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Université Aristote de Thessaloniki
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Konstantinos Baltzis
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Electric Circuits Laboratory
Electronics Laboratory
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Electric Circuits Laboratory
Electronics Laboratory
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Without Type
Baltzis K. B
Goulemes V
On the vulnerability of OFDM systems to receiver impairments
International Review on Computers and Software
vol.7 no.1 p.100-105
Baltzis K. B
Recent advances in the modeling, simulation and estimation of the wireless propagation channel
Recent Patents on Computer Science
vol.5 no.2 p.117-133
Baltzis K. B
The rake receiver principle: Past, present and future
Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering
vol.5 no.1 p.55-71
Baltzis K. B
Distance Distribution in Convex n-Gons: Mathematical Framework and Wireless Networking Applications
Wireless Personal Communications
Without Type
Goudos Sotirios
Baltzis Konstantinos
Siakavara Katherine
Samaras Theodoros
Vafeiadis-Sinoglou Ilias
Sachalos Ioannis
Reducing the number of elements in linear arrays using biogeography-based optimization
Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012
6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012
Prague - Czech Republic
no.6206314 p.1615-1618
Goudos Sotirios
Baltzis Konstantinos
Siakavara Katherine
Samaras Theodoros
Vafeiadis-Sinoglou Ilias
Sachalos Ioannis
Reducing the number of elements in linear arrays using biogeography-based optimization
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)
Prague, Czech Republic
Without Type
Baltzis K. B
A simplified geometric channel model for Mobile-to-Mobile communications
vol.20 no.4 p.961-967
Baltzis K. B
A geometric method for computing the nodal distance distribution in mobile networks
Progress in Electromagnetics Research
vol.114 p.159-175
Baltzis K. B
A Generalized Elliptical Scattering Model for the Spatial Characteristics of Mobile Channels
Wireless Personal Communications
Baltzis K. B
Calculation and visualization of electromagnetic fields using EMP3: The coaxial line example
International Review on Modelling and Simulations
vol.4 no.4 p.2038-2046
Baltzis K. B
Analytical and closed-form expressions for the distribution of path loss in hexagonal cellular networks
Wireless Personal Communications
vol.60 no.4 p.599-610
Pappas D
Goudos Sotirios
Baltzis Konstantinos
Siakavara Katherine
Design of optimum gain pyramidal horn using self-adaptive differential evolution algorithms
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
vol.21 no.1 p.59-66
Without Type
Goudos S. K
Baltzis K. B
Antoniadis K
Zaharis Z. D
Hilas C. S
A comparative study of common and self-adaptive Differential Evolution strategies on numerical benchmark problems
World Conference on Information Technology
Istanbul, Turkey
vol.3 p.83-88
Without Type
Baltzis K. B
Waveform-level simulation of MSK digital modulation with VisSim/Comm
International Review on Modelling and Simulations
vol.3 no.3 p.428-436
Baltzis K. B
Theoretical establishment and evaluation of a novel optimal pyramidal horn design criterion
Progress in Electromagnetics Research
vol.108 p.361-383
Baltzis K. B
On the effect of channel impairments on VANETs performance
vol.19 no.4 p.689-694
Baltzis K. B
The finite element method magnetics (FEMM) freeware package: May it serve as an educational tool in teaching electromagnetics?
Education and Information Technologies
vol.15 no.1 p.19-36
Baltzis K. B
Empirical description of node-to-node distance density in non-overlapping wireless networks
Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics
vol.9 no.1 p.57-68
Baltzis K. B
Closed-form description of microwave signal attenuation in cellular systems
vol.19 no.1 p.11-16
Baltzis K. B
Calculation of the half-power beamwidths of pyramidal horns with arbitrary gain and typical aperture phase error
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
vol.9 p.612-614
Baltzis Konstantinos
Sachalos Ioannis
Wireless systems: On the statistical description of the AoA of the uplink interfering signals in a cellular communication system
European Transactions on Telecommunications
vol.21 no.2 p.187-194
Baltzis Konstantinos
Sachalos Ioannis
Suboptimal rake finger allocation: Performance and complexity tradeoffs
Journal of Electrical Engineering
vol.61 no.2 p.107-113
Goudos Sotirios
Baltzis Konstantinos
Bachtsevanidis C
Sachalos Ioannis
Cell-to-switch assignment in cellular networks using barebones particle swarm optimization
IEICE Electronics Express
vol.7 no.4 p.254-260
Without Type
Baltzis K. B
Goudos S. K
Development and evaluation of a VisSim/Comm based minimum shift keying simulator
vol.1203 p.661-666
Without Type
Baltzis K. B
Koukias K. D
Using laboratory experiments and circuit simulation it tools in an undergraduate course in analog electronics
Journal of Science Education and Technology
vol.18 no.6 p.546-555
Baltzis K. B
Impact of finger placement on the correlation properties of rake combined signals
vol.18 no.4 p.469-476
Baltzis K. B
Current issues and trends in wireless channel modeling and simulation
Recent Patents on Computer Science
vol.2 no.3 p.166-177
Baltzis Konstantinos
Sachalos Ioannis
A simple 3-D geometric channel model for macrocell mobile communications
Wireless Personal Communications
vol.51 no.2 p.329-347
Baltzis Konstantinos
Sachalos Ioannis
A low-complexity 3-D geometric model for the description of CCI in cellular systems
Electrical Engineering
vol.91 no.4-5 p.211-219
Without Type
Goudos Sotirios
Zacharis Zacharias
Baltzis Konstantinos
Hilas C. S
Sachalos Ioannis
A comparative study of Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution on Radar Absorbing Materials design for EMC applications
Goudos Sotirios
Zacharis Zacharias
Baltzis Konstantinos
Hilas C. S
Sachalos Ioannis
A comparative study of Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution on Radar Absorbing Materials design for EMC applications
2009 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Without Type
Baltzis K. B
On the geometric modeling of the uplink channel in a cellular system
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
vol.1 no.1 p.75-82
Baltzis K. B
A geometrical-based model for cochannel interference analysis and capacity estimation of CDMA cellular systems
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Baltzis K. B
The FEMM package: A simple, fast, and accurate open source electromagnetic tool in science and engineering
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
vol.1 no.1 p.83-89
Baltzis K. B
An effecient finger allocation method for the maximum likelihood RAKE receiver
vol.17 no.4 p.2.45-2.50
Without Type
Baltzis Konstantinos
Sachalos Ioannis
A novel rake receiver design for wideband wireless communications
Wireless Personal Communications
vol.43 no.4 p.1603-1624
Without Type
Kordas G
Baltzis Konstantinos
Miaris Georgios
Sachalos Ioannis
Pyramidal-horn design under constraints on half-power beamwidth
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine
vol.44 no.1 p.102-108
Without Type
Kordas G
Baltzis Konstantinos
Sachalos Ioannis
Pyramidal horn design under constraints on half-power beamwidth
Varvatos A
Baltzis K. B
Sahalos J. N
A multiple branch fractionally-spaced decision feedback equalizer (MB FS DFE) for CDMA wireless systems
Mis à jour: 2018-07-01