To obtain their qualification from the interdisciplinary postgraduate program (IPP) "Materials Physics and Technology" offered in the School of Physics, the students have to fulfill the requirements of the 3 semester-long program that corresponds to 90 ECTS (Ministerial Decision no 194727/Z1, Hellenic Government Gazette no 3333/2014/Β). The IPP applies an internal auditing scheme based on the platform of the quality assurance unit of A.U.Th ( which complies with international standards.
The workload of each semester amounts to 30 ECTS. The courses have modular structure which facilitates updating of the course content. More specifically during the 1st semester the students take 4 core taught courses, a compulsory laboratory course (computer applications in material science and XRD) and a research seminar. The core courses are focused on semiconductor growth & processing, materials structure, thermodynamics and phase diagrams, defects, materials properties and characterization (scientific area & skill development). During the 2nd semester, they have to take 4 obligatory courses (entitled "Industrial materials", "Materials optimization and selection methods", "Materials characterization laboratory" (electron microscopy, optical characterization, electrical characterization and characterization of magnetic materials), the month-long laboratory on training in research methodology (during which they get hands-on experience on current research activities) and 4 out of the 11 offered elective courses. A number of the elective courses are offered by invited lecturers from other Schools, Universities and Research Institutions (e.g. Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Hellenic Institute of Metrology, National Centre of Scientific Research Democritos etc) thus supporting the interdisciplinary character to the IPP. During the 3rd semester the students work on their Master Thesis (MSc), which is a piece of original research.
The MSc Thesis is examined and graded by three examiners and is defended in the public. In addition to that the graduates are encouraged to present their Thesis results in National or International Conferences.
The IPP aims at providing high quality interdisciplinary education and training in novel-materials issues, training in methods for the growth, properties, characterization, selection and optimization of materials, business dexterity, technology administration and transfer.
Special attention is paid on student training on the development of research methodology and acquiring extended experimental experience. Therefore they are called to complete supervised laboratory courses on materials growth and characterization, the one-month-long project on research methodology and an original MSc Thesis.
The graduates of the MSc program have a solid background in theory, experiment as well as computational skills which are necessary to understand and formulate advanced principles of materials and their applications, concern on environmental and societal issues and sustainable development. They are capable of handling databases (e.g. HEAL link, Refworks , MSDS (Material safety data sheet), SaxDangerous Properties of Industrial Materials), research oriented computational programs (e.g. MathCad, Mathematica, MATTER (<>), ATOMS, MATLAB, Digital Micrograph, ImagePro, Electron microscopy Simulations (EMS), Molecular Dynamics, Derive), logistic platforms like Blackboard, bscw (, CES Edupack (, MITOPENCOURSEWARE, SWOT analyses, etc. They communicate their work in a second European language, record, analyze and report scientific/engineering data.
Upon completion the MSc program the graduates are also able to: 1) apply knowledge in practice, 2) communicate their work in an audience 3) research, process, analyze and synthesize data and information on a new problem, 4) adapt to novel situations, 5) work independently or in groups in international and/or interdisciplinary contexts, 6) generate new research ideas, design and manage projects, 7) prepare scientific reports and contribute towards preparation of new research projects 8) respect diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 9) demonstrate social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, 10) reflect on themselves and on others critically, 11) promote free, inductive and deductive thinking.
Finally the graduates are qualified as skilled scientific personnel for research institutions, industrial labs, the private sector, public service (Ministries, Middle/Secondary Schools, Technological Educational Institutes and private colleges) in Greece and abroad and to contribute in the social and economic development.