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Université Aristote de Thessaloniki
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Efstathios Kotidis
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine
Personal Information
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Surgery II
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Surgery I
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
In progress
Zoi Konstantina.
Simoglou Christos.
Vasalou Varvara.
Research Projects
No results were found.
No results were found.
Michalopoulos Nick
Arampatzi Styliani
Papavramidis Theodosios
Kotidis Efstathios
Laskou Stella
Papavramidis Spyros
Necrotizing cellulitis of the abdominal wall, caused by Pediococcus sp., due to rupture of a retroperitoneal stromal cell tumor
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
vol.4 no.3 p.286-289
Kotidis Efstathios
Papavramidis Theodosios
Ioannidis Kostas
Koliakos Georgios
Lazou Thomai
Cheva Aggeliki
Michalopoulos Nick
Papavramidis Spyros
Can chronic intra-abdominal hypertension cause oxidative stress to the abdominal wall muscles?: An experimental study
Journal of Surgical Research
vol.176 no.1 p.102-107
Michalopoulos Nick
Laskou Stella
Papavramidis Theodosios
Pliakos Ioannis
Kotidis Efstathios
Kesisoglou Isaak
Papavramidis Spyros
Rupture of right hepatic duct into hydatid cyst
Journal of Korean Medical Science
vol.27 no.8 p.953-6
Papavramidis Theodosios
Kotidis Efstathios
Ioannidis Kostas
Cheva Aggeliki
Lazou Thomai
Koliakos Georgios
Karkavelas Georgios
Papavramidis Spyros
The effects of chronically increased intra-abdominal pressure on the rabbit diaphragm
Obesity Surgery
vol.22 no.3 p.487-492
Papavramidis Theodosios
Kotidis Efstathios
Ioannidis Kostas
Duros Vasilios
Cheva Aggeliki
Michalopoulos Antonios
Sapalidis Konstantinos
Papadopoulos Vasileios
Deligiannidis Nikolaos
Papavramidis Spyros
Intra-abdominal pressure changes after inguinal hernia repair
The American Surgeon
vol.78 no.1 p. e12-e14
Kotidis Efstathios
Papavramidis Theodosios
Ioannidis Kostas
Cheva Aggeliki
Lazou Thomai
Michalopoulos Nick
Karkavelas Georgios
Papavramidis Spyros
The effect of chronically increased intra-abdominal pressure on rectus abdominis muscle histology an experimental study on rabbits
Journal of Surgical Research
vol.171 no.2 p.609-614
Papavramidis Theodosios
Kotidis Efstathios
Ioannidis Kostas
Cheva Aggeliki
Lazou Thomai
Koliakos Georgios
Karkavelas Georgios
Papavramidis Spyros
Diaphragmatic adaption following intra-abdominal weight changing
Obesity Surgery
vol.21 no.10 p.1612-1616
Κωτίδης Ευστάθιος
Μιχαλόπουλος Νίκος
Παπαβραμίδης Θεoδόσιος
Τριανταφυλλοπούλου Κωνσταντίνα
Μιστριώτης Γεώργιος
Ροποτίνος Νίκος
Παπαβραμίδης Σπύρος
Νευροενδοκρινικοί όγκοι στομάχου: Παρουσίαση περιστατικών και βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπιση
Χειρουργικά Χρονικά
vol.15 no. 1 p.44-52
Michalopoulos N
Kesisoglou Isaak
Papavramidis Theodosios
Pliakos I
Kotidis Efstathios
Sapalidis Konstantinos
Papavramidis Spyros
Colonic lipomas: report of four cases
7th Biennial Congress of the MSCP
Thessaloniki - Greece
Michalopoulos N
Papavramidis Theodosios
Pliakos I
Kotidis Efstathios
Kesisoglou Isaak
Sapalidis Konstantinos
Papavramidis Spyros
Benign and malignant lesions of appendix
7th Biennial Congress of the MSCP
Thessaloniki - Greece
Michalopoulos N
Papavramidis Theodosios
Pliakos I
Kesisoglou Isaak
Kotidis Efstathios
Sapalidis Konstantinos
Papavramidis Spyros
Management of bile leak after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
9th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Παπαβραμίδης Θεoδόσιος
Χεβά. Α
Κωτίδης Ευστάθιος
Ιωαννίδης Κ
Καρκαβέλας Γ
Παπαβραμίδης Σπύρος
Η επίδραση της χρονίως αυξημένης ενδοκοιλιακής πίεσης στη μορφολογία του διαφράγματος: Πειραμάτική μελέτη σε κουνέλια
25o Βορειοελλαδικό Ιατρικό Συνέδριο
Papavramidis Theodosios
kotzampassi Katerina
Kotidis Efstathios
Eleftheriadis Efthymios
Papavramidis Spyros
Endoscopic fibrin sealing of gastrocutaneous fistulas after sleeve gastrectomy and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
vol.23 no.12 p.1802-5
Papavramidis Theodosios
Cheva A
Kotidis Efstathios
Ioannidis K
Karkavelas G
Koliakos G
Papavramidis Spyros
Chronically increased inta-abdominal pressure changes the stuctural properties of the diaphragm
43th World Congress of the International Society of Surgery ISS/SIC
Adelaide - Australia
Papavramidis Theodosios
Cheva A
Lazou T
Kotidis Efstathios
Ioannidis K
Karkavelas G
Papavramidis Spyros
Diaphragmatic phenotypic adaption following chronically increased intra-abdominal pressure
4th World Congress Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Dublin - Ireland
Kotidis Efstathios
Koliakos Georgios
Papavramidis Theodosios
Papavramidis Spyros
The effect of biliopancreatic diversion with pylorus-preserving sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch on fasting serum ghrelin, leptin and adiponectin levels: is there a hormonal contribution to the weight-reducing effect of this procedure?
Obesity Surgery
vol.16 no.5 p.554-9
Cheva A
Kotidis Efstathios
Papavramidis Theodosios
Ioannidis K
Karkavelas G
Papavramidis Spyros
Effects of the chronically increased intra-abdominal pressure on the muscle phenotype of the rectis abdominis: pilot study on rabbits
XXVII International Congress of the International Academy of the Pathology
Athens - Greece
Cheva A
Kotidis Efstathios
Papavramidis Theodosios
Ioannidis K
Karkavelas G
Papavramidis Spyros
Effects of the chronically increased intra-abdominal pressure on the muscle phenotype of the diaphragm: pilot study on rabbits
9th European Congress of Neuropathology
Athens - Greece
Papavramidis Theodosios
Kotidis Efstathios
Duros V
Michalopoulos Antonios
Papadopoulos Vasileios
Paramythiotis Daniil
Papavramidis Spyros
Large pancreatic pseudocysts after the intra-abdominal pressure in a chronic basis
8th World Congress of IHPBA
Mumbai - India
Παπαβραμίδης Θεoδόσιος
Χεβά Α
Κωτίδης Ευστάθιος
Ιωαννίδης Κ
Καρκαβέλας Γ
Παπαβραμίδης Σπύρος
Μορφολογικές αλλαγές του διαφράγματος λόγω χρονίως αυξημένης ενδοκοιλιακής πίεσης: πειραματική πιλοτική μελέτη σε κουνέλια
23o Βορειοελλαδικό Ιατρικό Συνέδριο
Παπαβραμίδης Θεoδόσιος
Κωτίδης Ευστάθιος
Ιωαννίδης Κ
Μιχαλόπουλος Αντώνιος
Παραμυθιώτης Δανιήλ
Παπαδόπουλος Βασίλειος
Δεληγιαννίδης Ν
Παπαβραμίδης Σπύρος
Μεταβολές της ενδοκοιλιακής πίεσης μετά από αποκατάσταση της βουβωνοκήλης
8o Συνέδριο Χειρουργικής Εταιρίας Βορείου Ελλάδος
Παπαβραμίδης Θεoδόσιος
Κοτζάμπαση Κατερίνα
Κωτίδης Ευστάθιος
Ελευθεριάδης Ευθύμιος
Παπαβραμίδης Σπύρος
Αντιμετώπιση εντεροδερματικών αυριγγίων σε ασθενείς με νοσογόνο παχυσαρκία που αντιμετωπίζονται με χολοπαγκρεατική εκτροπή με διατήρηση του πυλωρού (Τεχνική Marceau)
5o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χειρουργικής της Παχυσαρκίας
Papavramidis Spyros
Kotidis Efstathios
Papavramidis Theodosios
Vrettou E
Gamvros O
Mesenchymal Tumors Of The Duodenum: Three Cases Report
International Surgical Week, 41 World Congres of Surgery of ISS/SIC
Durban - South Africa
Mis à jour: 2018-03-20