Faculté | |
Département | |
Qualification Awarded | Δίπλωμα Ηλεκτρολόγου Μηχανικού και Μηχανικού Υπολογιστών (ΗΜΜΥ), Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Programme d' Études | PPS Īlektrológōn Mīchanikṓn kai Mīchanikṓn Ypologistṓn (2016 - sīmera) |
Cycle / Niveau | 1er cycle / Licence |
Année Académique | 2019 - 2020 |
Statut | Actif |
Website | https://ece.auth.gr |
Contact email | info@ece.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload. |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
001 | Calculus I | 6 | Y |
002 | Linear Algebra | 5 | Y |
003 | Physics | 5 | Y |
004 | Structured Programming | 5 | Y |
005 | Logic Design | 5 | Y |
006 | Computer Aided Design Techniques | 4 | Y |
ΞΓ14 | English I | 2 | XG |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
007 | Calculus II | 6 | Y |
008 | Electrical Circuits I | 6 | Y |
009 | Object-oriented Programming | 5 | Y |
010 | Materials for Electrotechnics | 4 | Y |
011 | Computer Organization | 5 | Y |
012 | Applied Thermodynamics | 4 | Y |
ΞΓ20 | English IΙ | 2 | XG |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
013 | Applied Mathematics Ι | 7 | Y |
014 | Electrical Circuits II | 6 | Y |
015 | Electromagnetic Field I | 6 | Y |
016 | Electronics I | 6 | Y |
017 | Data Structures | 5 | Y |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
018 | Electromagnetic Field II | 6 | Y |
019 | Electronics IΙ | 6 | Y |
020 | Probability Theory and Statistics | 6 | Y |
021 | Signals and Systems | 6 | Y |
022 | Numerical Analysis | 6 | E |
023 | Discrete Mathematics | 6 | E |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
024 | Electrical Power Systems I | 6 | Y |
025 | Stochastic Signals and Processes | 6 | Y |
026 | Automatic Control Systems I | 6 | Y |
027 | Telecommunication Systems I | 6 | Y |
028 | Measurements and Instrumentation | 6 | Y |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
029 | Electrical Power Systems II | 6 | Y |
030 | Telecommunication Systems II | 6 | Y |
031 | Automatic Control Systems IΙ | 6 | Y |
032 | Electrical Machines I | 6 | E |
033 | High Frequency Devices | 6 | E |
034 | Algorithm Analysis and Design | 6 | E |
035 | Computer Networks I | 6 | E |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
036 | Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy | 5 | E |
037 | Power System Analysis | 5 | E |
038 | Electrical Machines II | 5 | E |
039 | Power Electronics I | 5 | E |
040 | High Voltage Engineering I | 5 | E |
041 | Heat Transfer | 4 | E |
042 | Introduction to Applications of Nuclear Technology | 4 | E |
043 | Semiconductor Materials: Theory - Devices | 4 | E |
044 | Data Analysis | 5 | E |
045 | Network Theory | 4 | E |
046 | Computer Networks II | 4 | E |
047 | Electronics III | 6 | E |
048 | Theory of Computation and Algorithms | 4 | E |
049 | Operating Systems | 5 | E |
050 | Parallel and Distributed Systems | 4 | E |
051 | Automatic Control Systems III | 6 | E |
052 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | E |
053 | Time Series | 4 | E |
054 | Low-level HW Digital Systems I | 5 | E |
055 | Applied Mathematics II | 4 | E |
056 | Active Filters Design | 5 | E |
057 | Digital Signal Processing | 6 | E |
058 | Antennas and Propagation | 6 | E |
059 | Telecommunication Systems III | 6 | E |
061 | Acoustics | 5 | E |
062 | Electroacoustics I | 4 | E |
064 | Biomedical Technology | 4 | E |
075 | Architecture of Advanced Computers and Accelerators | 5 | E |
101 | Geoelectromagnetism | 4 | E |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
036 | Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy | 5 | E |
037 | Power System Analysis | 5 | E |
038 | Electrical Machines II | 5 | E |
039 | Power Electronics I | 5 | E |
040 | High Voltage Engineering I | 5 | E |
041 | Heat Transfer | 4 | E |
042 | Introduction to Applications of Nuclear Technology | 4 | E |
043 | Semiconductor Materials: Theory - Devices | 4 | E |
044 | Data Analysis | 5 | E |
045 | Network Theory | 4 | E |
046 | Computer Networks II | 4 | E |
047 | Electronics III | 6 | E |
048 | Theory of Computation and Algorithms | 4 | E |
049 | Operating Systems | 5 | E |
050 | Parallel and Distributed Systems | 4 | E |
051 | Automatic Control Systems III | 6 | E |
052 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | E |
053 | Time Series | 4 | E |
054 | Low-level HW Digital Systems I | 5 | E |
055 | Applied Mathematics II | 4 | E |
056 | Active Filters Design | 5 | E |
057 | Digital Signal Processing | 6 | E |
058 | Antennas and Propagation | 6 | E |
059 | Telecommunication Systems III | 6 | E |
061 | Acoustics | 5 | E |
062 | Electroacoustics I | 4 | E |
064 | Biomedical Technology | 4 | E |
075 | Architecture of Advanced Computers and Accelerators | 5 | E |
101 | Geoelectromagnetism | 4 | E |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
036 | Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy | 5 | E |
037 | Power System Analysis | 5 | E |
038 | Electrical Machines II | 5 | E |
039 | Power Electronics I | 5 | E |
040 | High Voltage Engineering I | 5 | E |
041 | Heat Transfer | 4 | E |
042 | Introduction to Applications of Nuclear Technology | 4 | E |
043 | Semiconductor Materials: Theory - Devices | 4 | E |
044 | Data Analysis | 5 | E |
045 | Network Theory | 4 | E |
046 | Computer Networks II | 4 | E |
047 | Electronics III | 6 | E |
048 | Theory of Computation and Algorithms | 4 | E |
049 | Operating Systems | 5 | E |
050 | Parallel and Distributed Systems | 4 | E |
051 | Automatic Control Systems III | 6 | E |
052 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | E |
053 | Time Series | 4 | E |
054 | Low-level HW Digital Systems I | 5 | E |
055 | Applied Mathematics II | 4 | E |
056 | Active Filters Design | 5 | E |
057 | Digital Signal Processing | 6 | Y |
058 | Antennas and Propagation | 6 | Y |
059 | Telecommunication Systems III | 6 | Y |
061 | Acoustics | 5 | E |
062 | Electroacoustics I | 4 | E |
064 | Biomedical Technology | 4 | E |
075 | Architecture of Advanced Computers and Accelerators | 5 | E |
101 | Geoelectromagnetism | 4 | E |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
PRK | Internship | 15 | PRK |
PRK1 | Internship (ERASMUS) | 15 | PRK |
ΞΓ15 | German Language A1 (GERM-A1A) | 2 | XG |
ΞΓ16 | German Language Β1 (GERM-Β1A) | 2 | XG |
ΞΓ31 | German Language B1 | 2 | XG |
Code | Titre | ECTS | Type |
PRK | Internship | 15 | PRK |
PRK1 | Internship (ERASMUS) | 15 | PRK |