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Université Aristote de Thessaloniki
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Sotirios Argyroudis
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Civil Engineering
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Μηχανική, Βιοτεχνία και Κατασκευαστική
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Γεωτεχνική Μηχανική
Γεωλογίας, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Πολιτικών Μηχανικών, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Deep Excavations and Earth Retaining Structures
Landslides- Earth Cuts & Fills
Tunnels and Underground Constructions
Natural Hazards : Analysis and Management of Risk
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Foundations- Retaining walls & Geotechnical Structures
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering II
Hazard and Risk Assessment in Geoengineering and Natural hazards – Protection, Mitigation & Management
Argyroudis Sotirios
Tsinidis Grigorios
Gatti Filippo
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Effects of SSI and lining corrosion on the seismic vulnerability of shallow circular tunnels
Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering
vol.98 p.244-256
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Fotopoulou Stavroula
Argyroudis Sotirios
Karafagka Stella
Kakderi Kalliopi
Selva Jacopo
Application of new stress test concepts to critical infrastructures. The case of thessaloniki port in greece
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE 2017
Santiago - Chile
Argyroudis Sotirios
Palaiochorinou Anastasia
Mitoulis Stergios
Pitilakis Dimitrios
Use of rubberised backfills for improving the seismic response of integral abutment bridges
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
vol.14 no.12 p.3573–3590
Ertugay Kivanc
Argyroudis Sotirios
Düzgün Sebnem
Accessibility modeling in earthquake case considering road closure probabilities: : A case study of health and shelter service accessibility in Thessaloniki, Greece
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
vol.17 p.49-66
Mayoral Juan M
Argyroudis Sotirios
Ernesto Castañon
Vulnerability of floating tunnel shafts for increasing earthquake loading
Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering
vol. 80 p.1-10
Mitoulis Stergios
Palaiochorinou Anastasia
Georgiadis Ilias
Argyroudis Sotirios
Extending the application of integral abutment bridges in earthquake prone areas by using novel isolators of recycled materials
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
vol. 45 no. 14 p. 2283–2301
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Fotopoulou Stavroula
Karafagka Stella
Kakderi Kalliopi
Selva Jacopo
Risk assessment of critical facilities to moderate and extreme seismic events including tsunami: The case of the harbor of Thessaloniki
1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure
Chania - Greece
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Kakderi Kalliopi
Selva Jacopo
Systemic vulnerability and risk assessment of transportation systems under natural hazards towards more resilient and robust infrastructures
6th European Transport Research Conference
Warsaw - Poland
Tsionis G
Argyroudis Sotirios
Babič A
Billmaier M
Dolšek M
Esposito S
Giardini D
Iervolino I
Iqbal S
Krausmann E
Matos JP
, et al
The STREST Project: Harmonized Approach to Stress Tests for Critical Infrastructures against Low-Probability High-Impact Natural Hazards
International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC
Davos - Switzerland
Argyroudis Sotirios
Kaynia Amir
Analytical seismic fragility functions for highway and railway embankments and cuts
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
vol.44 no.11 p.1863-1879
Argyroudis Sotirios
Selva Jacopo
Gehl Pierre
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Systemic seismic risk assessment of road networks considering interactions with the built environment
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
Vol. 30 no. 7 p. 524–540
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Earthquake risk mitigation of lifelines and critical facilities
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering
Επιμέλεια: Michael Beer, Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou, Edoardo Patelli, Ivan Siu-Kui Au
Argyroudis Sotirios
Selva Jacopo
Kalliopi Kakderi
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Effect of spatial correlations of ground motion intensities in the seismic risk assessment of interconnected lifeline networks and transportation infrastructures
6th International Conference on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Christchurch - New Zealand
Stergios Mitoulis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Mervyn Kowalsky
Evaluation of the stiffness and damping of abutments to extend direct displacement-based design to the design of integral bridges
5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN)
Crete - Greece
Παλαιοχωρινού Α
Αργυρούδης Σωτήριος
Μητούλης Σ
Πιτιλάκης Κυριαζής
Χρήση ανακυκλωμένων ελαστικών σε έργα υποδομής. Εφαρμογή σε καινοτόμες γέφυρες
4o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο “Αξιοποίηση Βιομηχανικών Παραπροϊόντων στη Δόμηση
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Eidsvig U
McLean A
Vangelsten BV
Kalsnes B
Ciurean RL
Argyroudis Sotirios
Winter M
Corominas J
Mavrouli OC
Fotopoulou S
Pitilakis Kyriazis
, et al
Assessment of socio-economic vulnerability to landslides using an indicator-based approach. Methodology and case studies
Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment
vol.73 p.307-324
Winter M.G
Smith J.T
Fotopoulou S
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Mavrouli O-C
Corominas J
Argyroudis Sotirios
An expert judgement approach to determining the physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
vol.73 p.291-305
Argyroudis Sotirios
Selva Jacopo
Kakderi Kalliopi
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Application to the city of Thessaloniki
SYNER-G: Systemic seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of complex urban, utility, lifeline systems and critical facilities. Methodology and applications
Επιμέλεια:Pitilakis K, Franchin P, Khazai B, Wenzel H
τομ.31 p.199-240
Argyroudis Sotirios
Kaynia Amir
Fragility functions of highway and railway infrastructure
SYNER-G: Typology definition and fragility functions for physical elements at seismic risk
Επιμέλεια:Pitilakis K, Crowley H, Kaynia AM
Kakderi Kalliopi
Argyroudis Sotirios
Fragility functions of water and waste-water systems
SYNER-G: Typology definition and fragility functions for physical elements at seismic risk
Επιμέλεια:Pitilakis K, Crowley H, Kaynia AM
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Introduction to the applications of the SYNER-G methodology and tools
SYNER-G: Systemic seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of complex urban, utility, lifeline systems and critical facilities. Methodology and applications
Επιμέλεια:Pitilakis K, Franchin P, Khazai B, Wenzel H
τομ.31 p.185-198
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Seismic vulnerability assessment: lifelines
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering
Επιμέλεια: Michael Beer, Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou, Edoardo Patelli, Ivan Siu-Kui Au
Argyroudis Sotirios
Tsinidis G
Gatti F
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Seismic fragility curves of shallow tunnels considering SSI and aging effects
2nd Eastern European Tunnelling Conference
Athens - Greece
Hancilar U
Tenerelli P
Argyroudis Sotirios
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Data collection and inventory compilation methods for seismic risk assessment - Application of remote sensing techniques for building inventory update
2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
Istanbul - Turkey
Mitoulis S
Argyroudis Sotirios
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Green rubberised compressible inclusions to enhance the longevity of integral abutment bridges
of 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
Istanbul - Turkey
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Selva J
Kakderi K
Khazai B
Systemic vulnerability and risk analysis of buildings and infrastructure in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece
2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
Istanbul - Turkey
Αργυρούδης Σωτήριος
Τσινίδης Γ
Gatti F
Πιτιλάκης Κυριαζής
Επιρροή της αλληλεπίδρασης εδάφους-κατασκευής στη σεισμική τρωτότητα σηράγγων μικρού βάθους
7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Γεωτεχνικής Μηχανικής
Αθήνα - Ελλάδα
Argyroudis Sotirios
Kaynia Amir
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Development of fragility functions for geotechnical constructions: application to cantilever retaining walls
Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering
vol.50 p.106-116
Selva J
Argyroudis Sotirios
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Impact on loss/risk assessments of inter-model variability in vulnerability analysis
Natural Hazards
vol.67 no.2 p.723-746
Selva J
Argyroudis Sotirios
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Impact of epistemic uncertainty on fragility curves and seismic risk assessment
Natural Hazards
vol. 67 no. 2 p. 723-746
Argyroudis Sotirios
Fotopoulou St
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Semi-empirical assessment of road vulnerability to seismically induced slides
Landslide Science and Practice
Pitilakis Kyriazis (editor)
Systemic seismic vulnerability and loss assessment: Validation studies
Argyroudis Sotirios (editor)
Systemic seismic vulnerability and loss assessment: Validation studies
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Systemic seismic vulnerability and risk analysis of urban systems, lifelines and infrastructures
Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities
Επιμέλεια: Sven Klinkel, Christoph Butenweg, Gao Lin, Britta Holtschoppen
Argyroudis Sotirios
Mitoulis Stergios
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Seismic response of bridge abutments on surface foundation subjected to collision forces
4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN)
Kos Island - Greece
Ertugay K
Duzgun S
Argyroudis Sotirios
Khazai B
Spatial accessibility modeling for urban areas under seismic risk: a case study of shelter sites for Thessaloniki
9th International Conference on Geoinformation for Disaster Management (Gi4DM)
Hanoi - Vietnam
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Analysis of Urban Systems, Lifelines and Infrastructures: Keynote Lecture
International Conference on Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities
Aachen - Germany
Winter M.G
Smith J.T
Fotopoulou S
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Mavrouli O-C
Corominas J
Argyroudis Sotirios
The physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow
18th International Conference for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Paris - France
Argyroudis S
Pitilakis K
Seismic fragility curves of shallow tunnels in alluvial deposits
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
vol.35 p.1-12
Argyroudis Sotirios
Kaynia AM
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Seismic fragility curves of cantilever retaining walls
2nd International Conference on Performance-Based design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Taormina - Italy
Eidsvig U
McLean A
Vangelsten B. V
Kalsnes B
Ciurean R. L
Argyroudis Sotirios
Winter M.G
Corominas J
Mavrouli O-C
Fotopoulou S
Pitilakis Kyriazis
, et al
Socio-economic vulnerability to natural hazards – proposal for an indicator-based model
EGU General Assembly 2012
Vienna - Austria
Smith J.T
Winter M.G
Fotopoulou S
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Mavrouli O-C
Corominas J
Argyroudis Sotirios
The physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow: an expert judgement approach
11th International & 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides
Banff, Alberta - Canada
Winter M.G
Smith J.T
Fotopoulou S
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Mavrouli O-C
Corominas J
Argyroudis Sotirios
Determining the physical vulnerability of roads to debris flow by means of an expert judgement approach
EGU General Assembly 2012
Vienna - Austria
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Anastasiadis Anastasios
Kakderi Kalliopi
Manakou Maria
Manou Dimitra K
Alexoudi Maria
Fotopoulou Stavroula
Argyroudis Sotirios
Senetakis Kostas
Development of comprehensive earthquake loss scenarios for a Greek and a Turkish city: seismic hazard, geotechnical and lifeline aspects
Earthquakes and Structures
vol.2 no.3
Argyroudis Sotirios
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Seismic risk performance of urban transportation systems considering site effects and interaction with the built environment
8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering
Tokyo - Japan
Argyroudis Sotirios
Fotopoulou S
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Semi-empirical Assessment of Road Vulnerability to Seismically Induced Landslides: Application to the roadway system of Grevena city, Greece
2nd World Landslide Forum
Rome - Italy
Argyroudis Sotirios
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Seismic vulnerability of shallow tunnels. Application to the metro of Thessaloniki, Greece
4th Japan-Greece Workshop on Seismic Design of Foundations, Innovations in Seismic Design, and Protection of Cultural Heritage
Kobe - Japan
Anastasiadis Agis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Seismic vulnerability analysis in urban systems and road networks. Application to the city of Thessaloniki, Greece
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
vol.2 no.3 p.287-301
Anastasiadis Agis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Seismic Vulnerability Analysis in Urban Systems and Road Networks: Application to the City of Thessaloniki, Greece
International journal of sustainable development and planning
vol.2 no.3 p. 287-301
Argyroudis S
Pitilakis K
Development of vulnerability curves for circular shallow tunnels due to ground shaking and ground failure
Crosta G. B
Frattini P
Landslides: from mapping to loss and risk estimation
Pavia, Italy
IUSS Press
vol.LESSLOSS Report No. 2007/01 p.175-184
Argyroudis S
Pitilakis K
Boussoulas N
Nakou F
Vulnerability assessment of shallow metro tunnels in Greece
4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Thessaloniki, Greece
Pitilakis K
Anastasiadis A
Kakderi K
Argyroudis S
Alexoudi M
Vulnerability assessment and risk management of lifelines, infrastructures and critical facilities. The case of Thessaloniki’ s Metropolitan area
4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Thessaloniki, Greece
Pitilakis K
Anastasiadis A
Kakderi K
Argyroudis S
Alexoudi M
Seismic zonation, vulnerability assessment and loss scenarios in Thessaloniki
2nd Japan-Greece Workshop on Seismic Design, Observation, and Retrofit of Foundations
Tokyo, Japan
Pitilakis K
Anastasiadis A
Kakderi K
Argyroudis S
Alexoudi M
Seismic zonation vulnerability assessment and loss scenarios in Thessaloniki
2nd Japan - Greece Workshop on Seismic Design Observation and Retrofit of Foundations
Tokyo, Japan
Pitilakis K
Alexoudi M
Argyroudis S
Monge O
Martin C
Earthquake risk assessment of lifelines
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
vol.4 no.4 p.365-390
Pitilakis K
Alexoudi M
Argyroudis S
Monge O
Martin C
Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Lifelines
Oliveira C
Roca A
Goula X
Assessing and managing earthquake risk: geo-scientific and engineering knowledge for earthquake risk mitigation: developments, tools, techniques
Pitilakis K
Alexoudi M
Argyroudis S
Anastasiadis A
Seismic risk scenarios for an efficient risk management: the case of Thessaloniki (Greece)
Wasti S. T
Ozcebe G
Advances in earthquake engineering for urban risk reduction
Αργυρούδης Σ
Πεΐτση Ε
Πεΐτση Α
Πιτιλάκης Κ
O Ρόλος των τοπικών εδαφικών συνθηκών στην εκτίμηση της σεισμικής διακινδύνευσης γεφυρών Ο/Σ. Εφαρμογή στις γέφυρες του πολεοδομικού συγκροτήματος Θεσσαλονίκης
5ου Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Γεωτεχνικής & Γεωπεριβαλλοντικής Μηχανικής
Αργυρούδης Σ
Μπίλλης Θ
Ντέρη Α
Πιτιλάκης Κ
Σεισμική τρωτότητα σηράγγων μικρού βάθους σε αλουβιακές αποθέσεις
5ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Γεωτεχνικής & Γεωπεριβαλλοντικής Μηχανικής
Αργυρούδης Σωτήριος
Πιτιλάκης Κυριαζής
Κάππος Ανδρέας
Σέξτος Αναστάσιος
Μελέτη σεισμικής τρωτότητας γεφυρών από σκυρόδεμα. Εφαρμογή στο πολεοδομικό συγκρότημα Θεσσαλονίκης
15ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος
15ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος
Κακδέρη Κ
Ραπτάκης Δημήτριος
Αργυρούδης Σωτήριος
Αλεξούδη Μ
Πιτιλάκης Κυριαζής
Σεισμική απόκριση και τρωτότητα κρηπιδότοιχων. Το παράδειγμα της Λευκάδας
5ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Γεωτεχνικής & Περιβαλλοντικής Μηχανικής
Ξάνθη, Ελλάδα
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Argyroudis Sotirios
Seismic vulnerability and risk analysis of Egnatia bridges in Thessaloniki Metropolitan area
Aseismic Design and Construction in Egnatia Odos: The highway connecting Epirous through Macedonia and the Eastern Boarder of Greece
Επιμέλεια:Andreas, Kappos
Pitilakis Kyriazis
Anastasiadis Anastasios
Kakderi K
Alexoudi M
Argyroudis Sotirios
The role of soil and site conditions in the vulnerability and risk assessment of lifelines and infrastructures. The case of Thessaloniki (Greece): Special Lecture
5th International conference on recent advances in Geotechnical Earthquake engineering and Soil Dynamics and Symposium in honour of professor I. M. Idriss
San Diego - USA
Αργυρούδης Σωτήριος
Πιτιλάκης Κυριαζής
Χατζηγώγος Θεόδωρος
O ρόλος των τοπικών εδαφικών συνθηκών στην αποτίμηση της σεισμικής διακινδύνευσης του οδικού δικτύου Θεσσαλονίκης
6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Γεωτεχνικής και Γεωπεριβαλλοντικής Μηχανικής
Βόλος - Ελλάδα
Κακδέρη Κ
Αργυρούδης Σωτήριος
Φωτοπούλου Σ
Πιτιλάκης Κυριαζής
Σεισμικά σενάρια και τρωτότητα δικτύων κοινής ωφελείας και υποδομών στην πόλη των Γρεβενών
6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Γεωτεχνικής και Γεωπεριβαλλοντικής Μηχανικής
Βόλος - Ελλάδα
Pitilakis K
Argyroudis S
Seismic risk assessment of lifeline systems with emphasis to transportation systems
Early Warning System for Transportation Infrastructures: Workshop
Geophysical Institute of University of Karlsruhe
Spence R
So E
Cultrera G
Ansal A
Pitilakis A
Campos C. A
Tönük G
Argyroudis S
Kakderi K
Sousa M
Earthquake loss estimation and mitigation in Europe: a review and comparison of alternative approaches
14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE 14)
Beijing, China
no.No 09-01-0013
Αργυρούδης Σ
Πιτιλάκης Κ
Χατζηγώγος Θ
Αποτίμηση σεισμικής τρωτότητας οδικού δικτύου Θεσσαλονίκης
3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας
no.Άρθρο 1959
Αργυρούδης Σ
Πιτιλάκης Κ
Καμπύλες τρωτότητας σηράγγων μικρού βάθους
3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Κακδέρη Κ
Αργυρούδης Σ
Αλεξούδη Μ
Αναστασιάδης Α
Πιτιλάκης Κ
Σενάρια σεισμικής διακινδύνευσης και στρατηγικές διαχείρισης της κρίσης για τον λιμένα Θεσσαλονίκης
3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Πιτιλάκης Κ
Αναστασιάδης Α
Αργυρούδης Σ
Κακδέρη Κ
Αλεξούδη Μ
Αποτίμηση Τρωτότητας και Διαχείριση Σεισμικής Διακινδύνευσης Δικτύων Κοινής Ωφέλειας, Υποδομών και Κρίσιμων Υπηρεσιών
3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Πιτιλάκης Κ
Αναστασιάδης Α
Αργυρούδης Σ
Κακδέρη Κ
Αλεξούδη Μ
Αποτίμηση τρωτότητας και διαχείριση σεισμικής διακινδύνευσης δικτύων κοινής ωφέλειας, υποδομών και κρίσιμων υπηρεσιών. Εφαρμογή στην Μητροπολιτική Θεσσαλονίκη
3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας
no.Άρθρο 1939
Argyroudis S
Pitilakis K
Anastasiadis A
Roadway network seismic risk analysis in urban areas: the case of Thessaloniki – Greece
International Symposium Geology and Linear Infrastructures - GEOLINE 2005
Lyon, France
Argyroudis S
Argyriou N
Chatzis I
Pitilakis K
Seismic fragility curves of shallow tunnels
11th International Conference of IACMAG (International Association of Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics)
Turin, Italy
Argyroudis S. A
Pitilakis K. D
Anastasiadis A
Roadway network seismic risk analysis in urban areas: the case of Thessaloniki, Greece
Geoline 2005
Mis à jour: 2017-10-22