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Qualification AwardedΔίπλωμα Μηχανολόγου Μηχανικού (Diploma Michanologou Michanikou) (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering)
Cycle / Niveau1er cycle / Licence
Année Académique2016 - 2017
Contact emailstudents@meng.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload.
Δίπλωμα Μηχανολόγου Μηχανικού (Diploma Michanologou Michanikou) (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering)
Upper secondary degree (6 years of studies). National level examination.
The studies of Mechanical Engineering at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki are structured as follows:
1. Core Courses - Study Track Courses - Specialization Courses
1.1. The 1st to the 6th semester of study (first 3 years) include exclusively Core Courses. All Core Courses are compulsory and they sum up to a total of 180 ECTS units. The Core Courses provide basic knowledge of the Mechanical Engineering studies, necessary for every student. The courses are taught through lectures and laboratory exercises.
1.2. The 7th and 8th semesters of study (4th year) include Study Track Courses, which are Compulsory (Y) and Elective (E) and the total number of ECTS units, which must be obtained by each student, is 60. The students, based on the interests, are obliged to choose one of the following Tracks of Study:
a) Design and Structures
b) Energy
c) Industrial Management
The Track Courses provide advanced knowledge in special fields of the science of Mechanical Engineering.
1.2.1. The choice of the Study Track, which each student wants to follow, is determined by a corresponding Study Track statement, which he/she submits to the Secretariat of the School at the beginning of the 7th semester.
1.2.2. The student attends a total of seven (7) courses of the Study Track that has chosen, up to 5 of which may be compulsory (Y). In addition, he/she is obliged to choose two (2) courses from each of the other two tracks, as well as an additional course from any track (7 + 2 + 2 + 1).
1.2.3. It is pointed out that the Track courses cannot be selected unless the student has completed ninety (90) ECTS units from the Core Courses. This provision will apply to students who will be admitted as of the academic year 2020-2021.
1.3.The 9th and 10th semesters of study (5th year) include Compulsory (Y) and Elective (E) Courses. They also include the elaboration of a thesis. The total ECTS units that each student must obtain from the Courses are 30. The Specialization Courses provide further deepening of the studentsnowledge in specialized scientific areas of Mechanical Engineering with parallel development of additional abilities.
1.3.1. The student chooses one of the Specializations with a corresponding statement, depending on the Track of Studies that he/she has chosen in the 4th year of studies. All the courses taken by each student must belong to the Specialization, which he /she has chosen.
1.3.2. The student attends a total of 6 Courses of the Specialization he has chosen. Up to 4 of these courses may be compulsory (Y), while the rest are electives (E).
2. Student Project
2.1. The Student Project is a project of design or control of a device, process or production line that is based on general principles and aims at a more complete understanding of how the engineer approaches the problems that he will be called to face in practice. Due to its synthetic nature, the theoretical part of the Student Project must be based on a satisfactory level of knowledge coming from a sufficient number of courses. In addition, the Student Project should be and be considered by students as an opportunity and possibility of closer cooperation with a faculty member of their choice and not as an additional unwanted obligation.
2.2. The statement of desire to undertake a Student Project is submitted with the course statement of the seventh or eighth semester. Eligible are those students who have completed at least one hundred and twenty (120) ECTS units from Core courses. The subject of the Student Project is determined in consultation with a faculty member who supervises its elaboration. The maximum duration of a Student Project is six months. The examination / evaluation of the Student Project should be completed necessarily by the end of the semester of the respective course statement.
2.3. The workload for the preparation of a Student Project is equivalent to 12 ECTS units. The mark of the Student Project is not taken into account in the determination of the diploma grade but it is mentioned in the Diploma Supplement, if the project successfully completed.
3. Diploma Thesis
3.1. The Mechanical Engineering studies are concluded with the elaboration of the Diploma Thesis. This thesis is an extensive study in a scientific area of the School.
3.2. Every student can choose the area of his/her thesis. The topic may fall directly into the field of a study track but it may also require cross-sectoral cooperation. The only limitation in the choice of the topic is that the Diploma Thesis must correspond to a significant degree to the subject of Specialization, which the student has followed.
3.3. The presentation of the Diploma Thesis takes place in front of a three-member Examination Committee consisting of faculty members, which is approved by the School Assembly. All faculty members may participate as examiners in all theses presentations. Participation of a faculty member of another School in the three-member examination committee must be approved by the School Assembly.
3.4.The Diploma Thesis corresponds to 30 ECTS units and is prepared during the 9th and 10th semesters.
4. Change of Track of Studies or Specialization
If a student, after declaring that he/she is following a specific Track of Study or Specialization, deems that he/she wants to change Track or Specialization, he/she may do so within the deadline for submitting statements of Track of Study or Specialization at the beginning of the next semaster, stating the new preference of Track or Specialization.
After the change of Track of Study or Specialization, by the end of his/her studies the student must successfully complete the examinations in the courses (compulsory and elective) corresponding to the new Track of Studies or new Specialization, regardless of how many exams he/she has already passed until the moment of change.
5. Additional educational activities
In order to complete the teaching process, each Department can organize, alone or in collaboration with another or other Departments or with extra-university scientific, social or professional bodies, free courses or seminars without conferral of ECTS units.
6. Internship
Within the framework of the studies, each student can do a three-month Internship at companies and institutions of private or public law in the country or abroad, in the context of the A.U.Th. Internship program or programs such as Erasmus +, Placement or other. The Internship is optional, with a workload of twelve (12) ECTS units, it is not graded, but, if completed successfully, it is mentioned in the Diploma Supplement. It is noted that the Internship can take place even after the end of the studies, provided that the studentchoice for the internship had been made while he was a student.
The Mechanical Engineering program aims at educating and training scientists capable of studying and comprehending, at a theoretical level, the principles of natural sciences, mathematics, and statistics with the purpose of applying them in the design, synthesis, analysis, manufacturing and operation of machines and mechanical structures as well as in the management of production systems. At the applied level, the program aims at learning outcomes and skills that provide competencies for the development of innovative products and services, the solution of engineering and scientific problems and adaptation to the continuously evolving technology.
The graduates of the School of Mechanical Engineering, depending on the courses, diploma thesis and practical training they have chosen, acquire various skills. More specifically, the learning outcomes of the program of studies are summarized in the following competencies:
(a) Solution of technical problems,
(b) Modelling, study and assessment of energy systems,
(c) Development of new materials, products, production processes, and mechanical manufacturing,
(d) Development of techniques for the management of industrial production,
(e) Design and analysis in environmental engineering applications
(f) Obtaining experimental measurements and evaluating them for mechanical, electrical, environmental and process applications,
(g) Conducting scientific research in the field of Mechanical Engineering
(h) Consulting in the broader field of mechanical engineering and its applications.
The graduates of the School of Mechanical Engineering, in addition to the basic knowledge of their discipline and profession also possess the capacity: 1) to apply knowledge in practical situations, 2) to communicate in a second language, 3) to retrieve, process, analyse and synthesize data and information utilising appropriate technologies, 4) to adapt to new situations and reach relevant decisions, 5) to work independently or in groups as well as in international and/or interdisciplinary environments, 6) to generate new research ideas, promote scientific knowledge, plan and manage scientific and research projects, 7) to respect diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 8) to demonstrate social, professional, and moral responsibility and exhibit sensitivity to gender issues and human values, 9) to show fair judgement and critically judge themselves, and finally 10) to promote free, inductive and deductive thinking.
Professional qualification from the Technical Chamber of Greece is required for the graduates of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Aristotle University to be employed in the public or private sector in Greece (Law 6422/1934/Α, Hellenic Government Gazette no 412/1934/Α).
The qualification is a terminal award and allows access to postgraduate studies (2nd and 3rd cycle).
According to the grading regulations a 10 grades scale applies in all higher education. The scale is the following only in the qualification Diploma:
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent : 10.00 - 8.50
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good : 8.40 - 6.50
Καλώς (Kalos) Good : 6.40 - 5.00
Ανεπιτυχώς (Anepitychos) Fail: 0.00 - 4.99
Minimum passing grade: 5.00
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) (1ECTS=25-30 hours). Compliance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) regulation began in 2007, when the Greek Legislation was harmonized with the relevant European one (Ministerial Decision no Φ5/89656/Β3, art. 1-3, Hellenic Government Gazette no 1466/2007/B). Each course is credited with a number of ECTS (>=2) according to the studentwork load (contact hours, laboratory work, examinations etc.) and the accumulation of credits (ECTS) is accomplished after the successful completion of the course.
Athanasios Mihailidis