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Guide de l’étudiant

Qualification AwardedΜεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης, Μ.Δ.Ε. (Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis – Second-cycle degree of specialization) equivalent to a ‘Master’ Degree.
Programme d' Études2014 Metaptychiakó Prógramma Spoudṓn Filosofías
Cycle / Niveau2e cycle / Master
Année Académique2016 - 2017
Contact emailinfo@edlit.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Cours du 1er semestre

Istoría tīs Filosofías
1er semestre
1 class
ΚΔΞΓ-ΣΑΕWriting Academic Tasks In German Language1EE
Systīmatikī Filosofía
1er semestre
1 class
ΚΔΞΓ-ΣΑΕWriting Academic Tasks In German Language1EE

Cours du Semestre d'automne

Semestre d'automne
22 classes
ΑΜΕPractical exersices - research methodology10Y
ΑΜΣPractical exersices-writing methodology10Y
ΑΠΕResearch Peparation Thesis writing10Y
ΕΕ1Free Elective Research0E
Π1000Introduction to Pedagogical Research6E
Φ338Elements Of Critical Thinking6YE
Φ358Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Man’ s Destination6YE
Φ36620th Century Moral Theories 6YE
Φ382Plato's Ontology6YE
Φ385The Problem Of Evil6YE
Φ386Problems of Bioethics6YE
Φ388Three existential questions: 1. The good: strength or weekness? 2. Why do we exist? 3. The soul: reality or unreality?6YE
Φ389Moral virtues in Kant and Aristotles6YE
Φ391Marx and the nature of man6YE
Φ393The apophatic ontology of Molla Sadra6YE
Φ395Time in Greek antiquity6YE
Φ397David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding-Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics: Two pivotal texts of modern philosophy6YE
Φ403Essence and poetry in cinematography6YE
ΦΚ207Plato, Republic6YE
ΦΚ216Plato, Phaedo6YE
ΦΚ231Aristotle, Metaphysics A6YE
ΦΚ245Epicurean Ethics6YE
Istoría tīs Filosofías
Semestre d'automne
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 122Pseudologia Politica10COO
ΦΙΜ 123Aristotle's "Mετά τα φυσικά" A10COO
ΦΙΜ 124Free Will10COO
ΦΙΜ 125Philosophy of Language: Language and Metaphysics10COO
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10E
ΦΣΜ 116Franz Kafka: anxiety and power10E
ΦΣΜ 119KARL MARX: Criticism of the political economy10E
Systīmatikī Filosofía
Semestre d'automne
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 122Pseudologia Politica10E
ΦΙΜ 123Aristotle's "Mετά τα φυσικά" A10E
ΦΙΜ 124Free Will10E
ΦΙΜ 125Philosophy of Language: Language and Metaphysics10E
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10COO
ΦΣΜ 116Franz Kafka: anxiety and power10COO
ΦΣΜ 119KARL MARX: Criticism of the political economy10COO

Cours du Semestre de printemps

Semestre de printemps
21 classes
ER1Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship0PANT
GRL A1Modern Greek Language3YE
ΑΜΕPractical exersices - research methodology10Y
ΑΜΣPractical exersices-writing methodology10Y
ΑΠΕResearch Peparation Thesis writing10Y
ΕΕ1Free Elective Research0E
Φ209Introduction To Symbolic Logic6YE
Φ338Elements Of Critical Thinking6YE
Φ358Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Man’ s Destination6YE
Φ36620th Century Moral Theories6YE
Φ36620th Century Moral Theories 6YE
Φ386Problems of Bioethics6YE
Φ388Three existential questions: 1. The good: strength or weekness? 2. Why do we exist? 3. The soul: reality or unreality?6YE
Φ393The apophatic ontology of Molla Sadra6YE
Φ395Time in Greek antiquity6YE
Φ399The power of imagination in the thought of Giordano Bruno6YE
Φ403Essence and poetry in cinematography6YE
Φ404Topics in Twentieth Century Theoretical Philosophy6YE
ΦΚ216Plato, Phaedo6YE
ΦΚ231Aristotle, Metaphysics A6YE
Istoría tīs Filosofías
Semestre de printemps
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 104Philosophical bases of literary criticism10COO
ΦΙΜ 105Aristotle, "Physics"10COO
ΦΙΜ 121Plato, Republic10COO
ΦΣΜ 109Political Philosophy IΙ10E
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10E
ΦΣΜ 117The logic of imaginary and the western nihilism10E
ΦΣΜ 118Force and Substance in the Philosophy of Leibniz10E
Systīmatikī Filosofía
Semestre de printemps
7 classes
ΦΙΜ 104Philosophical bases of literary criticism10E
ΦΙΜ 105Aristotle, "Physics"10E
ΦΙΜ 121Plato, Republic10E
ΦΣΜ 109Political Philosophy IΙ10COO
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10COO
ΦΣΜ 117The logic of imaginary and the western nihilism10COO
ΦΣΜ 118Force and Substance in the Philosophy of Leibniz10COO