
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
On the pressure dependence of the radial breathing modes in carbon nanotubes upon encapsulation
Proceddeings of47 th International conference of European High Pressure Research Group p.245
Katsikini M
Pinakidou F
Arvanitidis J
Paloura E. C
Ves S
Komninou Ph
Bourgrioua Z
Iliopoulos E
Moustakas T. D
Comparison of Fe and Si doping of GaN: An EXAFS and Raman study
ΧΧΙV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science (extended abstracts)
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Takabayashi Y
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Rosseinsky M. J
Prassides K
Magnetic ordering in the ammoniated alkali fullerides (NH3)K3-xRbxC60 (x = 2, 3)
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
High pressure studies of the radial breathing modes in double-wall carbon nanotubes
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
vol.244 no.1 p.127-135
Christofilos D
Arvanitidis J
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Identification of inner and outer shells of double-wall carbon nanotubes using high-pressure Raman spectroscopy
Physical Review B
vol.76 no.11 p.113402-113402
Christofilos D
Arvanitidis J
Andrikopoulos K. S
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Takenobu T
Wasa Y
Comparative high pressure Raman study of individual and bundled single-wall carbon nanotubes
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics
vol.244 no.1 p.100-104
Christofilos Dimitrios
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Efthimiopoulos E
Zha X
Ando Y
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Tube encapsulation effects in various carbon nanotube systems
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics
vol.244 no.11 p.4082-4085
Katsikini M
Arvanitidis J
Paloura E. C
Ves S
Wendler E
Wesch W
Raman and X-ray absorption near-edge structure characterization of GaN implanted with O, Ar, Xe, Te and Au
Optical Materials
vol.29 no.12 p.1856-1860
Meletov K. P
Maksimov A. A
Tartakovskii I. I
Bashkin I. O
Shestakov V. V
Krestinin A. V
Shulga Yu M
Andrikopoulos K. S
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Raman study of the high-pressure hydrogenated single-wall carbon nanotubes: In search of chemically bonded and adsorbed molecular hydrogen
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.433 no.4-6 p.335-339
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Andrikopoulos K. S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Second-order Raman study of double-wall carbon nanotubes under high pressure
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics
vol.244 no.1 p.116-120
Papagelis K
Andrikopoulos K. S
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Galiotis C
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
High pressure Raman study of the second-order vibrational modes of single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics
vol.244 no.11 p.4069-4073
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Katsikini M
Ves S
Delimitis A
Kehagias T
Komninou P
Dimakis E
Iliopoulos E
Georgakilas A
Raman and transmission electron microscopy characterization of InN samples grown on GaN/Al2O3 by molecular beam epitaxy
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics
vol.243 no.7 p.1588-1593
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Delimitis A
Katsikini M
Komninou Ph
Ves S
Dimakis E
Georgakilas A
Depth profile of the biaxial strain in a 10 μm thick InN (0001) film
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.100 no.11
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Kourouklis G. A
Delimitis A
Katsikini M
Komninou Ph
Ves S
Dimakis E
Georgakilas A
Depth profile of the biaxial strain in a 10 mu m thick InN (0001) film
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.100 no.11 p.113516-113516
Christofilos D
Efthimiopoulos E
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Raman study of polycrystalline PbWO4 under high pressure
High Pressure Research
vol.26 no.4 p.421-425
Christofilos D
Arvanitidis J
Tzampazis C
Papagelis K
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Lioutas C
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Raman study of metallic carbon nanotubes at elevated pressure
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.15 no.4-8 p.1075-1079
Delimitis A
Gladkov P
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Katsikini M
Dimakis E
Georgakilas A
Structural and optical characterisation of thick InN epilayers grown with a single or two step growth process on GaN(0001)
Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science
vol.203 no.1 p.162-166
Meletov K. P
Davydov V. A
Rakhmanina A. V
Agafonov V
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Andrikopoulos K. S
Kourouklis G. A
Influence of pressure on the photopolymerization rate of the linear orthorhombic polymer of C-60
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.428 no.4-6 p.298-302
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Papagelis K
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Double-wall carbon nanotubes under pressure: Probing the response of individual tubes and their intratube correlation
Physical Review B
vol.72 no.19 p.193411-193411
Arvanitidis J
Christofilos D
Papagelis K
Andrikopoulos K. S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Kataura H
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Pressure screening in the interior of primary shells in double-wall carbon nanotubes
Physical Review B
vol.71 no.12 p.125404-125404
Assael Marc
Metaxa I. N
Arvanitidis Ioannis
Christofilos Dimitrios
Lioutas Christos
Thermal conductivity enhancement in aqueous suspensions of carbon multi-walled and double-walled nanotubes in the presence of two different dispersants
International Journal of Thermophysics
vol.26 no.3 p.647-664
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Prassides K
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Takenobu T
Iwasa Y
Raman spectroscopic study of carbon substitution in MgB2
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
vol.65 no.1 p.73-77
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Christofilos D
Kimura H
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
High pressure Raman study of Y3Al5O12
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.241 no.14 p.3149-3154
Christofilos A
Arvanitidis J
Kampasakali E
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
High pressure Raman study of BaMoO4
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.241 no.14 p.3155-3160
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Assimopoulos S
Papagelis K
Ves S
Prassides K
Iwasa Y
Kourouklis G. A
The effect of anisotropic intermolecular interactions on the pressure response of polymeric fullerenes
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.235 no.2 p.369-373
Meletov K. P
Kourouklis G. A
Arvanitidis J
Prassides K
Iwasa Y
Pressure-induced transformation and phonon modes of the two-dimensional rhombohedral polymer of C-60: A Raman spectroscopic study
Physical Review B
vol.68 no.9 p.094103-094103
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Pressure evolution of the phonon modes and force constants of Tb3Al5O12 and Lu3Al5O12
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.235 no.2 p.348-353
Without Type
Meletov K. P
Kulakov M. P
Kolesnikov N. N
Arvanitidis J
Kourouklis G. A
Raman spectra of MgB2 at high pressure and topological electronic transition
Jetp Letters
vol.75 no.8 p.406-409
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Kourouklis G. A
Prassides K
Iwasa Y
Structural stability of the rhombohedral 2D polymeric phase of C-60 studied by in-situ Raman scattering at pressures up to 30 GPa
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.357 no.3-4 p.307-313
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Assimopoulos S
Kourouklis G. A
Sundqvist B
Pressure-induced transformations and optical properties of the two-dimensional tetragonal polymer of C-60 at pressures up to 30 GPa
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
vol.95 no.4 p.736-747
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Assimopoulos S
Kourouklis G. A
Pressure-induced transformations in two-dimensional polymeric phases of C60
Physics of the Solid State
vol.44 no.4 p.625-628
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Kanellis G
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
High-pressure effects on the Raman spectrum and the force constants of the rare-earth aluminium garnets (RE3Al5O12)
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter
vol.14 no.15 p.3875-3890
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Meletov K. P
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Soldatov A
Prassides K
Raman modes of the two-dimensional tetragonal polymeric phase of C-60 under high pressure
Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.114 no.20 p.9099-9104
Kourouklis G. A
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Assimopoulos S
Ves S
Raman spectroscopic studies in polymeric fullerenes under pressure
Frontiers of High Pressure Research Ii: Application of High Pressure to Low-Dimensional Novel Electronic Materials
vol.48 p.507-520
Meletov K. P
Assimopoulos S
Tsilika I
Kourouklis G. A
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Sundqvist B
Wagberg T
High-pressure-induced metastable phase in tetragonal 2D polymeric C-60
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.341 no.5-6 p.435-441
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
High-pressure phase in tetragonal two-dimensional polymeric C60
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
vol.223 no.2 p.489-493
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Tsilika E
Assimopoulos S
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Soldatov A
Prassides K
Pressure-induced phase in tetragonal two-dimensional polymeric C60
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.63 no.5 p.054106-054106
Papagelis K
Kanellis G
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Phonon modes in Yb3Al5O12: Pressure dependence and model calculations
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.223 no.1 p.343-347
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Meletov K. P
Kourouklis G. A
Papagelis K
Soldatov A
Prassides K
Ves S
High pressure study of the 2D polymeric phase of C60 by means of Raman spectroscopy
High Pressure Research
vol.18 no.1-6 p.145-151
Beck W
Karasik A
Arvanitidis J
Basiev T
Flytzanis C
Spectral hole-burning in CaF2-YF3:Nd3+ crystals
Journal of Luminescence
vol.86 no.1 p.289-295
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Kanellis G
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
The pressure response of Raman active phonon modes of Tm3Al5O12
High Pressure Research
vol.18 no.1-6 p.117-123
Without Type
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Tsilika I
Kanellis G
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Tanigaki K
Prassides K
High pressure effects on the Raman spectrum of CsC60 polymer
Physica B
vol.265 no.1-4 p.234-238
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Meletov K. P
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Kordatos K
Wudl F
Prassides K
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the intramolecular modes of (C59N)(2)
Physical Review B
vol.59 no.4 p.3180-3183
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Meletov K. P
Kourouklis G. A
Prassides K
Kordatos K
Wudl F
Ves S
The role of the intradimer C-C bridge on the stability of (C59N)(2): A high pressure Raman study
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.211 no.1 p.435-441
Arvanitidis J
Meletov K. P
Papagelis K
Soldatov A
Prassides K
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Comparative Raman study of the 1D and 2D polymeric phases of C-60 under pressure
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.215 no.1 p.443-448
Logothetidis S
Gioti M
Charitidis C
Patsalas P
Arvanitidis J
Stoemenos J
Stability, enhancement of elastic properties and structure of multilayered amorphous carbon films
Applied Surface Science
vol.138-139 no.1-4 p.244-249
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Kanellis G
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
High pressure Raman study of Lu3Al5O12
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
vol.211 no.1 p.301-307
Papagelis K
Kanellis G
Arvanitidis J
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
Phonons in rare-earth aluminum garnets and their relation to lattice vibration of AlO4
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research
vol.215 no.1 p.193-198
Papagelis K
Arvanitidis J
Kanellis G
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the phonon modes of Tb3Al5O12 and Dy3Al5O12 single crystals
Physica B: Condensed Matter
vol.265 no.1-4 p.277-281
Without Type
Kourouklis G. A
Meletov K. P
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Ves S
Dolganov V. K
Spitsina N. G
Yagubskii E. B
Charge transfer in C60*TMTSF*2(CS2) complex at high pressure: a Raman spectroscopic study
The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology
vol.7 no.1 p.733-735
Meletov K. P
Liarokapis E
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Softening of phonon modes in C-60 crystals induced by laser irradiation: Thermal effects
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
vol.87 no.5 p.967-972
Meletov K. P
Liarokapis E
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Palles D
Kourouklis G. A
Ves S
On the nature of the laser irradiation induced reversible softening of phonon modes in C-60 single crystals
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.290 no.1-3 p.125-130
Without Type
Meletov K. P
Dolganov V. K
Spitsina N. G
Yagubskii E. B
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Pressure-induced charge transfer phase transition in crystalline C60*C10H12Se4*2(CS 2) molecular complex studied by Raman spectroscopy
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.281 no.4-6 p.360-365
Meletov K. P
Dolganov V. K
Spitsina N. G
Yagubskii E. B
Arvanitidis J
Papagelis K
Ves S
Kourouklis G. A
Pressure-induced charge transfer phase transition in crystalline C-60*C10H12Se4*2(CS2) molecular complex studies by Raman spectroscopy
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.281 no.4-6 p.360-365
Tassis D. H
Dimitriadis C. A
Boultadakis S
Arvanitidis J
Ves S
Kokkou S
Logothetidis S
Valassiades O
Poulopoulos P
Flevaris N. K
Influence of conventional furnace and rapid thermal annealing on the quality of polycrystalline β-FeSi2 thin films grown from vapor-deposited Fe/Si multilayers
Thin Solid Films
vol.310 no.1-2 p.115-122
Mis à jour: 2018-07-27