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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Panagiotis Argyrakis
Professor Emeritus (Retired), School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Θεωρητική Φυσική Στερεάς Κατάστασης
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Augustana College, Sioux Falls, S.Dakota, USA. Majored in Chemistry
Augustana College
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois USA. Majored in Chemical Physics
University of Illinois
Chemical Physics
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, in Chemical Physics
University of Michigan
Chemical Physics
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Lazaridis Filippos. Μελέτη δυναμικών διαδικασιών διάχυσης σε περίπλοκα συστήματα και πολυεπίπεδα δίκτυα
Mpatistakīs CΗrysostomos. "Κρίσιμα φαινόμενα και Αλλαγές Φάσης σε Πολύπλοκα και Άμορφα Συστήματα"
Korosoglou Paschalīs. "Εξέλιξη περίπλοκων συστημάτων με μεθόδους Υπολογιστικής Στατιστικής Φυσικής"
Tsouchnika Maria. "Εφαρμογές στατιστικής μηχανικής σε πολυεπίπεδα δίκτυα"
Mountrakīs Labros. "Αλγόριθμοι προσομοίωσης σε διαστάσεις πολυπύρηνων επεξεργαστών"
Angelou Konstantinos. "Εφαρμογή θεωριών στατιστικής φυσικής σε τεχνολογικά δίκτυα"
Chotokouridou Varvara. "DLA με προτιμητέα ανάπτυξη"
Angelou Konstantinos. "Μελέτη δημιουργίας και χαρακτηριστικών του δικτύου αναφοράς των πατεντών"
Giazitzidis Paraskevas. "Στατιστική Μηχανική Πολύπλοκων Συστημάτων και Δικτύων"
Mpastas Nikolaos. "Δομικές διεργασίες και εφαρμογές της θεωρίας διάχυσης σε συστήματα πολλαπλής κλίμακας που παρουσιάζουν στοχαστικά φαινόμενα"
Skarpalezos Loukas Nikolaos Markos. "Μελέτη διάχυσης σε ανομοιογενή συστήματα"
Lazaridis Filippos. Θεωρίες Νόμων Κλιμάκωσης Απομονωμένων και Αντιδρώντων Σωματιδίων
Kittas Aristotelīs. "Δυναμικές διεργασίες σε πολύπλοκα συστήματα με χρήση υπολογιστικών προσομοιώσεων"
Strakosas Xenofon. "Monte Carlo προσομοιώσεις σε επιφάνειες για το φαινόμενο διήθησης (Απλό και Εκρηκτικό μοντέλο)"
Tsakirīs Nikolaos -Panagiōtīs. "Θεωρία διήθησης και μεταβολές φάσης"
Research Projects
Διαχείριση Υπόγειων Υδάτων για Μη Πόσιμες Χρήσεις, Προστασία Υπογείων και Θέρμανση-Πιλοτική Εφαρμογή
Κέντρο Πολυπλοκότητας ΑΠΘ
Κατασκευή ιστοσελίδων με CMS Drupal χωρίς την απαίτηση γνώσεων προγραμματισμού
CCS2018 Συνέδριο στα Πολύπλοκα Συστήματα 2018
Μετασχηματισμός των ελληνικών υπηρεσιών ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης σε διασυνοριακές υπηρεσίες (eIDAS)
Μετασχηματισμός των ελληνικών υπηρεσιών ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης σε διασυνοριακές υπηρεσίες (eIDAS)
Συνέδριο: "EUNIS 2016"
Χορηγίες συνεδρίου EUNIS 2016
EGI-Engage -Συμμετοχή στην ανάπτυξη του διαχειριστικού εργαλείου ARGO (WP3/JRA 1.4)
Διοργάνωση συνεδρίου EUNIS 2016
Θεμελιώδης έρευνα σε Πολυεπίπεδα πολύπλοκα δίκτυα και συστήματα
Θεμελιώδης έρευνα σε Πολυεπίπεδα πολύπλοκα δίκτυα και συστήματα
Ευρωπαϊκή Υπερυπολογιστική Υποδομή PRACE
Διαπεριφερειακή συνεργασία εφαρμογής υπολογιστικών επιστημών σε διαθεματικά πεδία
Ευρωπαϊκή Πλεγματική Υποδομή: Ολοκληρωμένη Πανευρωπαϊκή βιώσιμη υποδομή για τους ερευνητές στην Ευρώπη
Εθνικό Δίκτυο Αριστείας Υπολογιστών Υψηλών Επιδόσεων
Αξιοποίηση αποτελεσμάτων έρευνας στον τομέα των πλεγματικών υποδομών.
Ανάπτυξη υπερυπολογιστικής υποδομής στην Ευρώπη
Δημιουργία GRID Για τις ηλεκτρονικές επιστήμες -ΙΙΙ
Πρακτική εκπαίδευση εκπαιδευτικών πληροφορικής
Μοντελοποίηση της διαδικασίας σχηματισμού νανοδομών Pb σε υπόστρωμα Si(111)
Σχεδιασμός & ανάπτυξη πιλοτικών υποδομών & προηγμένων υπηρεσιών πλέγματος υπολογιστικών συστημάτων Grid-HellasGrid
Σχεδιασμός & ανάπτυξη πιλοτικών υποδομών & προηγμένων υπηρεσιών πλέγματος υπολογιστικών συστημάτων - HellasGrid (Σχεδιασμός Λειτουργίας και ανάπτυξη Πανελλήνιας Αρχής Πιστοποίησης & Πολιτικών Ασφαλείας)
Ευρυζωνική αναβάθμιση της πρόσβασης σχολείων στο πανελλήνιο σχολικό δίκτυο στην περιοχή ευθύνης του ΑΠΘ - Ευρυζωνική αναβάθμιση του δικτύου διανομής του πανελληνίου σχολικού δικτύου
Ευρυζωνική αναβάθμιση της πρόσβασης σχολείων στο πανελλήνιο σχολικό δίκτυο στην περιοχή ευθύνης του ΑΠΘ - Ευρυζωνική αναβάθμιση του δικτύου διανομής του πανελληνίου σχολικού δικτύου
Υπηρεσίες ανάπτυξης και διαχείρισης εικονικού κέντρου δικτύων του ακαδημαϊκού και ερευνητικού δικτύου ΕΔΕΤ (VNOC-3) Τμήμα 2, "Υπηρεσίες διαχείρισης τεχνολογιών πραγματικού χρόνου, υπηρεσίες διαχείρισης υποδομών Middleware και υπηρεσίες ασφαλείας"
Πυρηνοποίηση και κρυστάλλωση ελεγχόμενη από διεπιφάνειες
Δημιουργία Grid για τις ηλεκτρονικές επιστήμες ΙΙ
Λειτουργία ΠΣΔ κατά το Β΄εξάμηνο 2006 στην περιοχή των Διευθύνσεων Εκπαίδευσης Α΄Θεσσαλονίκης, Σερρών και Πέλλας
Η δομή του διαδικτύου ως σύνθετο δίκτυο ( Complex Network ) : Εξάπλωση ιων και τεχνικές ανοσοποίησης.
Υλοποίηση μεθόδων στις υπολογιστικές επιστήμες και χρήση ηλεκτρονικών υποδομών πλέγματος (GRID), με εφαρμογή στις φυσικές επιστήμες και τη μηχανική Υποέργο 1
Μελέτη και εγκατάσταση νησίδων υπολογιστών για τις ανάγκες της συνεργασίας Α.Π.Θ.-Πανεπιστημίου Τιράνων
Υλοποίηση μεθόδων στις υπολογιστικές επιστήμες και χρήση ηλεκτρονικών υποδομών πλέγματος (GRID), με εφαρμογή στις φυσικές επιστήμες και τη μηχανική - Υποέργο 2: προμήθεια εξοπλισμού συστοιχίας Η/Υ παράλληλης επεξεργασίας
Γενική ολοκλήρωση των εφαρμογών της πολυπλοκότητας στην επιστήμη
Ηλεκτρονικές διεργασίες σε οργανικές διόδους εκπομπής φωτός (OLED) και αποτελεσματικές μέθοδοι παραγωγής OLED
Στοχαστική δυναμική: Βασικές διεργασίες και εφαρμογές
Προηγμένες τηλεματικές υπηρεσίες και δράσεις τηλε-εκπαιδευσης στο δίκτυο AUTHNET του ΑΠΘ
Η ανθρώπινη συμπεριφορά μέσω της δυναμικής των σύνθετων κοινωνικών δικτύων: Μία διεπιστημονική προσέγγιση (DYSONET)
Δημιουργία Grid για τις ηλεκτρονικές επιστήμες στην Ευρώπη
Multi - Gigabit Ευρωπαϊκό Ακαδημαϊκό Δίκτυο ( GN2)
Προηγμένες τηλεματικές υπηρεσίες για την Εκπαίδευση, Πανελλήνιο Σχολικό Δίκτυο - EDUnet III: Ανάπτυξη και υποστήριξη προηγμένων τηλεματικών υπηρεσιών για τις εκπαιδευτικές μονάδες Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης των Νομών Θεσσαλονίκης (Α΄Θεσσαλονίκης) Σερρών, Πέλλας
Δομή και δυναμική του διαδικτύου και του παγκόσμιου ιστού (Internet και www) -Ανθεκτικότητα, στρατηγικές ανοσοποίησης και αναζήτησης
ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ: Υπολογιστική μελέτη της εξέλιξης της γλώσσας με μεθόδους προσομοίωσης με έμφαση στην ελληνική γλώσσα
Ανάπτυξη/Διαχείριση προηγμένων υπηρεσιών εικονικού κέντρου δικτύων για το δίκτυο του ΕΔΕΤ (VNOC-2)
Μοντελοποίηση δικτύων για εφαρμογές τηλεπικοινωνιών
Υποδομές υποστήριξης των σχολείων στους νομού Θεσσαλονίκης (Διεύθυνση Πρωτοβάθμιας και Δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης Α΄ Θεσσαλονίκης), Σερρών, Πέλλας
Προηγμένες τηλεματικές υπηρεσίες για την πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση: Ανάπτυξη και υποστήριξη προηγμένων τηλεματικών υπηρεσιών για τις μονάδες πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης των Νομών Θεσσαλονίκης (Α΄ Θεσσαλονίκης), Σερρών, Πέλλας
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ :Εφαρμογές των τυχαίων διαδρομών στα φυσικά συστήματα
Δράσεις υποστήριξης των πληροφοριακών συστημάτων των σχολείων στους Νομούς Θεσσαλονίκης (Διεύθυνση Αθμιας-Βθμιας Α΄ Θεσσαλονίκης), Σερρών, Πέλλας
Αλληλεπίδραση της ακτινοβολίας UV με το DNA: μελέτη των βασικών διαδικασιών
IST-2001-32603 6ΝΕΤ Large Scale International IPv6 TESTBED
Προμήθεια δικτυακού εξοπλισμού & υποδομών για την ασύρματη σύνδεση σχολικών μονάδων (Ε.Τ.Π.Α. EDUnet)
Διάχυση στη μάζα και στην επιφάνεια υλικών κάτω απο ισχυρές αλληλεπιδράσεις σωματιδίων
Υποτροφία Μέλισσας Χαραλάμπους
Πανελλήνιο δίκτυο για την εκπαίδευση - EDU-net
Δυναμική νέων μορίων με γεωμετρικούς περιορισμούς και ιδιότητες χρήσιμες σε τεχνολογικές εφαρμογές
<<Διαχείριση βασικών υπηρεσιών -εφαρμογών >> και <Πιλοτική ενέργεια υπηρεσιών πραγματικού χρόνου-Real time services (RTS)
Δίκτυο πρόσβασης και υπηρεσίες δικτύου για την εκπαίδευση (GUnet-2)
Επέκταση και λειτουργική στήριξη AUTHnet
Ανάπτυξη σύνθετου εργαστηριακού περιβάλλοντος (ΣΕΠ) με χρήση πολυμέσων
Novel molecular electronics materials with unusual electron and exciton dynamics
Στατιστική θεωρία της διάχυσης σε πλέγματα δύο και τριών διαστάσεων
Ανάπτυξη έξυπνου μαθησιακού εργαστηριακού περιβάλλοντος πολυμέσων αλληλεπιδραστικής προσομοίωσης πειραμάτων Φυσικής και Χημείας για τις τάξεις του Γυμνασίου
Μελέτη της διάχυσης και μεταφοράς ενέργειας σε οργανωμένα μοριακά στρώματα
Γρήγοροι αλγόριθμοι προσομοίωσης & μοντέλα υπολογιστών για φαινόμενα μεταφοράς σε υλικά που χρησιμοποιούνται σε επικοινωνίες
Δυναμική και αποδιέγερση διεγερμένων καταστάσεων σε μοριακά συστήματα με γεωμετρικούς περιορισμούς
Υπολογιστικό πρότυπο της διάχυσης σε άμορφα υλικά
Υπολογιστικά πρότυπα διάχυσης σε τυχαία μέσα
Η επίδραση του φωτός σε οργανωμένα μοριακά συστήματα
Πανεπιστημιακή συνεργασία ΑΕΙ Ελλάδας-Βουλγαρίας:Εκπαίδευση - ανταλλαγές - ανάπτυξη υποδομής σε υπολογιστές
Δυναμική αντιδράσεων σε μη ομογενή υλικά
Without Type
Bastas N
Lazaridis F
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Maragakis M
Static and dynamic behavior of multiplex networks under interlink strength variation
EPL (Europhysics Letters)
vol.109 no.3 p.38006
Giazitzidis P
Avramov I
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Variation of the critical percolation threshold with the method of preparation of the system
European Physical Journal B
Skarpalezos L
Kittas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Cohen R
Havlin S
Efficiency of message transmission using biased random walks in complex networks in the presence of traps
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics
Vol.91 no.1
Without Type
Skarpalezos L
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Vikhrenko V.S
Self-intermediate scattering function of strongly interacting three-dimensional lattice gases: Time- and wave-vector-dependent tracer diffusion coefficient
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics
Without Type
Bastas N
Maragakis M
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Ben-Avraham D
Havlin S
Carmi S
Random walk with priorities in communicationlike networks
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics
Giazitzidis P
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Generalized Achlioptas process for the delay of criticality in the percolation process
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics
Skarpalezos L
Kittas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Cohen R
Havlin S
Anomalous biased diffusion in networks
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear & Soft Matter Physics
Without Type
Paolucci M
Kossman D
Conte R
Lukowicz P
Argyrakis P
Blandford A
Bonelli G
Anderson S
de Freitas S
Edmonds B
Gilbert N
, et al
Towards a living earth simulator
European Physical Journal-Special Topics
vol.214 no.1 p.77-108
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
What is econophysics?
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
vol.4 no.3 p.207-208
Bastas N
Kosmidis K
Argyrakis P
Explosive site percolation and finite-size hysteresis
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.84 no.6
McNaughton B. H
Kinnunen P
Shlomi M
Cionca C
Pei S. N
Clarke R
Argyrakis P
Kopelman R
Experimental system for one-dimensional rotational Brownian motion
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
vol.115 no.18 p.5212-5218
Skarpalezos L
Tsakiris N
Argyrakis P
Vikhrenko V. S
Memory effects in strongly interacting lattice gases: Self-intermediate scattering function studies
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.84 no.7
Tsakiris N
Maragakis M
Kosmidis K
Argyrakis P
Percolation of randomly distributed growing clusters: The low initial density regime
European Physical Journal B
vol.81 no.3 p.303-307
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
What is EconoPhysics?
International Conference on EconoPhysics
International Conference on EconoPhysics 2011
Kavala, Greece
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Spreading of Crises using models of Physics
International Conference in Statistical Physics 2011, SigmaPhi2011 Larnaca, Cyprus, 11-15 July 2011
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Models of Networks for spreading phenomena
International Meeting for Flagship project FuturICT, Frankfurt, Germany, 9 November 2011
Argyrakis Panagiotis
High Performance Computing with applications to Complex Systems
International Meeting for project CrossNet, University of Lausanne, 28 April 2011
Mpastas N
Kosmidis K
Argyrakis P
Korosoglou P
Dynamic properties of complex systems using Grid computing
EGI User Forum, Lithuania, 11-14 April, 2011
Without Type
Garas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Rozenblat C
Tomassini M
Havlin S
Worldwide spreading of economic crisis
New Journal of Physics
Published Version
Korosoglou Paschalis
Kittas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Spreading of infection in a two species reaction-diffusion process in networks
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.82 no.6
McNaughton B. H
Shlomi M
Kinnunen P
Cionca C
Pei S. N
Clarke R
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Magnetic confinement of Brownian rotation to a single axis and application to Janus and cluster microparticles
Applied Physics Letters
Published Version
vol.97 no.14
Tsakiris N
Maragakis M
Kosmidis K
Argyrakis P
Percolation of randomly distributed growing clusters: Finite-size scaling and critical exponents for the square lattice
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.82 no.4
Tsakiris N
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Avramov I
Bocker C
Rüssel C
Crystal growth model with stress development and relaxation
Europhysics Letters
Published Version
vol.89 no.1
Tsakiris N
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Avramov I
Effect of the transition of networks from floppy to rigid on the diffusion coefficient
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.81 no.2
Tsakiris N
Maragakis M
Kosmidis Kosmas
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Percolation of randomly distributed growing clusters: Finite size scaling and critical exponents for the square lattice
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.82 no.4
Without Type
Giazitzidis P
Mpastas N
Argyrakis P
Kosmidis K
Explosive Percolation as a tool of examining discontinuous phenomena in Nanotechnology
7th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN10)
Ouranoupoli, Chalkidiki
Maragakis Μ
Tsakiris Ν
Kosmidis K
Argyrakis P
"Workshop proceedings, p.9, TWCS'2010 ""Turunc Workshop on Complex Systems"" 2010, Marmaris, Turkey, August September 2010"
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Chumak A. A
Maragakis M
Tsakiris N
Negative diffusion coefficient in a two-dimensional lattice-gas system with attractive nearest-neighbor interactions
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.80 no.10
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Chumak A.A
Maragakis M
Tsakiris N
Negative diffusion coefficient in two-dimensional lattice gas system with attractive nearest-neighbor interactions
Physical Review B
Published Version
vol.80 no.104203
Garas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Filtering of complex systems using overlapping tree networks
Europhysics Letters
Published Version
vol.86 no.2
Kittas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Absence of depletion zone effects for the trapping reaction in complex networks
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.80 no.4
Nikolaidis Argyrios
Kosmidis Kosmas
Argyrakis Panagiotis
A Random matrix approach to Language Acquisition
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
Published Version
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Collaboration networks within the European Community for the different scientific themes
NET-ACE Conference, London 2009
NET-ACE Conference, London
London, UK
Bocker C
Wurth R
Dittmer M
Gerlach S
Russel C
Hoche Th
Bhattacharyya S
Pablos-Martin A. de
Hemono N
Munoz F
Pascual M. J
, et al
Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization for Nanoparticle Synthesis, Part II
Foz de Iguazu, Brazil
Bocker C
Wurth R
Dittmer M
Gerlach S
Russel C
Hoche Th
Bhattacharyya S
Pablos-Martin A. de
Hemono N
Munoz F
Pascual M. J
, et al
Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization for Nanoparticle Synthesis, Part I
Vancouver, Canada
Bocker C
Wurth R
Dittmer M
Gerlach S
Russel C
Hoche Th
Bhattacharyya S
Pablos-Martin A. de
Hemono N
Munoz F
Pascual M. J
, et al
Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization for Nanoparticle Synthesis, Part I
Foz de Iguazu, Brazil
Bocker C
Wurth R
Dittmer M
Gerlach S
Russel C
Hoche Th
Bhattacharyya S
Pablos-Martin A. de
Hemono N
Munoz F
Pascual M. J
, et al
Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization for Nanoparticle Synthesis
Glastechnische Tagung, Amberg, Germany, May 18 - 20
Garas A
Argyrakis P
Scientific Collaboration in Europe and the Overlapping Tree Network
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 20-23
Garas A
Argyrakis P
A novel approach in the filtering of information from complex systems: The overlapping Tree Network
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V.(DPG) Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany (3/2009)
Garas A
Argyrakis P
Information filtering from complex systems
SPANGEO project meeting Bordeaux, France (2/2009)
Kosmidis K
Argyrakis P
Statistical mechanical approach to human language
COST MP0801 Physics of Conflict & Competition, Durham, Israel
Maragakis M
Carmi S
Havlin S
Argyrakis P
Random Walk in Complex Systems with the Particle Diffusion Model- PDM
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Thessaloniki, Greece
Skarpalezos L
Maragakis M
Tringides M
Argyrakis P
Simulation of Non Classical Coarsening Mechanism in Pb/Si
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tsakiris N
Argyrakis P
Avramov I
Crystal growth model with stress development and relaxation
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 20-23
Without Type
Arapaki Eleni
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Tringides M
Modelling of diffusion from equilibrium diffraction fluctuations in ordered phases
Surface Science
Published Version
vol.602 no.13 p. 2162-2169
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Arapaki Eleni
Dubinin S.V
Groda Y.G
Vikhrenko V.S
Diffusion characteristics of particles on energetically disordered lattices
Solid State Ionics
Published Version
vol.179 no.1-6 p. 143-147
Garas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Havlin S
The structural role of weak and strong links in a financial market network
European Physical Journal B
Published Version
vol.63 no.2 p. 265-271
Garas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
A network approach for the scientific collaboration in the European Framework Programs
Europhysics Letters
Published Version
vol.84 no.6
Kittas A
Carmi S
Havlin S
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Trapping in complex networks
Europhysics Letters
Published Version
vol.84 no.4
Maragakis M
Carmi S
Ben-Avraham D
Havlin S
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Priority diffusion model in lattices and complex networks
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Published Version
vol.77 no.2
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Structure of Research Planning in the 6FP of the European Community
International Workshop on Detection and visualization of communities in large complex networks, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (March 13-14, 2008)
International Workshop on Detection and visualization of communities in large complex networks
Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Batistakis C
Argyrakis P
Particle diffusion on 1-dimensional lattices at very high densities
Balkan Physical Union 2nd International Physics Projects Competition for University Students (SPCBPU-2)
Bodrum, Turkey
Garas A
Argyrakis P
Havlin S
The structural role of weak and strong links in a financial market network
The 5th European Conference on Complex Systems, Israel, Jerusalem (9/2008)
Garas A
Argyrakis P
Random Matrix Theory and financial Markets: application to Athens Stock Exchange, Investigating prοperties of financial market networks
Balkan Physical Union 2nd International Physics Projects Competition for University Students (SPCBPU-2)
Bodrum, Turkey
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Chumak A.A
Maragakis M
Tracer diffusion in ordered lattice-gas systems with defect-controlled transport mechanisms
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Published Version
vol.76 no.5
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Scale-free networks resistant to intentional attacks
vol.80 no.5
Gallos L.K
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Influence of a complex network substrate on reaction-diffusion processes
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Published Version
vol.19 no.6
Gallos L.K
Liljeros F
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Bunde A
Havlin S
Improving immunization strategies
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Published Version
vol.75 no.4
Gallos L.K
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Scale free networks resistant to intentional attacks
Europhysics Letters
Published Version
vol.80 no.5
Garas A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Correlation study of the Athens Stock Exchange
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Published Version
vol.380 no.1-2 p. 399-410
Kalampokis A
Kosmidis Kosmas
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Evolution of vocabulary on scale-free and random networks
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Published Version
vol.379 no.2 p. 665-671
Karatasios G.D
Antoniades I.P
Fournou E
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Using neural nets for eliminating noise in experimental signals
Applied Mathematical Sciences
Published Version
vol.1 no.19 p.915-919
Without Type
Argyrakis P
Lidsky V
Vasiliev R
Dirin D
Zalunin V
Vitukhnovsky A
Blinking as a tool of quantum dot OLEDS studies
Without Type
Argyrakis P
Maragakis M
Chumak O
Zhugayevych A
Dynamic correlations in an ordered c (2×2) lattice gas
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.74 no.3
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Weiss G.H
A first-passage time problem for many random walkers
Physica A
Published Version
vol.363 no.2 p. 343-347
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Chumak A.A
Maragakis M
Zhugayevych A
Dynamic correlations in an ordered in c(2x2) lattice gas
Physical Review B
Published Version
vol.74 no.3
Gallos L.K
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Characteristics of reaction-diffusion on scale-free networks
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.74 no.5
Kosmidis Kosmas
Kalampokis A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Statistical mechanical approach to human language
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Published Version
vol.366 p. 495-502
Kosmidis Kosmas
Kalampokis A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Language time series analysis
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Published Version
vol.370 no.2 p. 808-816
Peng H
Park S.H
Kopelman R
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Taitelbaum H
Effect of a slit-shaped trap on depletion kinetics within a microchannel
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.73 no.4
Without Type
Gallos L. K
Cohen R
Liljeros F
Argyrakis P
Bunde A
Havlin S
Attack strategies on complex networks
ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference on Computational Science
vol.3993 LNCS - III p.1048-1055
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Chumak A. A
Maragakis M
Fluctuations in an ordered c(2x2) two-dimensional lattice-gas system with repulsive interactions
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.71 no.22 p.1-10
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Chumak A.A
Maragakis M
Fluctuations in ordered c(2x2) two-dimensional lattice gas system with repulsive interactions
Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics)
Published Version
vol.71 no.22
Dokoumetzidis A
Kosmidis Kosmas
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Macheras P
Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulations in Oral Drug Absorption
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Published Version
vol.96 no.3 p. 200–205
Fournou E
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Anninos P.A
Refractoriness in Poisson and Gaussian First-order Neural Nets with Chemical Markers
Neural Processing Letters
Published Version
vol.22 no.1 p. 57-68
Gallos L.K
Cohen R
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Bunde A
Havlin S
Stability and topology of scale-free networks under attack and defense strategies
Physical Review Letters
Published Version
vol.94 no.18
Gallos L.K
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Reaction-diffusion processes on correlated and uncorrelated scale-free networks
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Published Version
vol.72 no.1
Kosmidis Kosmas
Halley J
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Language evolution and population dynamics in a system of two interacting species
Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Published Version
vol.353 p. 595-612
Park S.H
Peng H
Kopelman R
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Taitelbaum H
Depletion Kinetics in the Photobleaching Trapping Reaction inside a Flat Microchannel
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.71 no.3
Without Type
Arapaki Eleni
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Bunde A
Diffusion-driven spreading phenomena: The structure of the hull of the visited territory
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.69 no.3 1 p.031101-1-031101-4
Arapaki Eleni
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Bunde A
Diffusion driven spreading phenomena: the structure of the hull of the visited territory
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.69 no.3
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Bunde A
Cohen R
Havlin S
Tolerance of scale-free networks: From friendly to intentional attack strategies
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
vol.344 no.3-4 SPEC. ISS. p.504-509
Gallos L.K
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Absence of kinetic effects in reaction-diffusion processes in scale-free networks
Physical Review Letters
Published Version
vol.92 no.13
Gallos L.K
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Bunde A
Havlin S
Tolerance of scale-free networks: from friendly to intentional attack strategies
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Published Version
vol.344 no.3-4 p. 504-509
Gallos L.K
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Lobanov A
Vitukhnovsky A
Computational study of energy transfer in two-dimensional J-aggregates
Journal of Luminescence
Published Version
vol.110 no.4 p. 246-252
Kosmidis Kosmas
Karalis V
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Machairas Panos
Michaelis-Menten kinetics under spatially constrained conditions: Application to mibefradil pharmacokinetics
Biophysical Journal
Published Version
vol.87 no.3 p. 1498-1506
Without Type
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Distribution of infected mass in disease spreading in scale-free networks
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
vol.330 no.1-2 p.117-123
Groda Y. G
Argyrakis P
Bokun G. S
Vikhrenko V. S
SCDA for 3D lattice gases with repulsive interaction
European Physical Journal B
vol.32 no.4 p.527-535
Kalampokis A
Kotsavasiloglou C
Argyrakis P
Baloyannis S
Robustness in biological neural networks
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
vol.317 no.3-4 p.581-590
Kalampokis Alkiviadis
Kotsavasiloglou Christos
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Balogiannis Stavros
Robustness in biological neural networks
Physica A 317 (2003) 581 – 590
vol.317 p.581-590
Kosmidis K
Rinaki E
Argyrakis P
Macheras P
Analysis of Case II drug transport with radial and axial release from cylinders
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
vol.254 no.2 p.183-188
Kosmidis K
Argyrakis P
Macheras P
A reappraisal of drug release laws using Monte Carlo simulations: The prevalence of the Weibull function
Pharmaceutical Research
vol.20 no.7 p.988-995
Kosmidis Kosmas
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Macheras P
Fractal kinetics in drug release from finite fractal matrices
Journal of Chemical Physics
Published Version
vol.119 no.12 p.6373-6377
Park S. H
Peng H
Kopelman R
Argyrakis P
Taitelbaum H
Anomalous growth of the depletion zone in the photobleaching trapping reaction
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.67 no.6 1 p.060103/1-060103/4
Peng H
Hyun Park S
Argyrakis P
Taitelbaum H
Kopelman R
Dynamics of the depletion zone at a finite-sized imperfect trap in two dimensions: Photobleaching experiments and simulations
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.68 no.6 1 p.611021-6110210
Peng H
Park S.H
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Taitelbaum H
Kopelman R
Dynamics of the depletion zone at a finite-sized imperfect trap in two dimensions: photobleaching experiments and simulations
Physical Review E
Published Version
vol.68 no.6
Without Type
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Reaction-diffusion processes in scale-free networks
vol.5114 p.118-125
Park S. H
Peng H
Argyrakis P
Taitelbaum H
Kopelman R
Dimensional crossover in the growth of depletion zone in a rectangular capillary: Experiments and Monte Carlo simulations
vol.790 p.257-262
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Chumak A. A
Mass transport in an ordered three-dimensional lattice-gas system Panos Argyrakis
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.66 no.5 p.543031-543039
Avramov I
Argyrakis P
Particle separation using high frequency alternating external fields
vol.18 no.8 p.3376-3379
Gallos L. K
Stathatos E
Lianos P
Argyrakis P
Photophysical behavior of a homologous series of amphiphilic hemicyanine dyes in thin AOT films
Chemical Physics
vol.275 no.1-3 p.253-260
Katsoulis D
Argyrakis P
Pimenov A
Vitukhnovsky A
Diffusion and trapping in dendrimer structures
Chemical Physics
vol.275 no.1-3 p.261-269
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Groda Y. G
Bokun G. S
Vikhrenko V. S
Thermodynamics and diffusion of a lattice gas on a simple cubic lattice
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.64 no.6 II p.066108/1-066108/11
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Burlatsky S. F
Clément E
Oshanin G
Influence of auto-organization and fluctuations on the kinetics of a monomer-monomer catalytic scheme
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.63 no.2 II p.1-9
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Kehr K. W
Trapping and survival probability in two dimensions
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.63 no.2 II p.1-5
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Accurate estimation of the survival probability for trapping in two dimensions
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.64 no.5 I p.051111/1-051111/6
Kopelman R
Argyrakis P
Reaction front structure in the diffusion-limited A + B model with initially randomized reactants
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
vol.64 no.1 II p.017102/1-017102/4
Markovitsi D
Gallos L. K
Lemaistre J. P
Argyrakis P
Degeneracy, orientational disorder and chromophore size effects on Frenkel excitons in columnar mesophases
Chemical Physics
vol.269 no.1-3 p.147-158
Without Type
Katsoulis D
Argyrakis P
Pimenov A
Vitukhnovsky A
Cayley tree random walk dynamics
vol.651 p.T7.8.1-T7.8.7
Refanidis I
Korobilis K
Barbas A
Katsoulis D
Hatzikraniotis D
Vlachavas Ioannis
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Psyllos D
Virtual Lab-Environment for Thermodynamics
Proceedings 1st National Conference on Education and Informatics
1st National Conference on Education and Informatics
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Arapaki Eleni
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Tringides M. C
Diffusion studies in nonequilibrium systems with attractive interactions
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.62 no.12 p.8286-8294
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Random walks and reactions on dendrimer structures
Chemical Physics
vol.261 no.3 p.391-398
Gallos L. K
Pimenov A. V
Scheblykin G
Van Der Auweraer M
Hungerford G
Varnavsky O. P
Vitukhnovsky A. G
Argyrakis P
A kinetic model for J-aggregate dynamics
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
vol.104 no.16 p.3918-3923
Without Type
Λευκός Ι
Ρεφανίδης Ι
Γάλλος Λ
Μπισδικιάν Γ
Πετρίδου Ευανθία
Χατζηκρανιώτης Ευριπίδης
Βλαχάβας Ιωάννης
Αργυράκης Παναγιώτης
Ψύλλος Δημήτριος
Εικονικό Εργαστήριο Θερμότητας
Πρακτικά 1ου Εθνικού Συνεδρίου σε Εκπαίδευση και Πληροφορικής
1ου Εθνικό Συνέδριο Εκπαίδευσης και Πληροφορικής
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Ρεφανίδης Ι
Κορομπίλης Κ
Μπάρμπας Α
Κατσούλης Δ
Χατζηκρανιώτης Ευριπίδης
Βλαχάβας Ιωάννης
Αργυράκης Παναγιώτης
Ψύλλος Δημήτριος
Εικονικό Εργαστήριο Θερμόδυναμικής
Πρακτικά 1ου Εθνικού Συνεδρίου σε Εκπαίδευση και Πληροφορικής
1ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Εκπαίδευσης και Πληροφορικής
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Ψύλλος Δημήτριος
Αργυράκης Παναγιώτης
Βλαχάβας Ιωάννης
Χατζηκρανιώτης Ευριπίδης
Μπισδικιάν Γ
Ρεφανίδης Ι
Λευκός Ι
Κορομπίλης Κ
Βράκας Δημήτριος
Γάλλος Λ
Πετρίδου Ευανθία
, et al
Σύνθετο Εργαστηριακό Περιβάλλον για τη Διδασκαλία Φαινομένων Θερμότητας και Θερμοδυναμικής
Πρακτικά 2ου Εθνικού Συνεδρίου Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Τηλεπικοινωνιών στην Εκπαίδευση
Πάτρα, Ελλάδα
Without Type
Ahn J
Kopelman R
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Hierarchies of nonclassical reaction kinetics due to anisotropic confinements
Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.110 no.4 p.2116-2121
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Ahn J
Lin Anna
Kopelman R
Scalings of a + B reaction kinetics due to anisotropie confinements
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
vol.543 p.339-344
Kalampokis A
Argyrakis P
Macheras P
A heterogeneous tube model of intestinal drug absorption based on probabilistic concepts
Pharmaceutical Research
vol.16 no.11 p.1764-1769
Kalampokis A
Argyrakis P
Macheras P
Heterogeneous tube model for the study of small intestinal transit flow
Pharmaceutical Research
vol.16 no.1 p.87-91
Markovitsi D
Marguet S
Gallos L. K
Sigal H
Millié P
Argyrakis P
Ringsdorf H
Kumar S
Electronic coupling responsible for energy transfer in columnar liquid crystals
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.306 no.3-4 p.163-167
Without Type
Avramov I
Milchev A
Arapaki E
Argyrakis P
Biased random walk in energetically disordered lattices
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.58 no.3 suppl.A p.2788-2795
Logan D
Argyrakis P
Function evaluation with feedforward neural networks
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
vol.67 no.1-2 p.201-222
Without Type
Arapaki Eleni
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Avramov I
Milchev A
Effect of temperature on biased random walks in disordered media
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.56 no.1 suppl.A p.R29-R31
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kobryanskii M. V
Sluch M. I
Vitukhnovsky A. G
The influence of conjugated polymer chain length on luminescence properties of ordered polymer films
Synthetic Metals
vol.91 no.1-3 p.159-160
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Basko D. M
Drobizhev M. A
Lobanov A. N
Pimenov A. V
Varnavsky O. P
Van Der Auweraer M
Vitukhnovsky A. G
Absorption lineshape of J-aggregates of thiacarbocyanine dyes: Experiment and numerical study
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.268 no.5-6 p.372-380
Fournou E
Argyrakis P
Kargas B
Anninos P. A
Hybrid neural nets with poisson and Gaussian connectivities
Journal of Statistical Physics
vol.89 no.3-4 p.847-867
Kopelman R
Lin A. L
Argyrakis P
Non-classical kinetics and reactant segregation in d-dimensional tubular spaces
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
vol.232 no.1-2 p.34-40
Kotsavasiloglou C
Kalampokis A
Argyrakis P
Baloyannis S
Model for a neural network structure signal transmission
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.56 no.4 p.4489-4496
Lin A. L
Kopelman R
Argyrakis P
Diffusion-controlled elementary reactions in tubular confinement: Extreme nonclassicality, segregation, and anomalous scaling laws for dimensional crossovers
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
vol.101 no.5 p.802-808
Lin A. L
Kopelman R
Argyrakis P
Comment on "crossover time of diffusion-limited reactions on a tubular lattice"
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.56 no.5 suppl.B p.6204-6205
Macheras P
Argyrakis P
Gastrointestinal drug absorption: Is it time to consider heterogeneity as well as homogeneity?
Pharmaceutical Research
vol.14 no.7 p.842-847
Without Type
Argyrakis Panos
Lin Anna L
Kopelman Raoul
Random walks, trapping and reactions in quasi-one dimensional lattices
vol.464 p.243-250
Without Type
Lin A
Kopelman R
Argyrakis P
Nonclassical kinetics in three dimensions: Simulations of elementary A + B and A + A reactions
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.53 no.2 p.1502-1509
Lin A. L
Kopelman R
Argyrakis P
Dimensional crossovers and anomalous scaling of single and reacting random walkers in baguettelike lattices: Monte Carlo simulations of the number of distinct sites visited and of bimolecular A + A and A + B reactions
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.54 no.6 p.R5893-R5896
Macheras P
Argyrakis P
Polymilis C
Fractal geometry, fractal kinetics and chaos en route to biopharmaceutical sciences
European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
vol.21 no.2 p.77-86
Murthy K. P. N
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Kehr K. W
Number of distinct sites visited on a percolation cluster: Characterization of fluctuations
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.54 no.6 p.6922-6924
Oshanin G
Sokolov I. M
Argyrakis P
Blumen A
Fluctuation-dominated A+B→0 kinetics under short-ranged interparticle interactions
Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.105 no.15 p.6304-6314
Sigal H
Markovitsi D
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Singlet excitation transfer in columnar liquid crystals studied by Monte Carlo simulations
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.100 no.26 p.10999-11004
Tojo C
Argyrakis P
Correlated random walk in continuous space
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
vol.54 no.1 p.58-63
Without Type
Argyrakis P
Milchev A
Pereyra V
Kehr K. W
Dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the energy distribution of random barriers
Physical Review E
vol.52 no.4 p.3623-3631
Evangelou S. N
Argyrakis P
Violent fluctuations of the fracton density of states on the percolation cluster and its backbone
Physical Review B
vol.51 no.6 p.3489-3492
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Kehr K. W
Distribution of the number of distinct sites visited by random walks in disordered lattices
Physical Review E
vol.52 no.2 p.1520-1527
Hörner A
Milchev A
Argyrakis P
Role of percolation in diffusion on random lattices
Physical Review E
vol.52 no.4 p.3570-3576
Lindenberg K
Argyrakis P
Kopelman R
Reaction-diffusion model for A + A reaction
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.99 no.19 p.7542-7556
Markovitsi D
Germain A
Millié P
Lécuyer P
Gallos L. K
Argyrakis P
Bengs H
Ringsdorf H
Triphenylene columnar liquid crystals: Excited states and energy transfer
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.99 no.3 p.1005-1017
Without Type
Argyrakis Panos
Kopelman Raoul
Lindenberg Katja
Global reaction rates from local cluster distributions
vol.366 p.395-402
Lindenberg Katja
Kopelman Raoul
Argyrakis Panos
Reaction-diffusion model for the A + A → 0 reaction
vol.366 p.377-388
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Lindenberg K
Nonclassical crossovers in binary reactions in one-dimensional systems
Journal of Luminescence
vol.58 no.1-6 p.413-416
Clément E
Leroux-Hugon P
Sander L. M
Argyrakis P
Statistical models for surface catalysis: Evidence for anomalous reaction rates
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.98 no.30 p.7274-7277
Clément E
Leroux-Hugon P
Argyrakis P
Catalysis on a fractal lattice: A model for poisoning
Physical Review E
vol.49 no.6 p.4857-4864
Gallos L. K
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Argyrakis P
Conduction anisotropy in layered semiconductors
Physical Review B
vol.50 no.19 p.14643-14646
Lianos P
Argyrakis P
A + B → B reaction for unequal reactant concentrations
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.98 no.30 p.7278-7283
Lindenberg K
Argyrakis P
Kopelman R
Diffusion-limited binary reactions: The hierarchy of nonclassical regimes for correlated initial conditions
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.98 no.13 p.3389-3397
Sokolov I. M
Argyrakis P
Blumen A
The A + B → 0 reaction under short-range interactions
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.98 no.30 p.7256-7259
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Lindenberg K
Diffusion-limited binary reactions: the hierarchy of nonclassical regimes for random initial conditions
Chemical Physics
vol.177 no.3 p.693-707
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Nonclassical A+B→0 batch reactions: Effect of mobility on rate, order, aggregation and segregation
Physical Review E
vol.47 no.5 p.3757-3760
Avramov I
Milchev A
Argyrakis P
Diffusion in a random medium: A Monte Carlo study
Physical Review E
vol.47 no.4 p.2303-2307
Mastorakos J
Argyrakis P
Transport on the percolation backbone
Physical Review E
vol.48 no.6 p.4847-4850
Without Type
Argyrakis Panos
Kopelman Raoul
One-dimensional A+B = 0 reaction with one immobile species
vol.290 p.261-266
Clement Eric
Leroux-Hugon Patrick
Argyrakis Panos
Catalysis on a fractal lattice: A model for poisoning
Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Dynamics in Small Confining Systems
Boston, MA, USA
vol.290 p.361-364
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Diffusion-controlled binary reactions in low dimensions: Refined simulations
Physical Review A
vol.45 no.8 p.5814-5819
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kehr K. W
Mean number of distinct sites visited by correlated walks. II. Disordered lattices
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.97 no.4 p.2718-2723
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Evangelou S. N
Magoutis K
Density of states, level-statistics and localization of fractons in 2- and 3-dimensional disordered systems
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter
vol.87 no.2 p.257-264
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kehr K. W
Trapping without traps by correlated random walks
Journal of Statistical Physics
vol.63 no.1-2 p.399-404
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Duportail G
Lianos P
Behavior of the rate constant for reactions in restricted spaces: Fluorescence probing of lipid vesicles
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.95 no.5 p.3808-3814
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Nearest-neighbor distance distributions and self-ordering in diffusion-controlled reactions. II. A+B simulations
Physical Review A
vol.41 no.4 p.2121-2126
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Nearest-neighbor distance distributions and self-ordering in diffusion-controlled reactions. I. A+A simulations
Physical Review A
vol.41 no.4 p.2114-2120
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Stirring in chemical reactions
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.93 no.1 p.225-229
Lianos P
Argyrakis P
Chemical reactions in restricted spaces: Decay in the presence of quenchers
Physical Review A
vol.39 no.8 p.4170-4175
Pitsianis N
Bleris G. L
Argyrakis P
Information dimension in fractal structures
Physical Review B
vol.39 no.10 p.7097-7100
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Recombination kinetics in low dimensions
Journal of Luminescence
vol.40-41 no.C p.690-691
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Random walks on percolating clusters with energetic disorder
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
vol.21 no.12 p.2753-2759
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Anacker L. W
Kopelman R
Random walks on fractals: Higher moments
Journal of Physics A: General Physics
vol.21 no.2 p.569-573
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Argyrakis Replies
Physical Review Letters
vol.61 no.18 p.2157
Bleris G. L
Argyrakis P
On multiple visits in lattice random walks
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter
vol.72 no.1 p.131-138
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Self-stirred vs. well-stirred reaction kinetics
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.91 no.11 p.2699-2701
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Information dimension in random-walk processes
Physical Review Letters
vol.59 no.15 p.1729-1732
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Fractal behavior of correlated random walk on percolating clusters
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.84 no.2 p.1047-1048
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Long-range random walk on percolation clusters
Physical Review B
vol.31 no.9 p.6008-6011
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Fractal to Euclidean crossover and scaling for random walks on percolation clysters. II. Three-dimensional lattices
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.83 no.6 p.3099-3102
Davis G. M
Gower M. C
Fotakis C
Efthimiopoulos T
Argyrakis P
Spectroscopic studies of ArF laser photoablation of PMMA
Applied Physics A Solids and Surfaces
vol.36 no.1 p.27-30
Kehr K. W
Argyrakis P
Mean number of distinct sites visited by correlated walks. I. Perfect lattices
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.84 no.1 p.5816-5823
Keramiotis A
Argyrakis P
Kopelman R
Scaling and short-time corrections for random walks on two-dimensional exactly percolating clusters
Physical Review B
vol.31 no.7 p.4617-4621
Without Type
Anninos P. A
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Skouras A
A computer model for learning processes and the role of the cerebral commissures
Biological Cybernetics
vol.50 no.5 p.329-336
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Random walk on percolation clusters
Physical Review B
vol.29 no.1 p.511-514
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Fractal to Euclidean crossover and scaling for random walkers on percolation clusters
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.81 no.2 p.1015-1018
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Fractal energy transport: Random walk simulations on long-range percolation clusters
Journal of Luminescence
vol.31-32 no.PART 2 p.654-656
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Blumen A
Kopelman R
Zumofen G
Dynamics of anisotropic exciton hopping in molecular crystals
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.88 no.10 p.1973-1976
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Anacker L. W
Kopelman R
Single random walker on disordered lattices
Journal of Statistical Physics
vol.36 no.5-6 p.579-589
Newhouse J. S
Argyrakis P
Kopelman R
Fractal to classical crossover of chemical reactions
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.107 no.1 p.48-52
Without Type
Anninos P
Argyrakis Panagiotis
A mathematical model for the decay of short-term memory with age
Journal of Theoretical Biology
vol.102 no.2 p.191-197
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Dynamics of energy transport in ternary molecular solids. II. Time evolution of naphthalene fluorescence
Chemical Physics
vol.78 no.2 p.251-263
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Hooper D
Kopelman R
Energy trapping and funnels in mixed naphthalene crystals
Journal of Physical Chemistry
vol.87 no.9 p.1467-1469
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Random walks on ordered mixed binary lattices
Physical Review B
vol.27 no.2 p.1355-1358
Kopelman R
Hoshen J
Newhouse J. S
Argyrakis P
Single and multiple random walks on random lattices: Excitation trapping and annihilation simulations
Journal of Statistical Physics
vol.30 no.2 p.335-343
Rexakis J
Argyrakis P
Enumeration of self-avoiding walks on mixed binary lattices
Physical Review B
vol.28 no.9 p.5323-5326
Without Type
Argyrakis P
Kopelman R
Newhouse J. S
Exciton fusion simulations on binary and ternary lattices: cluster effects
Journal of Photochemistry
vol.17 no.1 p.114
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Dynamics of energy transport in ternary molecular solids. I. Naphthalene steady state fluorescence
Chemical Physics
vol.57 no.1-2 p.29-44
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Correlated random-walk simulations in simple and binary lattices
Physical Review B
vol.22 no.4 p.1830-1836
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Exciton percolation kinetics and exciton coherency: 1B2u naphthalene
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.61 no.1 p.187-190
Kopelman R
Argyrakis P
Diffusive and percolative lattice migration: Excitons
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.72 no.5 p.3053-3060
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Exciton percolation. III. Stochastic and coherent migration in binary and ternary random lattices
Journal of Theoretical Biology
vol.73 no.2 p.205-236
Without Type
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Kopelman R
Exciton percolation and exciton coherence
The Journal of Chemical Physics
vol.66 no.7 p.3301-3303
Without Type
Argyrakis P
Monberg E. M
Kopelman R
Exciton states in organic alloys: Naphthalene-perdeuteronaphthalene
Chemical Physics Letters
vol.36 no.3 p.349-352
Mis à jour: 2018-09-26